Whats going on with the 360, why have I sent 20 back in the last 2 weeks?


Jun 18, 2006
I work at a UPS store, and these things are coming in like mad now, 1-2 a day, whats going on with them now?
Ups kept dropping the packages that were to be delivered to peoples houses, to those peoples surprise they open the package to find that there xbox 360 is broken, hence they have to ship it back. Less flamebait please, <-- launch owner still going strong.
Well what does he think we are physic or something? His post just seems like someone trying to bash xbox 360's by saying they break all the time. I got 5 friends with 360's not one of them has had problems.
<--- Launch unit still going strong. *passes on the flame bait question* :rolleyes:
Honest question kiddies, no flame bait, but why the drastic increase all the sudden.

I guess its too much for me to leave GM and expect adults out here. :rolleyes:

now, any of you peckerwoods have anything useful to add or are you gonna continue to be jerks?

I live in Louisville, KY, not a big city, and it just seems nuts to me. And I don't just bash teh 360, I hate all consoles. :D
Honest question kiddies, no flame bait, but why the drastic increase all the sudden.

I guess its too much for me to leave GM and expect adults out here. :rolleyes:

now, any of you peckerwoods have anything useful to add or are you gonna continue to be jerks?

Munkle, that was not directed at you, pretty funny actually, its a proven fact that UPS treats packages like shit, I've filed enough claims in the last year. :)

Once again what do you think we are physic or something? How would we know why they are coming in? There is no possible way to answer your question. There haven't been any updates for a while, at least none that I am aware of. Simply put theres just lots of broken 360's around you, and thats all that can be said.
Once again what do you think we are physic or something? How would we know why they are coming in? There is no possible way to answer your question. There haven't been any updates for a while, at least none that I am aware of. Simply put theres just lots of broken 360's around you, and thats all that can be said.

my bet is jerks who think they can return their 360's to get elites for almost nothing. im not a psychic, nor do i have a next gen console. less posting stupid shit, more maturity outside of genmay please people. its seriously painful walking in to some sections nowadays... everyone is isntantly called a flame baiter in everything but a select few sections :(
my bet is jerks who think they can return their 360's to get elites for almost nothing. im not a psychic, nor do i have a next gen console. less posting stupid shit, more maturity outside of genmay please people. its seriously painful walking in to some sections nowadays... everyone is isntantly called a flame baiter in everything but a select few sections :(

OMG, teh flame bait!!!!1111

my bet is jerks who think they can return their 360's to get elites for almost nothing. im not a psychic, nor do i have a next gen console. less posting stupid shit, more maturity outside of genmay please people. its seriously painful walking in to some sections nowadays... everyone is isntantly called a flame baiter in everything but a select few sections :(

I knew an adult would show up eventually, anyone have word whether their giving away the new console, in place of old ones? I know theres not much difference, just an HDMI plug, and the big HD. Microsoft just does strange shit.

I was gonna chaulk it up to rugrats abusing their not so new christmas presents, but y'all have a friggin attitude problem.
I knew an adult would show up eventually, anyone have word whether their giving away the new console, in place of old ones? I know theres not much difference, just an HDMI plug, and the big HD. Microsoft just does strange shit.

I was gonna chaulk it up to rugrats abusing their not so new christmas presents, but y'all have a friggin attitude problem.

nope, its a 479 price tag or something, complete with black everything lmao
Seriously guys. I don't know what the Hell is in the water around here lately but it needs to stop.

Some of you need to realize that not everyone has an agenda against one console or another.

If you don't have something relevent to add to this thread, or any for that matter, besides acting like a child, then don't post it in it.
nope, its a 479 price tag or something, complete with black everything lmao

lol I guess their trying to compete with Sony on pricing now. I can't say much though, I have a lot more than that into my rig, but I built it, and its a labor of love for me, Just like my firearms, and swords.
Hell, I'll bite.

I'd say it's because for everybody who has a launch console and five friends with no issues, theres also someone like me who's about to go to console number three, and who has four friends with 360's that have dropped dead in the last month for no reason.

It's all luck of the draw, in my opinion, and I'm sure it's all well within the "average defective rate" or some such horseshit. But I can tell you that i've never had to replace a console three times ever. The only other console I've ever had break was a dreamcast, but it was 4 years old at the time.

Theres a reason poeple are pissed. It might be flame bait to bring it up all the time in other threads, but how happy would any of you be if you were getting ready to replace your third in less than 2 years.
Wait, there's a new 360 out?

And it pwns harder?

And it's black?

Hmm... bigger hard drive and it's black. Where's !!!!!!!!!!! when you need him?
My guess would be all the kiddies that heard about the new bitchin black 'elite' 360 and think if they send their white box in they'll get one of those in return.:p
Hell, I'll bite.

I'd say it's because for everybody who has a launch console and five friends with no issues, theres also someone like me who's about to go to console number three, and who has four friends with 360's that have dropped dead in the last month for no reason.

