When will [H]ardOCP finally test a PC Power and Cooling PSU?


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2003
As a long time reader and Forum member here at [H]ardOCP, I was extremly happy to see the extensive knowledge and experience of the [H]ard Staff brought to bear on modern PSU's.

We've seen the most comprehensive and thorough reviews published on the net to date (that I'm aware of anyways) on this site. We've read reviews on brands such as Thermaltake, Enermax, Koolance, 3 different Ultra models, Corsair, and even a mid range "Battle Royale". All these reviews have been very interesting reading. Particularly the Torture Test results.

But, as many here will agree, one name is consistently mentioned as being one of the top brands (if not the best period!) .... PC Power & Cooling.

In particular, I personally would like to see the [H]ard testing done on what is probably their most popular PSU today, the PC P&C Silencer 750 Quad. Sure there have been a few reviews done (at some reputable sites) but I'm sure there are many here who'd like to see this PSU get the [H]ard treatment. Lets face it the TC850 & 1KW monster have been reviewed to death. The Silencer 750 Quad is "ripe for the picking".

I realize the Silencer 750 Quad is manufactured by Seasonic (I have owned an S-12 600 but just recently upgraded to the Silencer 750 Quad) but this PSU is still a PC P&C design.

And please, lets refrain from degenerating into the possible implications of the whole PC P&C - OCZ buyout/merger (call it whatever you want) in this thread.

Of course, now that I've posed this question/request, Paul will publish the requested article 5 minutes after i click on the "Submit New Thread" button.

P.S. 3 reviews done on Ultra PSU's? :confused: Yo, I hear Seasonic makes good power supplies too! "I'm just sayin!!"
3 reviews done on Ultra PSU's? :confused: Yo, I hear Seasonic makes good power supplies too! "I'm just sayin!!"

Considering the amount of baseless Ultra bashing I still see happening way too much on various forums, I would say Ultra needs the publicity more than Seasonic does :p
We are constantly reviewing what would make good material for reviews and we take all constructive feedback into consideration. So stay tuned and we'll see what happens.
may be much safer to test PSU;s from manufacturers that dont have the "big gun" engineers that will "correct" you when you are wrong during your testing procedures

test the seasonic & PC power & Cooling

sure they wont give you any freebies >>>> they dont need to!
may be much safer to test PSU;s from manufacturers that dont have the "big gun" engineers that will "correct" you when you are wrong during your testing procedures

test the seasonic & PC power & Cooling

sure they wont give you any freebies >>>> they dont need to!

I guess you would have to think that we care about that to begin with. And we don't need their freebies either. Many companies have come to find out that the quickest way to make it up the review priority list is to give us a reason to think they are hiding something from the customer. ;)
The PCP&C psu will be reviewed when the time comes.

I for one would love to see a Silencer 750 be reviewed, to see if it really lives up to the hype.
I apoligize for the cheezy shot :eek:

I think there is a substantial portion of the membership here though that would like to see some top notch grade units reviewed,

hell; anyone thats going to lay down the $$$$ for an E6600 or higher and 8800 GTS and above really arent or shouldnt be interested in the "getting buy" theory

nor does a single 8800 GTS need a 1200 watt TT toughie

how about some higher grade 700 to 850 watt units from TT, enermax, Seasonic, Silvertone, PC P&C ect

kind of like a top 6 shoot out; we enjoy the "battle of the junk" but how about the serious side of the moon ?????
I apoligize for the cheezy shot :eek:

I think there is a substantial portion of the membership here though that would like to see some top notch grade units reviewed,

I think there's been a fair share of "top notch grade units" reviewed here.

Just because they're not all units with large, mostly ignorant, fan boy-ish customer bases doesn't mean that the product is any less substantial than product coming from a company that's more successful at spreading unsubstantiated FUD in the form of an "FAQ" than producing a product that's acceptable to a larger customer base.
FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

Often times, FUD is not comprised of lies, but rather open ended truths. Very much like a one sided debate.

Sometimes, when companies spread FUD, they do so to make it appear as if their company has made all of the right choices in engineering their products and that all other companies that have done things differently are somehow wrong and are therefore "poor choices."

If the FUD is digested by Joe Q. Public in the way the company intends, then the company's product is then perceived to be the ultimate choice with all other choices being somehow inferior.

