what is your Game of the Year for 2018?

what is your GOTY 2018 (any platform)?

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • Spider-Man (PS4)

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • God of War (PS4)

    Votes: 20 24.7%
  • Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Monster Hunter: World

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • other

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Hunt: Showdown

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
2018 was a good year for gaming if you're a console fan...PC had some nice releases but nothing mind-blowing...so what's your favorite game of 2018?...my vote goes to God of War...
It is a tough one between GoW and RDR2. I have to give a nod too GoW tho. They did just about everything right in it.
God of War here, too. I can't get into Red Dead 2 and Far Cry 5's pacing is a little off. Haven't yet played the new Assassin's Creed, but Origins was fantastic.
Not so much a game as The Nintendo Switch in general. I play it vastly more than my other systems. I put an insane amount of hours into Octopath Traveler and Labyrinth of Refrain. As somebody who has to travel for work a lot its nice to have a full console that I can carry around in my pack and play or hook up to the TV as needed. I have serious flight anxiety and I found myself totally distracted this last week playing Dark souls.

Actually I think I'm pretty comfortable saying Octopath Traveler has been my favorite game to come out this year. Its worth nothing though Im always backlogged. I dont usually realize a game was my favorite of that year because I dont get around to playing it for another 2-3 years. I wish I could say FarCry 5 was my favorite but it was kinda underwhelming. The story and ending felt pretty safe.
GoW get's my vote, I'm having fun with spiderman, but the stealth missions and the hallucination one kind of ruined it for me, if I want to sneak around I will by games made for it.

For the PC I somehow feel 2018 was one of the worst years ever.
If it's come down to Far Cry and Assassin's Creed for PC, then it was indeed a very bad year. I'll just pretend Divinity Original Sin 2 was released in 2018 and call that one GOTY.
See, I currently don't own a console....

I have heard that God of War is AMAZING.

But on the PC side, I would have to go with Assassins Creed: Odyssey.

It took how many iterations? .... Finally, Ubisoft knocked it out of the park!
Without a doubt, God of War. No other game has pulled me in like that in recent memory. Every piece of this game was top fucking notch.
Of course it is Odyssey. No question there. I only played FC5 from the listed games, And I don't even plan to play the others. They are of no interest to me.
I was hooked on Titanfall 2 and then quake champions that I don't think I bought a new game this year.

Not one that was released in this year anyways...
Its been a pretty terrible year for PC games. I didnt play Odyssey but it looks like thats the winner.
My game for the year is Miscreated which will soon go full release. The amazing work and new content and seeing the growth from raw to filled out has been great to see. Scum also impressed me.
GoW and RDR2 were fantastic, but I gotta go with Monster Hunter World for the amount of time and enjoyment I put into it. Ended up buying it on two platforms, as well.
I didn't play them until 2018 when I got a switch but if I could I would vote for either Zelda BOTW or Mario Odyssey. Nothing in 2018 has been as compelling as those two. I got RDR2 but haven't really played it too much.
Only new game I bought in 2018 (last night) was Just Cause 4. Haven't started it, yet, but I expect it'll be the same kind of blow up shit in cool ways fun that the previous games provided.

EDIT: Whoa... after re-reading the list, I noticed Kingdom Come. I bought that one months ago and completely forgot about it. Wonder how many other times I've done that over the years? :banghead::eek::whistle:
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I remember having a really good time with a game this year, cant think of the name.
Sounds like GoW is a really good game. Enjoyed the first 2 on ps2 and the GoW3 on PS3 but GoW Ascension I found tedious and repetitive.

I bought this game but never started as my backlog is pretty long. I'll definitely have to check it out. I haven't started Horizon Zero Dawn either. Which game is better?
COD: Blackout

Red dead 2 offers micro transactions on a full priced title.

Not to mention Rockstar made hundreds of millions of dollars on the first week alone so "We need mIcRoTrAnSaCtiONz!!!1" is no excuse.
Sounds like GoW is a really good game. Enjoyed the first 2 on ps2 and the GoW3 on PS3 but GoW Ascension I found tedious and repetitive.

I bought this game but never started as my backlog is pretty long. I'll definitely have to check it out. I haven't started Horizon Zero Dawn either. Which game is better?

I prefer Horizon, but they are both excellent games. In horizon you have more tools and it's more ranged combat, more side quests and crafting and also more open world, huge parts of GoW are more on rails.
Battlefield 4.

That's literally what I've played this year.

[but I voted KC:D, because I intend to play it, you know, someday...]
Rimworld. Its been in alpha for years but release was a couple of months ago and I finally started playing it recently. I didn't think I'd like it despite many recomendations from friends but its damn fun.
I added Hunt: Showdown to the poll...I forgot about that one but it's definitely GOTY worthy (even though it's still Early Access)
Sounds like GoW is a really good game. Enjoyed the first 2 on ps2 and the GoW3 on PS3 but GoW Ascension I found tedious and repetitive.

I bought this game but never started as my backlog is pretty long. I'll definitely have to check it out. I haven't started Horizon Zero Dawn either. Which game is better?
GoW. Horizon is a Ubisoft snorefest under a different name, no idea why it's rated so highly.
Sounds like GoW is a really good game. Enjoyed the first 2 on ps2 and the GoW3 on PS3 but GoW Ascension I found tedious and repetitive.

I bought this game but never started as my backlog is pretty long. I'll definitely have to check it out. I haven't started Horizon Zero Dawn either. Which game is better?
From a gameplay perspective I think Horizon wins. Story is equally good between them. Horizon is an action-adventure with a huge open world in the vein of Zelda, while Son of Dad still follows the God of War formula but it's slower.
From a gameplay perspective I think Horizon wins. Story is equally good between them. Horizon is an action-adventure with a huge open world in the vein of Zelda, while Son of Dad still follows the God of War formula but it's slower.

Hmm... it will be tough deciding which game to start first. Likely play GoW first. I just started Witcher 3 so that will keep me busy for a while... Maxed out at 4K, looks amazing for an older game. It seems like from the list of games there aren't any PC exclusives... I guess the good part is we're getting more games ported to PC but less games that are built for PC first like Crysis and the original Far Cry