Where to get a Apple G5 Case

Sep 19, 2005
Sorry for the questions, but im new to the forum and im keen to use your knowledge.

So where if any in the UK is the best place to get an apple G5 case from?

Other than Ebay, as they rarely come up on there.


e bay is your best bet.......as those cases rarely sell.......look to spend well over 300 US dollars for it.......

good luck tho!

yeah thats the site i found.

Trouble is i would get stung stupid on import tax and postage.

So would be closer to $450 to the UK

Which IMO is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for a case, as nice as it is, but definately not worth that much.

Ebay it is i guess
I have a G5 Case I am trying to sell. I have to update my FS/FT Thread. I'll try and get pics tonight.
There are usually 1-2 G5 cases on ebay every few weeks. Ive seen the last 3-4 go for 60-70-$.
indyjoe, you have a PM.

yeah i've seen 1 or 2 on there, its always the way, you toy with the idea, and then when your set on it, there's never any on ebay :(
Juicy_Red_Apple said:
indyjoe, you have a PM.

yeah i've seen 1 or 2 on there, its always the way, you toy with the idea, and then when your set on it, there's never any on ebay :(

Haha, that's God telling you to 'sleep on it' :p
there's 3 NIB ones on ebay ATM... 20.50 for one, .99 for the others. and 39.50 shipping... if it wasn't for that, i would SO get one. but as it is... bah. i'll wait til i have an excess (yeah right) of money again.

i have one of those : )
If you check out ebay.co.uk they have a case on there (item number 5246339888) selling in 2 days. Check it out.
I'd go and ask at a apple service center... I know some guy that works at such a place, and they've got a few cases around. Dunno how much they are though!
I called them up, and they said that you can't buy OEM parts, including cases, separately unless they're being replaced, and then the Apple store people do it anyway.
why would you take the case off a g5 i mean like if tyou have a mac what reason would you take the case off and sell it it seems like a waste
If you buy that case for $300 from that one store will it come premoded for PC insertion? :p
Why? Why do you want to put a pc in a mac case? Don't get me wrong, I'm a mac lover, but why?
coz i have an apple 23" cinema display an apple keyboard, and an apple mouse.

Apple design far exceeds anything on the market IMO. The look is perfect.

Just cant stand the OS. Otherwise i would have bought an Apple
I have looked there but there like $300 plus shipping and taxes to the UK, so more like $400, which is alot more than im prepared to spend on a case, regardless of how good it looks
about £100 including shipping to my door from the USA.

Not bad for a brand new case, with only 1 minor defect :D

Started drawing up some plans yesterday of how to tackle the task best regards fitting mobo and PSU.

got a few ideas :)
I don't really like the OS but I love the inside of the G5 :D I might try and build my pc like that :)
novatech looks ok, but not a touch on the apple item.

IMO non of the alloy brushed case even hold a caddle to the finish on the apple case :D