What's a nice and free MMORPG?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2010
Oct 18, 2001
I was wondering whether there are any free MMORPG which are actually fun to play. I tried ones like Silkroad Online, but that one is so infested with goldbots that it isn't fun to play at all, even when you _are_ able to log in.

I was looking at Xiah and some others I saw on www.mmorpg.com but it's hard to pick one :(

Thanks in advance :)
You can check RFOnline it used to be free few months ago , no idead about now since I didn't have time to play.

Has good graphics and interesting setting (inspired by anime - sci-fi with magic)
Sadly most free ones are Korean or asian based and infested with gold farmers and bots, ignoring them is up to you and sadly the GMs if there are any wont do anything, but i can recommend 2-4 that are fun, heck they keep my 6 year old son attention. First you got Fly For Fun a nice 3d animeish looking game(note they all look anime due to being asian based) Next up we got Maple Story its a 2d side scrolling MMO free to play and there are trading cards that you can by IRL that have boosts for online play, Grand Chase psudeo 3d side scroller, and lastly if you want a street fighter kinda MMO with super deformed characters then Rumble fighter is fun. hope this help ya, oh and BTW none of these games are stressful on most systems they have low requirements.
I reccomend Fly FF, but DON'T PLAY MAPLESTORY. Probably the most pointless game I have ever played. It's just continuous grinding after grinding.
Thanks guys :) I'll check out the mentioned games and report back ^_^
Plain old Anarchy Online is free.....probably the best of the free mmos.
This months issue of PC Gamer has a Top 9 out of 60 of free MMOs (not all of them out yet):
Crime Craft
Requiem: Bloodymare
Dungeon Runners
Sword of the New World: Granado Espada
Shaiya: Light and Darkness
Cabal Online
Anarchy Online. Free, fully developed and supported and still relatively well populated.
F- all of them. If you want a good, free, MMO, that is still updated, look no further than Shadowbane. It's 100% free (no item malls either). The number of classes available and class combos you can make is mind blowing. Leveling is fast (1 - 75 in a week if you want...75 is the cap), and there's not just ground combat, but air to air, air to ground, ground to air, etc...because you can fly in that game. It's based on PvP and siege warfare, so it's always refreshing.

Check it out...and then start laying siege to people cities. BTW, if you destroy a city, you take over that city as part of your nation.

Yup, Shadowbane seems like a good choice, same as Anarchy.
If you're feeling adventurous, you may try some other games with micro-transactions, such as ArchLord, Corum or Sword of the New World. Or you may even try a UO freeshard.
I'd wait for Mythos though.
Another vote from an old player of SB.. Such a stellar game only wish that StrayBullet would update the graphics. I played this game for close to 5yrs until WoW finally took over my gaming life. Occassionally I will download the installers and activate my old account again, but I need to find a good pop. server and start over again as the controls have changed some since I remember. But pure unadulterated PvP of the game is STELLAR!!
Knight Online used to be the best free MMO with the best pvp system, but now it's not really free anymore and it's 95% turkish players. No idea how that happened.
i actually enjoyed Sword of the New World, i liked that you controlled 3 characters at once, gave you a bit more freedom than the single character..

good graphics and some good gameplay..

you have to remember though that a lot of the style of these MMOs are the grind grind grind style..
Kingdom Of Loathing, though it is browser based and maybe not what you're thinking of. Great game, though.
Wow, plenty of suggestions and comments :) Thanks guys!

I'll be assembling my new system tomorrow, I think I'll put it to the test with a pile of MMORPGs ;)
If you are assembling a new system, more than likely none of these will tax it in the slightest. Try a Crysis demo or COD4 demo to really tax your system.
Mythos is awesome if you like Diablo, if you want a grind Silkroad Online is good the graphics are pretty good I played that for a while and I liked the item store if you wanted to spend some money.
This months issue of PC Gamer has a Top 9 out of 60 of free MMOs (not all of them out yet):
Crime Craft
Requiem: Bloodymare
Dungeon Runners
Sword of the New World: Granado Espada
Shaiya: Light and Darkness
Cabal Online

I can vouch for Mythos. I think it's still in Beta, but it's basically like Diablo II, in 3D.
Pretty darn fun.
If you are assembling a new system, more than likely none of these will tax it in the slightest. Try a Crysis demo or COD4 demo to really tax your system.