It's all luck of the draw, in my opinion, and I'm sure it's all well within the "average defective rate" or some such horseshit. But I can tell you that i've never had to replace a console three times ever. The only other console I've ever had break was a dreamcast, but it was 4 years old at the time.

Theres a reason poeple are pissed. It might be flame bait to bring it up all the time in other threads, but how happy would any of you be if you were getting ready to replace your third in less than 2 years.

3?! :eek:

It doesn't say a lot for QC, How long since you bought the first one?

I'm kinda out of the loop on this, but heres a list of other consoles I've sent back in the two years I've worked at the store (this is from my nearly photographic memory)

2 Xbox
3 PS2
1 PS3 (damaged in shipping, via DHL and poor packing from Toys R Us)
4 PSP (2 cracked screens, don't buy kiddies expensive portables)
10 DS (see comments about PSP)
1 Wii (Refused to recognize controllers)
5 Gamecube

50+ Xbox 360 since launch

Yep, thats an issue there, no denying it.
I love Samsung (Toshiba) and Hitachi (LG), but I'm guessing it's the DVD drives.

Living in the desert, everything seems to deterate like 10 times faster. I've seen like 3-4 360's have to get sent back because of something that had to do with the DVD drive. Maybe that's all just coicidence, but lately the DVD drive on mine has been acting like it wants to take a shit. *knocks on wood* :(
Well in my case the first one was a launch unit, I'd have to do a post search for when it failed exactly, but I want to say it was January-ish 2006, maybe March. it had a hard lock issue.

The new one started in with not wanting to open the drive tray about 5-6 months ago, and now I have to eject it with a paper clip.

# 3 is going to be an elite. Traded in under Circuit City's Cityexchange. I send them one broke-ass Xbox, they send me a gift card for purchase price. Hopefully I'll be able to score a free game or something when I re-buy.

It all works out I s'pose

And yes I will be rebuying the warranty, especially after the experience I've had. Turn-around times be damned through MS, I'd rather have a new in the box unit with a return policy when all else fails.
I love Samsung (Toshiba) and Hitachi (LG), but I'm guessing it's the DVD drives.
Living in the desert, everything seems to deterate like 10 times faster. I've seen like 3-4 360's have to get sent back because of something that had to do with the DVD drive. Maybe that's all just coicidence, but lately the DVD drive on mine has been acting like it wants to take a shit. *knocks on wood* :(

This actualy could be it. Temperature. While it is still a frozen hell here in Michigan. It could be a bunch of people that bought Xbox's over the winter that are not handeling the warmer weather this season. Has ti been hot in the past couple of weeks in KY?
Actually, we had a VERY warm spell for about 2 weeks, then it dropped to nut-shrinking cold for about a week. Looks like it'll finally balance out over the next few days.

Adam, what store do you work at?
In all honesty, I recently decided to purchase an Xbox 360 from Best Buy (which by the way I am satisfied with the system, love it actually) - unfortunately it wasn't until the third console that I received a working model. Take that as you will, like I said I am happy with the console now that I have a working model but it was quite frustrating having to make return trips to best buy just to obtain a working product from a multi billion dollar company.
I love Samsung (Toshiba) and Hitachi (LG), but I'm guessing it's the DVD drives.

Living in the desert, everything seems to deterate like 10 times faster. I've seen like 3-4 360's have to get sent back because of something that had to do with the DVD drive. Maybe that's all just coicidence, but lately the DVD drive on mine has been acting like it wants to take a shit. *knocks on wood* :(
Yes, the dvd drive and it's heat are a contributing factor but the whole thing is a design issue imo. The Xbox 360 is equivalent to trying to fit a gaming pc in a small HTPC casing and cool it adequately...having heat sources too close to each other with only tiny fans pushing and pulling through a small number (relative to the overall size) of vent holes is not a good idea. Having said that...no issues at all with my 6 month old 360. * also knocks on wood*
launch system here and the writings on the wall. slow system response, game lockups, and wierd errors at times.

i really wouldnt recommend anyone getting a 360 at this point until ms gets their shit together
I have a few questions:

A.) Lousville is a UPS hub...meaning everyone's stuff goes through there. The fact that you see random 360 come through there isn't a mystery...if NO 360's came through there it'd be weird. Odd that you didn't realize you work at a UPS hub.

B.) The 360 repairs are shipped in a plain brown cardboard box. How in the hell do you even know it is a 360?? Phychic? Hell...X-ray vision.

C.) Could it be that the 20 a day you see are the SAME XBOX 360??? Think I'm kidding? Check out my recent luck with a 2 day UPS package:

Probably launch units that eventually died like mine ... :( I heard of a lot of launch units that died one year after they were bought. Maybe they expire after one year :p


They have an internal atomic clock that after 1 year the system dies. true story.;)
I seriously want to know how this guy knows how many 360s are coming through when they are all shipped in plain, unmarked boxes. EVERYONE that has ever sent their 360 in for repair knows MS uses a plain cardboard box.