Unfortunately, for the company, educated indivduals can see right through the FUD and despite the fact that said company really does make some of the finest products on the market, the FUD leaves such a bad impression to those "in the know" that people will often look the other way and will tell others how misleading the FUD is.

It's very much like a beautiful model, with a face that can bring life back to a dying man. We know little of the woman, for she is only viewed in the pages of magazines... billboards.. the occasional Chanel commercial. But then, one day, an admiring fan spots our lovely model in her private life. Buying a pair of shoes... getting her hair done... eating a bagel... When suddenly, she opens her mouth and spews the most vile, putrid, hateful statements against her very own admirers that those who witness are horrified into never seeing her in the same light ever again.

It's just a fucking power supply. Get over it.
I must say, this little "Why not review a PC P&C" thread certainly has gotten the attention of some of the "Big Guns" here at [H]. I suppose it is a little different than your run of the mill "Which PSU do I Get?" thread. Let me clarify a couple of things.

First off, I was not disrespecting any of the PSU brands Paul has previously reviewed.
I have owned a Thermaltake (430W Purepower - still working well in a friend's system), 2 Ultra XConnect 500Ws (still working 3+ years later - also in other systems... now tell me these babies didn't take abuse in this Forum!) and I recently put a FSP Bluestorm II in my Fiance's system (purchsed before the infamous "Battle Royale" review. And as previously mentioned, I had a Seasonic S-12 600 in my system. This now resides in my Stepson's Rig.

Oklahoma's point is a good one. If a 2nd. or 3rd. teir manufacturer/reseller puts out a solid product that meets and/or exceeds performance specifications/expectations and is a good value, we should promote it/them!

I chose the Silencer 750 Quad not because I am a part of any "mostly ignorant, fan boy-ish customer base" but becuase it is designed and manufactured by companies I know and trust with my hard earned $ and also because it has a single large +12v Rail (although there seems to be some debate as to whether or not this is actually true).

I do not spend my days testing or reviewing power supplies (or computer hardware of any kind for that matter). Nor have I ever claimed to be "The greatest thing since the discovery of fire" when it comes to knowledge of, or experience with these things (or anything else for that matter). There are many [H]ere (some who have even responded to this thread) that have significant expertise with power supplies. Some of whom even have their own websites and do their own PSU reviews (extremely well too, I might add). But expertise in a given area is not license to belittle those with less knowledge, experience or expertise in that area. FUD or not. After all "It's just a fucking power supply. Get over it."
I just got my quad 750 today, after much reading on this forum and people recommending the psu. I sold my ocz 700 gamextream to a buddy for a hundred bucks. (btw, the quad 750 does come with 2 pci-express 6 pin and 2 pci-express 6+2 pin power cords when purchasing off newegg).

Many of my purchasing decisions come from the reviews from this site (just got an 8800gtx oc after the review i read here, versus ati etc) and I would really like to see the quad 750 reviewed here to confirm my choice as a good choice.

This site is fantastic, I always look here before purchasing anything, whether it is read reviews or opinions and personal experiences from the knowledgeable posters on the forums.

Keep up the good work folks, but a review of the quad 750 would be appreciated.
I must say, this little "Why not review a PC P&C" thread certainly has gotten the attention of some of the "Big Guns" here at [H]. I suppose it is a little different than your run of the mill "Which PSU do I Get?" thread. Let me clarify a couple of things.

First off, I was not disrespecting any of the PSU brands Paul has previously reviewed.
I have owned a Thermaltake (430W Purepower - still working well in a friend's system), 2 Ultra XConnect 500Ws (still working 3+ years later - also in other systems... now tell me these babies didn't take abuse in this Forum!) and I recently put a FSP Bluestorm II in my Fiance's system (purchsed before the infamous "Battle Royale" review. And as previously mentioned, I had a Seasonic S-12 600 in my system. This now resides in my Stepson's Rig.

Oklahoma's point is a good one. If a 2nd. or 3rd. teir manufacturer/reseller puts out a solid product that meets and/or exceeds performance specifications/expectations and is a good value, we should promote it/them!

I chose the Silencer 750 Quad not because I am a part of any "mostly ignorant, fan boy-ish customer base" but becuase it is designed and manufactured by companies I know and trust with my hard earned $ and also because it has a single large +12v Rail (although there seems to be some debate as to whether or not this is actually true).

