What will your M1 build contain!?

I have never done watercooling and I´m a bit new in this area. I have a doubt: Isn´t the GPU hotter than CPU when playing? I suppose yes, isn´t it? If yes why it is more common to see solutions for CPU instead GPU?

Isn´t worth to overclock GPU instead CPU when playing?
You are correct, the GPU generates more heat than a modern CPU, unless you have an insanely overclocked CPU. I was also contemplating to watercool the GPU and just aircool the CPU, it will depend if I find a good CPU cooler for my motherboard and the GPU fan is too loud.
My set:

√ CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K
√ CPU COOLER: Noctua NH-C12P SE14 (later maybe custom WB if Noctua wouldn't be sufficient)
√ Motherboard: ASUS Maximus VI Impact
√ RAM: 16GB (1600MHz) Crucial Ballistix Sport VLP
√ PSU: Silverstone ST45SF-G 2.0 (going to mod the side with fan and change it to some 92mm - probably Noctua NF-A9x14)
□ GPU: for now ASUS GF 460GTX 1GB (later GTX 760 or R9 270-280X I'm not decided yet)
√ SSD: Samsung 840 PRO 256GB
√ HDD: 2x WD15EARS (later 2x WD30EFRX or something better/similar or RAID5 from several 2.5 Scorpio/RED drives?)
□ Other: exactly as Phuncz - maybe a custom PSU wire set and fan(s). Also not decided about slot-in DVD/Blu Ray yet.
PiT, I'd recommend you put your storage disks in a decent NAS unless you really need them to be inside the PC for a reason. I've done the same and I can't say I notice it. Maybe the access times when all the disks haven't been accessed for a long time but other than that, I can't complain with 1Gbit full duplex almost fully saturated.

If planned and executed correctly, you can also implement a decent level or disk redundancy and maybe backup, to protect your data and lose a lot less space in the M1.
Phuncz: Yeah, we had an argument about that in NCASE M1 thread, if you remember :) I've considered the NAS variant several times but for now it would be just another "brick" alongside M1 which would take some initial cost (which I can put elsewhere). I don't have the option to give it somewhere else in room/flat (only on desk/under the table) + I like the old fashioned "one PC for all" variant. I've always wanted very very small workstation/mid|high-end PC and the NCASE seems would make possible to fulfill this dream of mine. Maybe my attitude/need about NAS will change in the future. ;)

For now I'm concerned about IHS delid and the whole setup cooling - the temperatures overall as I plan/hope for 4.2GHz overclock.
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670(K) □ Not sure about "K" and overclocking feasibility in this build
RAM: 16GB DDR3 Crucial Ballistix □ Not sure about frequency though. Do you really need higher than 1600MHz with no CPU overclocking?? What is preffered RAM freqency for overclocking?

I'm not necessarily planning on much, if any, CPU overclock.. but thought for the slight price difference to get the K, it would be a nice option to play around with in case I ever decide to.

The Crucial Ballistix are supposed OC really well. I think my Ballistix Tactical LP/LV are reported to reach 1800MHz at 1.35V while still keeping 8-8-8-24 timings. I'll probably just leave them at a standard XMP profile for 1600MHz, though. In real world usage, there's supposed to be very little noticeable improvement with anything over 1600MHz, but you might find some performance gains in certain games.

First Post!!!

Welcome! :)
LOL sorry I did not remember ! My bad !

Lol, our discussion must've done some good, cause I'm now strongly considering getting WD Green instead of a Red or Seagate NAS HDD.

From what I can figure, the Green has the same low-RPM, low-power, and acoustic features as the Red, but without the time-limited error recovery that is needed by RAID configurations. Warranty is worse, but price is a little better.