Well, my friend's system with an E6600 and 8800GTX seems to be struggling sometimes with Silkroad Online, especially in cities. Things get seriously laggy where there are large gatherings of people. This is at 1600x1200 :)
I've tried my share of free MMOs, and none have done it for me. I played Silkroad for awhile, and was probably the longest one I played. Think I'm going to try Mythos again. Too bad all these pay-to-play MMOs aren't very good imo.
None of the free to play MMOs are any good when you compare them to the good pay to play. IF your looking for something to make ANY kind of time investment in. Then go look at the pay to play ones. Most of them you can pick up a two week trial for free or like 3$, or you can pick up a full version for like 20$ that will come with a month free.
Suprised no one mentioned Astonia 3, now has a version 3.5, isometric 3d like game play, warrior, mage, seyen type, www.astonia.com (astonia 3.0 is free for 28 days, after that pay2play.....astonia 3.5 is free indefinitly, however payed players get extra features, such as larger inventory, ect...
None of the free to play MMOs are any good when you compare them to the good pay to play. IF your looking for something to make ANY kind of time investment in. Then go look at the pay to play ones. Most of them you can pick up a two week trial for free or like 3$, or you can pick up a full version for like 20$ that will come with a month free.

I beg to differ. Shadowbane has, in some ways, more depth to it than many p2p MMOs that are on the market. Also, if you're looking for pvp, Shadowbane is second to none. AoC, if the PVP is as awesome as is claimed, would be the first to trounce SB for PVP.
I beg to differ. Shadowbane has, in some ways, more depth to it than many p2p MMOs that are on the market. Also, if you're looking for pvp, Shadowbane is second to none. AoC, if the PVP is as awesome as is claimed, would be the first to trounce SB for PVP.

I will in no way try to defend the crappy Pay to Play MMOs. And they exist. However, that being said - I've never seen a free one that is even on the same plane as the good p2p.
I will in no way try to defend the crappy Pay to Play MMOs. And they exist. However, that being said - I've never seen a free one that is even on the same plane as the good p2p.

Shadowbane used to be pay to play. It's almost as old as Everquest.
Knight Online used to be the best free MMO with the best pvp system, but now it's not really free anymore and it's 95% turkish players. No idea how that happened.

That game was awesome. It's really quite fun, but finding English-speaking people in-game may be difficult. Also, they give priority to paying members during peak hours, so you may not be able to log in.
Hark is right, Shadowbane (SB) was pay to play until Ubisoft dropped the project and StrayBullet (some of the old developers) took over. I have gone back and played here and there but I need to start over from scratch.

I have to agree with Hark that the game is much more indepth than anything out there. You can take stones to increase stats, gain proficiencies and learn talents (and that is just at character creation). Once in game you get XX points per level to add to stats and gain more skills, proficiencies and talents as you go along. So no two players will EVER be the same like you see in most MMO's today, hell on my server I was the only guy that was running around with and Elven Blade Weaver Priest, a Throwing Dagger spec Aelfborn Rogue/Ranger and a Piercing Damage based Half Giant Templar. Only ever had one other Throwing Spec Ranger come up against me and he was a throwing axe spec, I had his stam sapped with my two stam leech daggers before he got me to half life. Once that happened I just sat back and watched die.
I've been enjoying Mythos the last few days - friend passed me a key. I'm having a hard time NOT playing, as I don't want to blow too much energy on a character that's just going to get wiped.

The gameplay is classic Diablo / Titans Quest style. There are only 3 classes right now, but there is a good variety within those 3 classes.

I think when Mythos reaches a public build, it will be something I spend a lot of time playing.
Hark is right, Shadowbane (SB) was pay to play until Ubisoft dropped the project and StrayBullet (some of the old developers) took over. I have gone back and played here and there but I need to start over from scratch.

I have to agree with Hark that the game is much more indepth than anything out there. You can take stones to increase stats, gain proficiencies and learn talents (and that is just at character creation). Once in game you get XX points per level to add to stats and gain more skills, proficiencies and talents as you go along. So no two players will EVER be the same like you see in most MMO's today, hell on my server I was the only guy that was running around with and Elven Blade Weaver Priest, a Throwing Dagger spec Aelfborn Rogue/Ranger and a Piercing Damage based Half Giant Templar. Only ever had one other Throwing Spec Ranger come up against me and he was a throwing axe spec, I had his stam sapped with my two stam leech daggers before he got me to half life. Once that happened I just sat back and watched die.

That's the beauty of Shadowbane. You can make such a variety of classes. Hell...you can be Jesus if you want (Templar in that flying form).
I recommend Preston Tails to you.....If you can make it up to Level 100 in that game in 1 month..I will give you a $100!!!! :p:p:p:p:p