I do not spend my days testing or reviewing power supplies (or computer hardware of any kind for that matter). Nor have I ever claimed to be "The greatest thing since the discovery of fire" when it comes to knowledge of, or experience with these things (or anything else for that matter). There are many [H]ere (some who have even responded to this thread) that have significant expertise with power supplies. Some of whom even have their own websites and do their own PSU reviews (extremely well too, I might add). But expertise in a given area is not license to belittle those with less knowledge, experience or expertise in that area. FUD or not. After all "It's just a fucking power supply. Get over it."

How was Jon belittling you? I never saw him mention you specifically nor say that users that buy PC P&C based upon facts were not the brightest bulbs in the box. He merely outlined what the biggest problem is with PC P&C, they market their supplies by cheap shotting their competition rather than just presenting the facts of why they sell what they sell.

For all that matter he was answering linderman who asked him why he'd say a tier one PSU would be spreading what he considered FUD. It is FUD, pure and simple. Rather than making an argument for the quality of their PSU's and why thay feel the choices they made are better choices for them they try to show how terrible other brands are and how stupid the choices that are made on brands other than PC P&C. Hell, they even lump the OEM of the Silencer line in with the "Rest of the rabble" because Seasonic uses 120mm fans, a fan to cool hot spots in their PSU's and they offer a modular series.

Yeah, Jon's down on PC P&C fans and so am I although I'm also down on anyone that shows blind brand loyalty for any PC MFG. Yeah, I like brands but trust me, when I see one of my favorite brands make a mistake I'll be one of the first to voice concern over it, I won't defend them to the point of absurdity.
I like PC P&C. They can spread FUD all they want, cause in the end, their PSUs rock. Now if their products were total crap, then there'd be a problem. As far as that model is concerned, as long as she looks good who the hell cares what her opinion is? That's not what you pay for.
How was Jon belittling you? I never saw him mention you specifically nor say that users that buy PC P&C based upon facts were not the brightest bulbs in the box. He merely outlined what the biggest problem is with PC P&C, they market their supplies by cheap shotting their competition rather than just presenting the facts of why they sell what they sell.

Probably the fact that he has a PCP&C and I said that it's a "mostly ignorant, fan boy-ish customer base."

Mostly. Not completely.

That remark wasn't geared towards anyone specific.

I make it a habit to not TELL people what to buy. I get emails all day every day where people ask "Jonny, what kind of PSU should I buy?" DELETED.

If someone gives me a list and tells me why what's on the list is on the list, I'll help them pick from the list, but if there was one right PSU for everyone, we wouldn't have all of the PSU's we have.

My irritation is when you have a thread where the guy is like; "I need a PSU for my AM2 board w/ on board video and need to know which is the better quality: Seasonic, Antec, BFG or Thermaltake" and thenn some guy pops in and says "PC Power & Cooling Silencer 610 because it will roxor your soxor!!!! raaaarara!!1!!" Never mind the PCP&C costs twice as much and isn't available in the OP's home country of Kazakhstan.

And then you have the guys that recite the "myths" page as if it's some bibilical writing.

"I'm really interested in a modular PSU because I only have one HDD and one optical and I don't want all of the cable clutter." To which the PCP&C fan boy replies, "OMGWTFBBQ Noooo (que cache!) you don't want to do that because the resistance created by the modular connection has enough resistance as wool yarn stretched over the circumference of a black hole!!!!"

Or the "I really want a quiet PSU. Something with a 120MM or larger fan." From the wordwork comes the PCP&C fan boy: "No! 120MM fans will not cool your PSU. It will burst into flames, the fire will spread, and your entire neighborhood will burn to the ground! You need a PSU with an 80MM fan on it running at a minimum of 8000RPM and moving about 1500CFM in order to keep your PSU cool!"

But was I jabbing at anyone in particular? No.

Pimp time: http://www.jonnyguru.com/review_details.php?id=49

It's a Turbo-Cool. I'll have to pay for a Silencer one of these days and do a review. Maybe it could be my final hurrah. :D
I hate to say it but it's amazing how you can describe a suit and someone always assumes that you're describing what they're wearing.