Should be a good choice for bulk storage and media server duties inside the M1, as long as you keep your OS and applications on an SSD or faster RPM HDD.
AFD: From my experiences, go for Red. The head parking/unparking shortens the life of Greens. I've now two 1.5TB Greens and one had some bad sectors after cca 1 year of use already ( = RMA). I know, red = green + slightly modified firmware, but warranty is some safety catch...
You can reduce the headparking from the Green's default 8 seconds to max 300 seconds with WDIDLE3, included on the latest editions of Ultimate Boot CD. This makes them headpark rarely. Also, the Reds still do headparking, but it was reduced to a value (I believe 60 seconds) and wasn't adjustable when I was looking into it.
The only question is: Is the 13 $/€ price difference worth of one more year of warranty? :)
My future build, to be used for science:

□Case: Silver NCASE M1 (duh :p)
□CPU: Intel i7-4770K
□Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Impact or Asus Z87-I Deluxe
□CPU Cooler: Swiftech H220 or Cooler Master Glacier 240L
□RAM: 2x8GB DDR3 1600MHz
□SSD: Samsung 840 Pro or 840 EVO or SanDisk Extreme II or M.2, 256GB
□HDD: 2TB 7200RPM 3.5"
□GPU: GTX Titan unless the 290x can beat it in FP64 which I don't think it can
□PSU: Silverstone ST45SF-G
□Monitor: Some Korean PLS probably
□Other: MDPC-X or Lutro0's sleeving
□Other: Maybe a shroud to keep hot air from going into the GPU's blower?
Call me a heathen or something but i'm probably just going to stuff my socket FM1 HTPC in there with a new Optical drive, PSU and a few fans.
Current case is way too small so it's not as quiet as i'd like. (stock cooler! yick..) Should be able to solve this nicely with the M1.
My future build, to be used for science:

□Case: Silver NCASE M1 (duh :p)
□CPU: Intel i7-4770K
□Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Impact or Asus Z87-I Deluxe
□CPU Cooler: Swiftech H220 or Cooler Master Glacier 240L
□RAM: 2x8GB DDR3 1600MHz
□SSD: Samsung 840 Pro or 840 EVO or SanDisk Extreme II or M.2, 256GB
□HDD: 2TB 7200RPM 3.5"
□GPU: GTX Titan unless the 290x can beat it in FP64 which I don't think it can
□PSU: Silverstone ST45SF-G
□Monitor: Some Korean PLS probably
□Other: MDPC-X or Lutro0's sleeving
□Other: Maybe a shroud to keep hot air from going into the GPU's blower?

If it were me I'd keep the Titan and wait for the next gen amd and nvidia cards. One of the two comapnies will have have a definite Titan killer by then. Now its just more about cost than anything else. I mean who in their right mind would trade a Titan for a 290x? Its a silly waste of money.
Right on! :)

I went for the C12, simply because you can't fit the side 3.5" HDD rack at all with the C14..

So if you're okay squeezing your 1TB HDD on the bottom, under your video card, then go for the C14; but if you're planning on using the side HDD rack for 1 or 2 drives, then go for the C12 instead.


Well then, it looks like the C12 is the versatile winner here.

That would free up the bottom for a pair of intake fans.
If it were me I'd keep the Titan and wait for the next gen amd and nvidia cards. One of the two comapnies will have have a definite Titan killer by then. Now its just more about cost than anything else. I mean who in their right mind would trade a Titan for a 290x? Its a silly waste of money.

Oops, I guess I didn't make it clear, this is going to be a completely fresh build. I don't have any of the parts yet. But those are my plans. I heard the 290x has 1/8 FP64 meaning a theoretical .7 TFLOPs compared to the Titan's 1.3 TFLOPs. In that case it might be worth it to get the Titan, even with everyone saying it's been killed by the 290x. Any idea on when a Maxwell Titan could happen? :D
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Yeah, if you are starting from scratch then choice could be different. I forget when the next gens are coming out. Not this year. 2014 sometime. I forget if its first half or second half though. I'm just getting a 280x as a place holder for now in main rig and moving the 6950 to the M1.

Edit: If I was buying today and was choosing a new high end gpu I'd get the 290x. However I would hold off and see what this new 780Ti card is going to do first. It may be a better buy. Buying a new Titan seems rather pointless now considering how close the 290x comes to it and the big difference in pricing. Lets face it in 2014 the Titan will fall. Just a matter of who does it? I'm thinking both amd and nvidia will top it in their next gen cards.
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So with the new GTX 780 discounts (and holiday bundle!) in place, I'm looking at pulling the trigger on some parts.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock Z87E-ITX Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard ($149.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($131.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($339.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung Spinpoint M8 500GB 2.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $0.00)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card ($533.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Silverstone Strider Gold 450W 80 PLUS Gold Certified SFX12V Power Supply ($100.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 Professional (OEM) (64-bit) ($139.99 @ Newegg)
ODD: Panasonic Slot Load Blu Ray Burner (Purchased For $111.00)

Right now, I plan on using the stock cooler of the i5-4670k. I've never overclocked a system in 15+ years of gaming, and while I'm not ruling out the possibility (the "K" processor and Z87 seem to be a good value even if you're not OCing), I might give it a shot down the road....but very minimally.

