Which 670 to buy?

Has anyone figured out if there are two different cards? And what is TOP?

ASUS GeForce GTX 670 Direct CU II 2 GB
ASUS GeForce GTX 670 Direct CU II 2 GB TOP

The TOP comes with a higher overclock. Has anyone seen these listed for order anywhere yet?
So the 670 is only about 5% slower than a 680? But $100 less. That's a pretty dam good deal. Just a slight overclock and now you have a 680 :) really

Except you'll be running at 80C instead of 60C and the 670 can't quite do 60+ FPS in BF3 (according to [H]ard|OCP's benchies).
Looking at all the various boards, I'm seeing people try and speculate as to why the supply-side problems with Nvidia. I've been wondering the same thing myself.

In this case, the short supply of 680s couldn't have worked out better for them. Part of a larger plan, perhaps?
Except you'll be running at 80C instead of 60C and the 670 can't quite do 60+ FPS in BF3 (according to [H]ard|OCP's benchies).

TPU gives the 670 OC the edge, at 71.8 (680) vs 72.9 (670).

And if you're to believe [H]'s numbers instead... 57.5 fps (670) vs 59.4 (680)... with settings up? Most monitors top out at 60 frames, and besides, anyone who plays BF3 with settings up, in multi-player at least, fails to understand how eye candy in that game degrades competitiveness.

And your temp figures are just dead wrong. The 670 OC actually runs cooler.

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Does anybody notice that the heatsink on the GTX 670 is a crappy one compare to the vapor chamber on the GTX 680? Not many reviews point out this but it looks to me that this is the reason why we'll see more vendors go with non-reference design with better cooling option.
Having said that it does not make any sense to get the reference design for $400 when you can get a non-reference one for the same price or just a little bit more, especially when you OC the card. And that makes the Gigabyte card the best value among all the GTX 670. Higher clock, using 680 PCB, custom cooler at MSPR? I think we have a winner here. Just my 2 cents.
Does anybody notice that the heatsink on the GTX 670 is a crappy one compare to the vapor chamber on the GTX 680? Not many reviews point out this but it looks to me that this is the reason why we'll see more vendors go with non-reference design with better cooling option.
Having said that it does not make any sense to get the reference design for $400 when you can get a non-reference one for the same price or just a little bit more, especially when you OC the card. And that makes the Gigabyte card the best value among all the GTX 670. Higher clock, using 680 PCB, custom cooler at MSPR? I think we have a winner here. Just my 2 cents.

I disagree. Getting an EVGA reference card opposed to a gigabyte card was smart for me because I know the brand better, they are great to work with if something goes wrong, and greatest of all there is the step up program. If Nvidia does something with the 680 between tomorrow and 90 days, I will be able to step up for only the difference in price. That to me is easily worth a small amount extra. Not only that, most of the non reference cards, like the Gigabyte are hideous to me, while I enjoy the sleek and simple reference designs. I am disappointed though that the SC edition didn't come with a free back plate. I had a reference GTX 570 and temperatures were never an issue once (I maxed out in the mid 60's). If you have a good case, the reference design will be 100% fine with temperatures.
You like the look of a slab of cheap plastic with fake screws.

I wouldn't have thought that possible. I can understand not caring if you don't have a case window, but liking it better?
Does anybody notice that the heatsink on the GTX 670 is a crappy one compare to the vapor chamber on the GTX 680? .

Pretty sure the GTX 680 doesn't have a vapor chamber - I didn't see any review that mentioned that.
I disagree. Getting an EVGA reference card opposed to a gigabyte card was smart for me because I know the brand better, they are great to work with if something goes wrong, and greatest of all there is the step up program. If Nvidia does something with the 680 between tomorrow and 90 days, I will be able to step up for only the difference in price. That to me is easily worth a small amount extra. Not only that, most of the non reference cards, like the Gigabyte are hideous to me, while I enjoy the sleek and simple reference designs. I am disappointed though that the SC edition didn't come with a free back plate. I had a reference GTX 570 and temperatures were never an issue once (I maxed out in the mid 60's). If you have a good case, the reference design will be 100% fine with temperatures.

I like eVGA too since I used their mobo and video card in the past so I know how reliable they are, especially the customer service but I also own some Gigabyte components and they never fail me so in term of reliability I don't see any difference. They both carry the same 3-year warranty anyway. Also as pointed out, the non-ref design with higher clock, PCB, and cooler make it better compare to other references. I don't think it's hideous but well, to each his own. Overall I simply went with the Gigabyte since I think it has all-around better value.
You like the look of a slab of cheap plastic with fake screws.

I wouldn't have thought that possible. I can understand not caring if you don't have a case window, but liking it better?