Besides, did you see my last UPS shipment? My stuff went through the same facility (checked in and out) like 94 times in 4 days before it was eventually left there. The guy working that day was probably like "wow...94 came through in just 4 days...." and it was the same damn box.
Well what does he think we are physic or something? His post just seems like someone trying to bash xbox 360's by saying they break all the time. I got 5 friends with 360's not one of them has had problems.

Do you mind taking a picture of your manufacturing date on the back of your 360 and posting it here?
lol, that's a fantastic tracking page screenshot. :D

Yeah ;)

I just imagine the guy working the conveyor belts at UPS (assuming they all have xray vision and can see through the packaging) watching my box go by like 7 times in four days thinking...."Damn, that is the 7th one I've seen in 4 days....quick, I need to post a thread in the forums!!"
I live in Louisville, KY, not a big city, and it just seems nuts to me.
Louisville is a big city. It's in the top 20 or 30, population wise, in the country.

I seriously want to know how this guy knows how many 360s are coming through when they are all shipped in plain, unmarked boxes. EVERYONE that has ever sent their 360 in for repair knows MS uses a plain cardboard box.
He said he worked at a UPS Store, not at the distribution center. People bring boxes in that aren't taped shut or bring stuff in and buy boxes and packing materials there all of the time. They also asked me what was in the box when I shipped mine.

My launch console just died a couple of weeks ago. Seems to be fixed now, but I picked up the extended warranty because of all the stories I hear about people being on their 3rd of 4th console. I've heard rumors of heat issues and bad solder points, but I didn't feel like going to the trouble of opening my console up to diagnose the problem.
Honest question kiddies, no flame bait, but why the drastic increase all the sudden.

I guess its too much for me to leave GM and expect adults out here. :rolleyes:

now, any of you peckerwoods have anything useful to add or are you gonna continue to be jerks?

I live in Louisville, KY, not a big city, and it just seems nuts to me. And I don't just bash teh 360, I hate all consoles. :D

My guess is that MS is purposely bricking all the launch units now that they are out of warranty so that they can make $140 on each one really easily. My launch unit was running strong until last month. Seriously, never a hickup until I turned it on one day after getting back from EB Games with AC4 and the red rings of light came on. I had to pay $140 to get it fixed and the one they sent me back keeps on getting disk read errors. For all of those with launch units, watch out, your unit will die in a matter of months just like mine did. The tinfoil hat wearer in me feels like this is inevitable AND that MS will make sure it happens so they can pad their profit margins with the tears of their loyal customers.
He said he worked at a UPS Store, not at the distribution center. People bring boxes in that aren't taped shut or bring stuff in and buy boxes and packing materials there all of the time. They also asked me what was in the box when I shipped mine.

I get -3 points for not seeing "store". Doh!

But that makes the story even stranger. From the volume of 360s he's claiming to have seen, I assumed (my bad) that he was talking about an actual UPS center, not the strip mall stores. 10 a week at a single UPS store??? WOW.

Anyhow, everyone who has had a 360 go bad knows that UPS drops the plain brown (empty) box at your door. You put your stuff in it, put the prepaid label on it and call UPS to pick it up from your house.

That means 10 people a week in Louisville with dead 360s decided NOT to have UPS pick it up. Instead, out of the 20+ UPS Store locations in Louisville, they all went to his UPS store . Think about it, 10 a week, in one store, in one town, in one state...

...there must be an epidemic in his area.
Anyhow, everyone who has had a 360 go bad knows that UPS drops the plain brown (empty) box at your door. You put your stuff in it, put the prepaid label on it and call UPS to pick it up from your house.

I just sent mine off last week but the lady on the phone told me twice (2 different phone calls) that I had to supply my own box and pay to have it shipped to them.

Is it normal for Microsoft to ship you a box or did I just get screwed, sigh

EDIT: It still had one week left on the warranty and I sent mine through a ups store since I hate going to the post office
But that makes the story even stranger. From the volume of 360s he's claiming to have seen, I assumed (my bad) that he was talking about an actual UPS center, not the strip mall stores. 10 a week at a single UPS store??? WOW.

Anyhow, everyone who has had a 360 go bad knows that UPS drops the plain brown (empty) box at your door. You put your stuff in it, put the prepaid label on it and call UPS to pick it up from your house.

That means 10 people a week in Louisville with dead 360s decided NOT to have UPS pick it up. Instead, out of the 20+ UPS Store locations in Louisville, they all went to his UPS store . Think about it, 10 a week, in one store, in one town, in one state...

...there must be an epidemic in his area.
My console was out of warranty, so they did not drop a box off at my door. I was told not to use the original box, and that I was responsible for shipping costs. The numbers sound high, but Louisville is a big city. The UPC center nearest me is very inconveniently located. I always ship through the UPS store.
...there must be an epidemic in his area.

Could be plausible - a bad batch or shock damaged pallet(s) delivered to BestBuy/Walmart. The way shipping companies handle goods, nothing surprises me.

Assuming it's really happening of course.