What to do?!


May 16, 2006
Hi, I decided to get the Athlon II X3 435 + ASRock M4A770DE ($135).
But with Fry's and Microcenter about an hour's drive away, I'm not sure If I should get one of the deals from them or stick with my initial cpu/mobo online order.

This is Fry's deal :


Microcenter has $30 off from select motherboards if paired with one of these :

Athlon II X4 630 - $100
Phenom II X2 555 BE - $100
Phenom II X3 720 BE - $100

The cheapest board which I think is good with one of these is this :


I am totally confused on what to get. What would be the cheapest and best performing combination? I have a full ATX case and never bought mATX board, so I'm not sure if there will be a problem with that.
What exactly will you be doing with this PC?
What features are you looking for in a mobo?
What PSU do you have?
Which ATX case?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
At least with BC2, a quad-core CPU will be a major help. And more than likely many future games will end up taking advantage of quad-core CPUs.

Though why did you list the MC deal as $174? The mobo you linked to costs $85 and the $30 discount should have dropped the mobo down to $55. So $155 total.
MC cart says $160 + $14 tax >_>
Also, my resolution is 1680x1050. And the gfx I have in mind is Radeon 4850.
If the X3 435 will not be a problem then I should save and just get that?
Personally, I'd just save up for the quad-core.

You should consider those Fry's/MC specials only if you plan on taking advantage of one of them. Are you going to buy the video card along with the processor/motherboard combo?
Right now I will just buy cpu/mobo/ram. I will buy the video card some time later.
You'll be fine with a dual-core processor now, and you could always buy a quad-core (or a hex-core once they become more widespread) later. The multi-core advantage that the Athlon II X4 630 has is negated (somewhat) by the lack of any L3 cache.