Where can I get a 6800GT/Ultra NOW??

Torquemada XP said:
And some people actually give the rolleyes and "d00d i wish i wuz rich 2" without understanding this technique! :)

Since I upgrade my video card about every year I always get a decent return on my prior card. This does a lot to help offset the cost of a new card and my friend's appreciate getting a nice card at a cheaper price.
Qwestman said:
Well no Fry's in my area, only CUSA. Oh wait, there is a Best Buy...let me check them.
Best Buy Never Has Anything And If They Do There AllWays Sold Out
Alright this might be a stupid question, but does all the 6800s come with a free copy of Fry Cry? Cause my eVGA 6800GT came with a free, full version of Fry Cry. That was a pleasant surprise when I opened the box.
Wow...the word was out very fast! Im checking this morning to Monarch and they already show the BFG Tech Ultra as Out of Stock. I wonder if they ever reallly had them in stock in the first place... :confused: Oh well...I guess I'll find out in a couple of hours when they wake up. Until then I'm crossing my fingers, my legs and everything in between.... :D
DreamTwister said:
Wow...the word was out very fast! Im checking this morning to Monarch and they already show the BFG Tech Ultra as Out of Stock. I wonder if they ever reallly had them in stock in the first place... :confused: Oh well...I guess I'll find out in a couple of hours when they wake up. Until then I'm crossing my fingers, my legs and everything in between.... :D

Well if it's one of the "in stock" bait-and-switches, quite a few [H] peeps will let Monarch have it...