What settings do you run Crysis at?

At 1680x1050 0xAA 16xAF, using my own custom settings. Shaders, post-processing, and water quality set to Very High, everything else is on high or medium. I tweaked the config files to get very high effects, but at lower values (look it tweakguides if that doesn't make sense to you).

20-25fps is common place. God awful framerates in the alien area. :D
I lowered everything to "High" except for textures and water I kept on "Very High" and I was dropping to 6 FPS at some points, ouch, I want to run everything at Very High at 2560 with 4X AA and 16X AF :(
I lowered everything to "High" except for textures and water I kept on "Very High" and I was dropping to 6 FPS at some points, ouch, I want to run everything at Very High at 2560 with 4X AA and 16X AF :(

Quad-Crossfire 3870 setup for you!
Played through it at 1680x1050, Shaders, Post Proc, Shadows and occasionally water on Med, everything else high. There were some slowdowns but I lived.
I run on Very High 1360x768 on a 27" Westinghouse

Shaders are dropped to High
Shadows are dropped to High
Water is dropped to High
AA x2

I stay above 30FPS 99% of the time
In the Crysis demo, I tried setting my resolution to 800 x 600 and everything to low and... yeah, got like 25FPS. Medium settings are unplayable as are any resolutions above 1024X768. I know my computer's pretty f'ed up right now and I'm replacing the rig anyway, but I've got a 7800GTX (albeit, a 256mb) and an Athlon 64 4000+ which I thought would perform at least a little bit better. Not like I particularly care at this point, but I thought it was odd.

dude, something is seriously wrong there

i can run 1440*900 all low (textures/physics medium) with an 6800 (granted, ive clocked this thing up a lot, it actually beats a 6800U in 3dm03), the only ground my system has on yours is the CPU, and probably ram, its running a brisbane x2 4000+ OCed to 2.6 GHz with two gigs of DDR2 at 700 mhz

and no, this isnt my primary rig ;)
I am thinking people should specify whether they are running the demo or the full version. I get much better performance from the full version than I did on the demo.
Medium for most everything, I think water's on high. Humbles my main rig... :(
I am thinking people should specify whether they are running the demo or the full version. I get much better performance from the full version than I did on the demo.

playing the full version game here, almost done with it, finally got a chance to sit down and play it for a lengthy period of time