It's much nicer looking then a card with weird colored fans, and ugly color board. As for the EVGA card, If you are spending time staring at screws you have some more important mental issues that need to be addressed by professionals. I understand the cheap plastic look that you say it has, but I don't think it looks bad at all. If you have a color scheme going that goes with the gigabytes color then sure it would look okay, but to me it still looks very tacky, I like simple sleek designs, which is what EVGA offers. The only bad thing about there card is the white strip.
I got the temps from [H]ard|OCP's review of the 670 this morning, so they must be wrong.
I like eVGA too since I used their mobo and video card in the past so I know how reliable they are, especially the customer service but I also own some Gigabyte components and they never fail me so in term of reliability I don't see any difference. They both carry the same 3-year warranty anyway. Also as pointed out, the non-ref design with higher clock, PCB, and cooler make it better compare to other references. I don't think it's hideous but well, to each his own. Overall I simply went with the Gigabyte since I think it has all-around better value.

Certainly if you are just thinking about the card itself it was much better value. It had higher clocks at stock and boost than the EVGA SC edition I got while also being $20 cheaper than the EVGA. I paid for the look and the potential step up, as well as brand familiarity (I'm really uncomfortable changing brands with computer components). There is no doubt the Gigabyte was the best bang for your buck today in my opinion when you look just at the cards performance.
Waiting for ASUS GeForce GTX 670 Direct CU II TOP to show up somewhere before I pull the trigger on a reference card. Spamming F5 at:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...ption=gtx 670&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=20

http://www.tigerdirect.com/sectors/campaigns/include/nvidia_gtx670.asp?srkey=GTX 670

If I see that release I'm going to get one as well, but considering the same brands and cards were released on all the sites today, I'm doubting that the ASUS is coming today, hope I'm wrong though because I also want one of those.
IMO the perfect 670 GTX would be a 670 on a 680 PCB and the stock 680 cooler. Although the Gigabyte is quiet and works well in a well ventilated case, I have a Lian Li A05B, and like to run SLi so venting out the back of the card is essential.

I wonder how much the shorter PCB affects overclocking?
I agree, I miss the old school shooters. I miss the Quake 3's, and Unreal Tournaments. The last Unreal game to have a decent online following was UT2003. A few years ago pre-ordered Unreal Tournament 3 expecting there to be tons of servers and tons of players like in the old days, but sadly when I went to play it there were only a hand full or players and servers and that was when it was new.

It seems everyone now is caught up in Call of Duty and BF3. I like BF3 but I miss the fast paced fun of Quake and Unreal.

Exactly. It's also too bad they've done nothing to curb the cheating in BF3, and failed to add fire missions to prevent snipe-camping.

The original UT ruled, everything after had physics that some 'tard dreamed up... the bouncing was insufferable.

D3 had promise until they went the carebear route. Ugh.
The last recent FPS shooter that held my attention for more than a day was on the Playstation 3. The game is called MAG and it was released back in 2010. Definitely one of the best shooters I've played and fit my preferred style of gameplay which is more like Counter-Strike. Every new release shooter I've tried after that like Killzone 3, Black Ops, MW3, BF3, and so on I just couldn't stand because none of them offered anything close to the gameplay in MAG. It had a great following for about the first year too until the developers and Sony let it go to pot.
I am thoroughly enjoying BF3 @ 2560x1440. GTX480 is definitively holding down the fort @ 35-40fps. Although it would be nice to get above 60.
From AnandTech's review.

EVGA is binning GTX 670s and in turn promoting some of them to this tier, which means the GTX 670 Superclocked are equipped with generally better performing chips than the average reference card.

This might be a noob question, but does that mean that you won't be able to use EVGA's overclocking utility to OC their NON-Superclocked cards?
I am an inner circle member. $50 per year.

I bought the GTX 670 today from Tiger Direct for $409 -- early this morning as you can see from my post count on the first page. As far as I know I was one of the first --- because I purchased it very soon after the splash page appeared. There was no record of it being out of stock or back ordered at ALL. I chose 1 day shipping so it would be here tomorrow. I've watched multiple other GTX 670 cards come online and then immediately sell out. I looked at my status because I've not yet received a confirmation of shipping and it says backordered. I called TIger Direct and they say it will ship on the 18th. I say no way. Cancel my order. They did, but that makes me REALLY angry. I wanted this card for a LAN party on May 15, and purchased 1 day shipping to ensure it arrives on time. They sent me no e-mail notification, no phone call, no nothing that it will be delayed till the 18th. The CSR says that's how they are handling their orders and that he understands some other companies don't do it this way, but it is the way TigerDirect operates.

