What steam titles have you logged the most hours in?

i put in 60 hours on civ v within the first two weeks. even had a vacation out of town the second weekend.
1. Team Fortress Classic 1527h
2. CoD:MW2: 442h
3. Team Fortress 2 52h
4. Battlefield Bad Company 2. 15h. Now since I got Vietnam the hours grown up :D
~ 225 hours in MW2, not counting time spent with the game running when I wasn't actually playing.

Black Ops is a distant second with only ~ 50-60 hours.
Defense Grid by a long shot and Torchlight.

Two of the best games I played last year.

1054.6hrs as a spy...

2169.19hrs on record total play time.
1) DDO - uncounted hours *shudder*
2) TF2 - 320 hours
3) Supreme Commander 2 in MP Co-Op - 60 hours

417 on CS:S as of today. God only knows how many hours I played before they started tracking. Next highest is ME2 @ 84 hours. The other 2 games I've logged ridiculous amounts of time in (Stalker and BC2) I didn't purchase through Steam. If you count the Beta, SC2 is probably getting up there too (though I haven't played much in the last few months).
Evidently I like indie games.

Torchlight 223 hours (lots of gems)
PvZ 66
Defense Grid: The Awakening 48
Gratuitous Space Battles 32
Future Wars 20
Eufloria 14

The only retail games of note:

Borderlands 173 hours
Just Cause 2 78

Lots of games with no stats or < 1 hour.
What surprises me are some of the titles I haven't spent much time on - just ten hours with Red Faction Geurilla, for example.

I launched Red Faction last night, and while playing, this creature that looked like a sand raider from star wars came motoring along in this buggy thing and got out and tried to kill me with his spear - what the hell was that? I'd never seen that before. I might spend some more time on this.
Hrs played were way lower than I thought they would be :p
TF2 - 230 hr
Saints Row 2 - 94hr
L4D - 56hr
Oblivion - 53hr
Torchlight - 30hr
Good thing wow isnt on steam :p

Counter-Strike: Source
193.7 hrs on record

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer
119.2 hrs on record

Battlefield: Bad Company 2
154 hrs on record

Left 4 Dead
160.3 hrs on record

Left 4 Dead 2
72 hrs on record
At least 1000 hours in cs and dod
500+ hours in dods
300+ hours in css
200+ hours in TF2

Kind of glad tracking wasn't around back in the day. :p
Just on Steam:

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - 46 hours played
Fallout: New Vegas - 59 hours
Civ V - 57 hours
Terraria - 43 hours

I do most of my gaming on the ps3, so that is why my hours played aren't looking so bad.
Fallout 3 - 79 hours
Fallout : New Vegas - 61 hours
TF2 - 78 hours
BFBC2 - 89 hours
COD4 - 125 hours
COD:BO - 46 hours
COD:MW2 - 76 hours
Dragon Age : Origins - 56 hours...

Lots of time , too much in fact on COD games. I'm skipping MW3 this time.
Jan 1, 2011 July 23, 2011

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer - 489 hours - 502 hours
2. Battlefield Bad Company 2 - 218 hours - 225 hours
3. Just Cause 2 - 61 hours - 71 hours
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer - 45 hours - 45 hours
5. Borderlands - 39 hours - GRID - 42 hours
Red text = times as of today

Wow...not much has changed for my top five games over the past 6 months lol...

Borderlands has been overtaken by GRID with 42 hours
css with 214 hours (probably over 1000 now since they started counting when I kinda stopped playing)
Supreme commander 2 1152 hours
COD mw2 221 hours
Cod Black ops 6 hours
Fall Out New vegas 42 hours
EVE - 515 hrs - although I can't truly say I had fun playing it
BC2 - 399 hrs
Titan Quest - 209 hrs
GTA4 - 68 hrs (still haven't beat the main storyline, somehow)
Defense Grid - 50 hrs
Torchlight - 35 hrs (Really? I didn't even like that game :( )
Team Fortress 2 - 599.22 hours

Although, Steam only reports 118.4 hours for some reason on a number of pages but when I actually look at the stat summary, it is 599.22 hours.

Looking at my list of games, I haven't put nearly that much time into anything else (all under 20 hours with most unplayed or very little time). Crazy. Although, I did just start getting back into TF2 after a year or so long hiatus.
On Steam:

Team Fortress 2, 223.8 hours

On X-Fire:

CS:S 980 hours, before steam introduced game tracking. Since then I've probably topped 1000+ hours by now, and 900 hours of Age of Conan.
I think I'm at over 500 hours in mw2 other than that I? Mostly I just play them through once and call it good.
I think I'm at over 500 hours in mw2 other than that I? Mostly I just play them through once and call it good.

How is MW2 now? Are there still hackers, and does it take a long time to find games? Been wanting to pick it up since black ops sucks so much.

Played MW2 on the ps3 and had a lot of fun, and the maps seem better than blops.