Where can I get a 6800GT/Ultra NOW??


Limp Gawd
Dec 14, 2002
I'm looking to pick up an 6800 Ultra (preferably) or a 6800 GT today. Manufacturer doesn't necessarily matter all that much. I can't find any anywhere for 'non-gouging' prices (I'm not paying $800 for an ultra) - anyone suggest any "retail" locations to try? Or anywhere online that actually has some in stock?

looks like the best bet. I can't find a bfg or evga elsewhere, so...
You can preorder an eVGA GT, 2-day ship it, for $411 or so. Don't get ripped off. Be patient.
Compuplus has the PNY 6800GT in stock. If you're looking for BFG's you could try calling the BestBuy's in your area. Compusa sometimes also has the PNY GT's in stock.
or search the for sale forums. I just got a BFG 6800GT OC from someone on there yesterday for 410.
Nostratic said:
You can preorder an eVGA GT, 2-day ship it, for $411 or so. Don't get ripped off. Be patient.

evga is on a 2nd preorder now which wont ship till 8/10.. goddamn i get screwed at every turn aaaaaaagh
roflcopter, good thing i ordered it when it had a ship date of 8/2, good thing i ordered it then.
hah , the GF6800 GT is backordered almost in all the 47 links and in the few places that is on stock the price is like U$470..

I'm mesmerized.
i just returned my 9800pro to CompUSA, i got last week, for a gift card.

they said they're getting 22 6800GTs in some time soon, possibly tomorrow, or beginning of next week.

they looked up if any other stores had any in the state (minnesota, that is) and nada.

closest was 200 miles south, in iowa :eek:
Outpost.com has the BFG 6800GT in stock right now... Anyone want to lend me $400?
My mistake they have the PNY 6800GT for $399
tranCendenZ said:
leadtek 6800gt at newegg, grab it just as good as the bfg
Actually..I would take that huge copper heatsink over the reference design any day. :cool:
joemama said:
Actually..I would take that huge copper heatsink over the reference design any day. :cool:

Heh looks nice, hopefully its just as or more effective than reference :)

but leadtek still dont touch bfg's warranty.
Try retail stores.
Compusa (one here in Htown has 7 GT's in stock.
hehehe I have directron 10mins from my gf house....
Wow...In stock? I dont believe it!..this card is impossible to find anywhere!. You're right abt the price though...but then again...DAMN is a nice card.... must...not...reach...for...credit card....uuuugggh!!!...ahhhh....Oh hell...here I go. :rolleyes:
DreamTwister said:
Wow...In stock? I dont believe it!..this card is impossible to find anywhere!. You're right abt the price though...but then again...DAMN is a nice card.... must...not...reach...for...credit card....uuuugggh!!!...ahhhh....Oh hell...here I go. :rolleyes:

Hell, I did it, too. I wanted an XT PE, but I'm one of the impatient folk with too much available credit on the card. Trigger pulled, took a gut punch for it, and now I wait...
The funny thing is, I gave up looking for this card. I was ready to settle with...(well...settle is NOT the word...I mean, I wanted an Ultra) an eVGA 6800Ultra. I had it (pre)ordered and all. But...in stock? Like, I can have it in time for Doom 3 (too good...dont jinx it...dont jinx it!) Well, the word is out. BFG Ultras available @ Monarch. Be prepared for the premium price though. Good hunting.
DreamTwister said:
The funny thing is, I gave up looking for this card. I was ready to settle with...(well...settle is NOT the word...I mean, I wanted an Ultra) an eVGA 6800Ultra. I had it (pre)ordered and all. But...in stock? Like, I can have it in time for Doom 3 (too good...dont jinx it...dont jinx it!) Well, the word is out. BFG Ultras available @ Monarch. Be prepared for the premium price though. Good hunting.

BFG 6800Ultra
Price: $625.00
Shipping Weight: 3.00 pounds
F#&@ - One might think that when you pay $200 OVER the MSRP, the vendor might throw in free overnight shipping.... apparently not the case here....
jhtevans said:
F#&@ - One might think that when you pay $200 OVER the MSRP, the vendor might throw in free overnight shipping.... apparently not the case here....

LOL true.

Might also tell that to the boys at AllStarShop.com for their $999 X800 XT PE that comes with free GROUND shipping. :D
6800 gt's in Minnesota any time soon? Ha!

No tech store has anything in Minnesota that isn't priced super high... :/
Torquemada XP said:
LOL true.

Might also tell that to the boys at AllStarShop.com for their $999 X800 XT PE that comes with free GROUND shipping. :D

:eek: thats a discrace, and a blatent rip off :mad:
I have much hatred for both NVidia and ATI right now.

DOOM 3 is coming in 6 days, yet there is a video card shortage and nobody can buy their crap to let them actually make profit...

I wana 6800 GT, but I'm not going to pay the price of an ultra for one...

It just sucks because now DOOM3 isn't going to be so hot anymore since I now have no hope of experiencing it the way its supposed to be experienced... :/
i bought my GT off evga.com, they shipped right away the day next, arrived the 2nd day , good service :)
DreamTwister said:
The funny thing is, I gave up looking for this card. I was ready to settle with...(well...settle is NOT the word...I mean, I wanted an Ultra) an eVGA 6800Ultra. I had it (pre)ordered and all. But...in stock? Like, I can have it in time for Doom 3 (too good...dont jinx it...dont jinx it!) Well, the word is out. BFG Ultras available @ Monarch. Be prepared for the premium price though. Good hunting.

I went prepared ;) I know I shouldnt have.......but I did :p

yes I know its a rip-off, but I'll have an OC ultra with a lifetime warranty. ( that is if they are in stock as their site showed, we will see tomorrow)

I just hope the IQ is up to my 9800xt standards :D If not, I can probably pass along the savings (jk) to an e-bay member :p
Well I got lucky and got a hold of a Prolink 6800 Ultra that Newegg had in small quantities Wednesday. I ordered mine that night and it shipped out today and is due to arrive on the 3rd. I paid a little over $580 for it including shipping which isn't too bad considering that if I had walked into my local Fry's and bought it off the shelf it would have cost me almost $550 with tax included.

I got lucky with this card just like the X800XT I found in small quantities in early June at Str8buy.com for roughly the same price as my 6800 Ultra. If you check pricewatch.com and some of the sites that are listed on a Nvnews pre-order thread you get lucky sometimes and find a small number in stock for a short time. I have seen some sites list 6800 Ultra cards available but I was not keen in paying almost $700 for one.
Well, my brother agreed to buy my 9800 Pro for $125, so after that I end up paying about $25 over the MSRP for the 6800 Ultra. That eased my card out a little. :D
I must be crazy because I already had a X800 Pro the first week it was launched and sold it to a friend at the price I paid for it when I got my X800XT in early June. Now I will probably end up selling my X800XT in the next few weeks after I get my 6800 Ultra dialed in when it arrives next week.
Arioch said:
I must be crazy because I already had a X800 Pro the first week it was launched and sold it to a friend at the price I paid for it when I got my X800XT in early June. Now I will probably end up selling my X800XT in the next few weeks after I get my 6800 Ultra dialed in when it arrives next week.

And some people actually give the rolleyes and "d00d i wish i wuz rich 2" without understanding this technique! :)
The Other Day I Was At Frys And There Where About 15 6800 GT There For 499.
Well no Fry's in my area, only CUSA. Oh wait, there is a Best Buy...let me check them.