So with that in mind, and assuming the parts above, including ODD, 1 SSD, 1 2.5, and maybe an additional 2.5 or 3.5, is there value in terms of reliability or tidiness in me getting the Gold certified modular PSU over the Bronze non-modular version?
So with the new GTX 780 discounts (and holiday bundle!) in place, I'm looking at pulling the trigger on some parts.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock Z87E-ITX Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard ($149.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($131.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($339.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung Spinpoint M8 500GB 2.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $0.00)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card ($533.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Silverstone Strider Gold 450W 80 PLUS Gold Certified SFX12V Power Supply ($100.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 Professional (OEM) (64-bit) ($139.99 @ Newegg)
ODD: Panasonic Slot Load Blu Ray Burner (Purchased For $111.00)

Right now, I plan on using the stock cooler of the i5-4670k. I've never overclocked a system in 15+ years of gaming, and while I'm not ruling out the possibility (the "K" processor and Z87 seem to be a good value even if you're not OCing), I might give it a shot down the road....but very minimally.

So with that in mind, and assuming the parts above, including ODD, 1 SSD, 1 2.5, and maybe an additional 2.5 or 3.5, is there value in terms of reliability or tidiness in me getting the Gold certified modular PSU over the Bronze non-modular version?

Any reason you're not getting an mSata drive to stick in that motherboard and going with a larger 2.5" SSD?
What would be the advantage?

Having less cables stuffed in a case this small would be a major plus.

On the other hand, lack of mSATA on other boards might make it more difficult to swap it to a different system (though, I'm pretty sure there are adapters). Also, there's less selection available in mSATA to choose from, and the price/performance isn't quite up to par with 2.5" drives.

The biggest negative with picking an mSATA, is that there have been many reports of them just not working correctly on that particular motherboard (Z87E-ITX).

Personally, I'd stick with the 500GB Evo, and then later try out an mSATA drive just cause there's a slot for it. Maybe use it for a dual-boot system, or to store a backup image or something.
I know some of us are planning to buy 2x8 Crucial B Sport VLP ram. I noticed that it recently dropped in price $160 down to $131 at both Amazon and NewEgg. Doesn't look like a special sale, so hopefully prices will remain that low. Just thought I'd mention it, if anyone was thinking of buying nowish.
I'd recommend on getting it. VLP memory allows more flexibility like this:

even lower now at $125 at the Egg

+1. Limited-time sale. Probably the best price they've been at in a long while, and some shops are still selling this same kit for $200 (was only $85 back in May, but I really doubt we'll ever see those prices again, maybe.. but who knows if/when?).
+1. Limited-time sale. Probably the best price they've been at in a long while, and some shops are still selling this same kit for $200 (was only $85 back in May, but I really doubt we'll ever see those prices again, maybe.. but who knows if/when?).

Bought. Been eyeing it for $130+tax at my local MicroCenter.

Officially my first M1 purchase! MicroCenter also has the Intel 4770k for only $280, which is a great deal (~$300 after tax) that I'll probably pull the trigger on next. Might drop down in price soon, but since cases are shipping I better start buying!
Bought. Been eyeing it for $130+tax at my local MicroCenter.

Officially my first M1 purchase! MicroCenter also has the Intel 4770k for only $280, which is a great deal (~$300 after tax) that I'll probably pull the trigger on next. Might drop down in price soon, but since cases are shipping I better start buying!

Nice! I just caught a deal on the low-profile Ballistix Tactical last week (deal is relative term w/RAM pricing anymore, lol).

$280 for the 4770k is a great price from MC. Unfortunately, they only honor that price in-store, and there aren't any anywhere near me. Instead, I got my 4770k for around $305 shipped from Newegg, when they had a combo deal with the Asus board I bought (and some Visa v.Me promo at checkout).