If that's the way they treat inner circle customers I want out of the inner circle I tell the CSR. He says you can get out, and I can cancel your membership but there will be no refund of your inner circle membership since you've used the free shipping service on inner circle before. I was not offered anything to make up for this. I told him to please express my displeasure in this issue to his immediate supervisor. I'm frustrated because I've watched for this 670 card launch for some time now and stayed home late this morning from work to try to ensure I got a card, and I've watched other companies, newegg, amazon etc come up with deals since then and skipped them thinking I was taken care of.

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This might be a noob question, but does that mean that you won't be able to use EVGA's overclocking utility to OC their NON-Superclocked cards?

No it is marketing gimmick to draw people in to give some extra money to the poor people from EVGA. Has nothing todo with the overclocking tool ;)
I agree, I miss the old school shooters. I miss the Quake 3's, and Unreal Tournaments. The last Unreal game to have a decent online following was UT2003. A few years ago pre-ordered Unreal Tournament 3 expecting there to be tons of servers and tons of players like in the old days, but sadly when I went to play it there were only a hand full or players and servers and that was when it was new.

It seems everyone now is caught up in Call of Duty and BF3. I like BF3 but I miss the fast paced fun of Quake and Unreal.

Off topic but if you're looking for some old school shooter action you might want to try Tribes:Acend. While its not as good as the original games its still a lot of fun and has the twitchy fast paced FPS action that so many of us crave.

Referral link: https://account.hirezstudios.com/tribesascend/?referral=1975623&utm_campaign=email

Or non-referral: https://account.hirezstudios.com/tribesascend/
No it is marketing gimmick to draw people in to give some extra money to the poor people from EVGA. Has nothing todo with the overclocking tool ;)

Oh, phew.

I got the normal EVGA one because they appeared to have exactly the same coolers and I figured I could easily OC it to what the pre-configured one was at that was $20 more expensive. I was gonna be ticked if they artificially locked the "normal" one.
i would buy the cheapest one with the highest clocks which would be msi gtx 670 oc for 399.99
just got one evga one, that way if i want to step up to a 4g i can
Ordered a Gigabyte Windforce OC for $399CAD from NCIX this morning. First time with a GB product, hope it goes well. Happy to get a non-ref PCB and open air cooler instead of the blower style reference design. Really wanted another MSI Twin Frozr but they don't seem to be launching it yet and I don't want to wait. I better get one of the first shipment allocated.
I am an inner circle member. $50 per year.

I bought the GTX 670 today from Tiger Direct for $409 -- early this morning as you can see from my post count on the first page. As far as I know I was one of the first --- because I purchased it very soon after the splash page appeared. There was no record of it being out of stock or back ordered at ALL. I chose 1 day shipping so it would be here tomorrow. I've watched multiple other GTX 670 cards come online and then immediately sell out. I looked at my status because I've not yet received a confirmation of shipping and it says backordered. I called TIger Direct and they say it will ship on the 18th. I say no way. Cancel my order. They did, but that makes me REALLY angry. I wanted this card for a LAN party on May 15, and purchased 1 day shipping to ensure it arrives on time. They sent me no e-mail notification, no phone call, no nothing that it will be delayed till the 18th. The CSR says that's how they are handling their orders and that he understands some other companies don't do it this way, but it is the way TigerDirect operates.

If that's the way they treat inner circle customers I want out of the inner circle I tell the CSR. He says you can get out, and I can cancel your membership but there will be no refund of your inner circle membership since you've used the free shipping service on inner circle before. I was not offered anything to make up for this. I told him to please express my displeasure in this issue to his immediate supervisor. I'm frustrated because I've watched for this 670 card launch for some time now and stayed home late this morning from work to try to ensure I got a card, and I've watched other companies, newegg, amazon etc come up with deals since then and skipped them thinking I was taken care of.


I'm sorry to hear that, I'm not that surprised when they keep pulling this shit. You're not the only one who has such bad experience though. I'm sure many will chime in and tell you how they got fucked over by TD. Can't stand such business, that's the reason I only trust Amazon and the egg when shopping online.
I got gigabyte oc...will hqve to.spray paint it black.tho to match my rig...heard its best
I got gigabyte oc...will hqve to.spray paint it black.tho to match my rig...heard its best

Where'd you buy it from?... That's the card I want, but after the TigerDirect fail -- I can't find it anywhere currently.
just got one evga one, that way if i want to step up to a 4g i can

I hate to break it to you, but you can't step up within the same family of GPUs, or to non-reference cards. So you won't be able to step up to a 4GB card.
Anybody who ordered from Amazon, what status and delivery date are you seeing?

I'm a prime member and I ordered the gigabyte this morning while it was in stock. When I ordered it, it said "if you order in the next 6 hours and choose 1 day delivery, you will receive your order tomorrow, Friday May 11th".

Now when I look at the order, it shows as "NOT YET SHIPPED" with a delivery date of Monday.