What's the longest single player game you've played?


Jan 15, 2004
What was the longest FPS or RTS single campaign you've played?
I'm currently playing Quake 4, still playing after many many hours and I'm hooked still. Longest game so far for me and I've played Halo, Halo 2, Far cry, Riddick, Area 51, and Doom and more.
Its a tossup between Oblivion or Dungeon Siege I. If we're only talking FPSes, then I'd have to point to FarCry - I still fire it up every now and again years after its release.

For games, Oblivion by far as I just beat it after 255 hours of gameplay. If we are talking about just FPS's, i'd say either Halo 1, or Farcry for PC.
For me it's Half-Life 1.

I've had it since it released in '98 (even called in sick to work the day I bought it :D ) and I still haven't beaten it yet. I think Nihalinth is responsible for 2 broken keyboards, and a mouse or two.

Goddamn I hate that bastard Nihalinth.

So anyways, 8 years now, Half-Life FTW.
Espn nfl 2k5 for ps2. This was the first time playing a franchise mode football game and it was too fun to trade, sim seasons, train, draft, etc. Plus the game rocked, favorite football game of all time. Probably I logged 150+ hours. Never tried online though.
Red Alert! Doesnt matter how many times it's beaten, always fun.. Followed by Morrowind, then Half Life 1..
Far Cry was pretty long for an fps. Played every day for an hour or two and took me a few weeks to win. Seemed longer than Quake 4.
I don't play much RTS, but Rome TW took forever.
After my empire was well established, it would take 30 minutes per turn just for upkeep.
And then there were a few battles that took a looong time to play out.
Hour or two for one siege.
For me, CoD1. Right when I got the game I played through till like the 2rd from last level, and had to reformat. I started playing again, and then one of my files was corrupt and couldn't load the next level(about 1/2 way through the game). So after that, I was too pissed to play the SP again, and just played the MP.Then, my cable went out, and I started playing again and my HDD it was on failed. Started playing it AGAIN and I won a free copy of Xp Pro(Was using Xp home), I had it on a seperate partition, but I re-installed because it wouldn't let me patch it to 1.5, and forgot to back-up my saved game. I've put 60hours into the single player withour beating it.
F.E.A.R. It's hard as crap when you can only play about 30 minutes before being so freaked out you can't play anymore. Oh yeah, and I only play scary games at night with no lights other then the monitor and the power led from my surround sound. Scary as crap. Doom3 is probably second.
The Longest Journey

I would say Oblivion but I only hae 45 hours clocked in.
biggles said:
Espn nfl 2k5 for ps2. This was the first time playing a franchise mode football game and it was too fun to trade, sim seasons, train, draft, etc. Plus the game rocked, favorite football game of all time. Probably I logged 150+ hours. Never tried online though.

Me too, only on Xbox and over 300 hours logged :)

FPS/RTS? probably Halo 2 (seems like I played it for about 1million hours...probably because I got sick of it pretty quick :D )

RTS? Civ3
Yes, for an RTS, I have definately wasted quite a few hours away on Civilization 3, great game.
For FPSes, definately Unreal 1. That thing had like 20-30 hours of gameplay, it just kept going, and going, and going, which was not really a good thing.

For RTS, I think Starcraft had about the longest campaign. Especially with the expansion pack, but even without, it had about 28 solid missions which could take hours as the game drew on, or I just sucked at it.

For RPGs, well, I think Morrowind has the crown there, if you wanted to play it that long. The most I ever played an RPG though was Planescape: Torment.
KOTOR, I'm still not finished with it....I went through the FAQ one quest at a time, deleting them as I go...I got some mad XP for that :cool:

Probably spent 60+ hours on it so far.
For RTS its gotta be Rome Total War. Especially if you really like the battles like me and play every single one.
For FPS, HL1 by a mile. Its one of the only ones that has kept me entertained and engaged enough to actually go through with the whole game.
Right now... oblivion seems like it'll take many many hours to beat...

I remember some heroes of might and magic 4 maps taking a really long time... but if you consider completing a campaign... or all the campaign... that was a REALLY long game.

I also put countless hours into secret of mana for snes... till all levels were maxed. I could definatelly name a bunch of snes games that were 40+ hours easily.
Neverwinter Nights (with expansions) tops it for me I think. I spent countless hours there.

I spent a long time on Age of Empires(I and II) as well.
Either starcraft or zelda. I got stuck a few times in zelda for a while and that was back before the tempting internet walkthroughs were around (for me) to bail me out.
It used to be FFVII at about 110 hours, but Oblivion has blown that away at over 180 hours... SO FAR!

I have a feeling that FFXI will end up eclipsing both of them. I've put 40 hours into it in the last (first) week, but thats not single player...
Oompa said:
I only play scary games at night with no lights other then the monitor and the power led
Power LEDs are bright, you are such a wuss ;)
I would like to say definately 3, but I don't exactly how much time I spent on each but they are all the longest I'ved played.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1

Caesar III

Starcraft/Brood Wars
hmm good one

I think it would be soldier of fortune 2. I beat farcry faster than SOF2.
Oblivion isn´t an fps....

NOLF I think it has to be. That game is huuuge. System Shock 2 I also want to remember has tons of gameplay. Far Cry by todays standard is huge which is great.

rts if people count in rpg:s then I can count in turn based games. Civilization series ;)

No but if it counts borderline case but Rome Total War perhaps...