Right now, I just need to get at least 1 drive for the OS, and a power supply.. everything else I'm missing can be added later.
Well this is what I am planning so far:
Silverstone 450W Gold SFX PSU (owned)
i7 4770K (or whatever is up during the winter retail edge deal)
8gb 1600mhz Gskill (owned)
EVGA GTX 770 (titan cooler)
Sandisk Extreme 120gb (owned)
Coolermaster Gemini S524
Windows 8.1 (owned)

I need to figure out my storage plan since this will be primarily for gaming and media streaming.
I might upgrade the cooling and go with a different motherboard if I can find something suitable. Other thing I may change is upgrading to 16gb of ram if I see the need for it.
Good catch on the RAM, definitely thinking about pulling the trigger on amazon since it's sold by amazon, I'm more comfortable with them

I should really sign up pcpartspicker, or some kind of price alert
Well this is what I am planning so far:
Silverstone 450W Gold SFX PSU (owned)
i7 4770K (or whatever is up during the winter retail edge deal)
8gb 1600mhz Gskill (owned)
EVGA GTX 770 (titan cooler)
Sandisk Extreme 120gb (owned)
Coolermaster Gemini S524
Windows 8.1 (owned)

I need to figure out my storage plan since this will be primarily for gaming and media streaming.
I might upgrade the cooling and go with a different motherboard if I can find something suitable. Other thing I may change is upgrading to 16gb of ram if I see the need for it.

I really want to get the 770 with the Titan cooler, but only EVGA makes one and it is selling for $385. At that price, I feel that the 780 for $500 is worth it.
Yeah, that is tempting.... Little more than I was thinking of paying though. I wanted to stay closer to $300 just to save money.
Picked up an open box Asus z87i-Deluxe for $140 from Newegg! Time to get this started.
Things i have buyed in the last days:

- 4770k
- Maximus VI Impact
- 16gb Corsair Ram
- EVGA 780 Backplate

The next days i need to buy:

- 840 Evo 500gb
- ST45SF-G
- 2 Noiseblocker PL2 Fans (for the bottom)
- EVGA 780 SC

Now i didn´t know what Cooler is the best option. Would like to try the NH-U9B, but i didn´t know, if it will fit. Maybe on the Impact, but in the M1 with one Fan in front of the 3,5" HDD ?
With the HD 7990 being available for less than 600 Euro's/dollars now, isn't that good performance per dollar and the only realistic GPU to handle 3x 1080P and 4 K resolutions?

Ofcours the PSU will have a hard time.


In normal gaming situations, the card will use 313 W according to the above source.

With the less power hungry intel 4430p,
1 Blueray player (will never be used while actually gaming/steressing the GPU)

will the Silverstone SST-ST45SF (450W) handle it?

Any thoughts?
Two problems with the HD 7990:

1. It's very large, but according to Necere *should* fit:



2. It uses WAAYYY too much power (for the ST45SF-G) and produces much heat you can't dissipate without watercooling:


You are better off getting an R9 290X after the R9 290 (non-X) releases, prices will go down a little and it has a preferred blower-cooling (although loud). Another option would be a GTX 780 (Ti) with the reference cooler but expect to pay (much) more.
I have 2 questions really before getting the remaining pieces of my planned build:

  1. Which mobo would be more problematic (in terms of layout) with Air CPU coolers and a big GPU (GTX 780): the Gigabyte Z87N-wifi, or the ASRock Z87E-wifi? I'm not willing to pay the premium for Asus, so these are really the two i'm looking at.
  2. Under what scenario is the non-modular ST45SF Bronze a better fit than the modular Gold in terms of build difficulty/wire management?
So, for those going with the Asus Maximus VI Impact motherboard, how many are looking at an m.2 drive instead of a traditional SSD?
So, for those going with the Asus Maximus VI Impact motherboard, how many are looking at an m.2 drive instead of a traditional SSD?

There are 3 options I've found:
1) 80GB
2) 128GB
3) 512GB

That one from Ebay got good reviews (as an OEM model) here:

Literally have been looking every day for a month to find something.

My Asus Impact showed up today...
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Is anyone looking at PCIe M.2 SSDs? I had some questions actually: First, does the M6I support it? Second, how does their performance compare?