What VIdeo Game did you had the most fun playing ever?!

ROTT !! ROTT!! If anyone is interested, you can still play rott online with something called Dosbox.
Deus Ex (PC)
Dynasy Warriors 2 (PS2)
X-com UFO Defense (PSX)
Dragonforce (Satrun)
Shadowrun (Genisis)

Not in any particular order.
Commander Keen was the very first pc game I ever played...loved it!!!
Bubble Bobble (nes)
Monster Truck Rally (nes)
System Shock 2 scared the bejesus out of me.
Zelda OoT
Goldeneye, i played this game so much I would close my eyes to fall asleep and see cross hairs. I loved planting proxy mines at spawn points and watching a player dye multiple times in row.
Half Life 2
Rome Total War
Original Half Life back in 98-99 era. Storyline and gameplay provoked me to save money, buy faster parts just to make my PC run it better. No other game has been that exciting.
Transport-tycoon: Deluxe
Quake 2 (CTF!!!! :D)
Grand Theft Auto- Vice city (will never forget multiplayer)
Battlefield: 1942 and Vietnam
Half-Life 2 and whatnot... mods for it CS,CZ,CSS,Garry's
Call of Duty 4 SP
There have been quite a few that I've enjoyed playing through, but the only game that I've ever played, then WANTED to play through again, and again, and again was...


Without a single doubt, the greatest game I have ever played.

Can't even explain why, but it is.
Gabriel Knight Series
Kings Quest Series
The Longest Journey Series
Star Wars: KoTOR Series
Max Payne Series
Zelda, Zelda The Ocarina of Time, Zelda A Link to the Past
No One Live Forever Series
Unreal Tournament 2K4 Online (sceename is Enlight_2.0 if anyone dares to challenge).
Lords of the Realm 2
CS and CS:S
Starcraft and Warcrafts

and War of the Monsters for PS2 I spent a good many hangovers playing this.
Roller Coaster Tycoon was pretty amazing, actually....

Also: Oregon Trail 2 (MUCH better than the original!), Vietcong, Age of Empires (I and II and expansions), Starcraft, Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights.

Hands down the greatest time I have ever had playing a game. If we had Emoticon for Hearts I would insert a page full right now. Gosh I how I enjoyed that game.
I love how people post like 10 games on something that is suppose to be answered by one game. ;)

Anyways, mine would have to be Medal of Honor: Allied Assault...got me started in the modding community and then everything started from there.
I have to say that the most fun I've had playing a game was during some Halo 3 online multiplayer sessions with a buddy sitting next to me on splitscreen. WE can be so tactical, it's awesome.
It's between Quake 1 CTF (NQCTF) and Tribes/Tribes 2. I've never played any other game for that long or regularly snuck in hours of game time into the early AM on school nights since playing those games.
Most fun you mean the best games you ever played I guess.

Hard but if I think of just fun not being scared or anything

Super mario Galaxy
Race 07
IL 2 series

SS2, AVP, Thief titles especially shalebridge cradle is a bit to scary to be on the list lol
The most engaging game I've played i Final Fantasy VII. That will always remain to be the best game and story ever.

I had a lot of straight up fun with Duke Nukem 3D though, single and multiplayer.
For a brief span of time: Duke Nukem 3d, intense fun for a few days, but for long term enjoyment it's hard to say, between these: NHL on SEGA, Ultima series on PC, Doom II, Tekken Series, or:

Urban Terror, version 4.1 was recently released at http://www.urbanterror.net and: it's FREE:D I liked the older version that had "instant nades" a little better though.
unreal tournament 2004. it was great being apart of the NZ/aus ut scene. i really enjoyed the game, and clannies were a lot of fun :)
TFC - awesome teamplay & non-stop action, still miss the league action and never say die camaradie this gave. never finished the original Half Life due to this game :eek:
Quake 2- you could actually lose yourself in it and fear for your real as well as virtual life. also chuck yeager flight sim on a 386. Oh F22 Lightning 3 flight sim-great multiplayer-anyone know of a good combat flight sim-out ther now with emphasise on flying skill.
Theirs alot of games that I had amazing hours of fun with...

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, my god, spent sooo many hours on the multiplayer, basically my whole childhoot lol
Oregon Trail OMG LOL
Mario Kart 64
The Sims
Rome Total War
Final Fantasy VII

Oh and Theme Hospital.
I've probably put more time and effort into Street Fighter 2 than any person ever should put into anything. The sad thing is, 15 years later I still enjoy playing it like it came out yesterday. I gets my top nod.
Next would be Mario Kart 64. Double Dash was kind of lame, although DS was a return to form for sure. In college we used to play MK64 for an hour or two almost every night for several years. Ah, those were the days.
Tekken 3's up there, but it still trails both of those.
On the PC end of things, I used to play the crap out of Quake 1 once the OpenGL version came out. I had so many mods and variations for that game that it was like 20 games in one.
Baldur's Gate...I think I've done every possible quest in that game several times. It's timeless.
Even though I consider it the weakest in the series gameplay-wise, for some reason I played Final Fantasy 8 a lot. I think I just liked the atmosphere, although it was as flawed as they come.
Hell, pick one game over even just the last decade of gaming? Impossible! :)

Enjoyment has come in many different ways in many different packages. It's almost a little "relative" based on time.

Back in the day, DooM/2 and RE2/3 were as much fun to me then, as HL2 is today. Wouldn't even know where to start. GTA: Vice City, DooM (whole series, including DooM64), RE2 & 3, Silent Hill, Half-Life, Max Payne/2, Burnout series... but I suppose, in terms of over-all, from beginning to end, would probably HL2 in the recent era of gaming, or perhaps comes out on top period, over-all.

I don't think I've ever enjoyed every aspect/part/second of a game as I have with HL2, which still to this day I enjoy every single moment of, from beginning to end.
Perfect Dark 64 (I miss some of these old school games- like bots? Why don't we have bots anymore???)

007: World is Not Enough (on 64).

Those are two distinct "classics" in my book that I always remember playing.

And recently: Call of Duty 4. My goodness, IMO this beats Halo 3.
System shock two for single player. Tied equal with Dungeon siege.

Multi- COD2 tied with DOW: holding back the horde is fun as tau :D
counter strike condition zero, day of defeat source, and the original sims when I was younger. on PS2 I played Socom and Socom 2 ALLLLLL THE TIME. I was STUCK on that game.