What is the greatest PC game MODification ever?

i dont play anymore, but it HAS to be CS. there is no way desert combat has #1 over counter-strike. cs is just too popular. and if im not mistaken, wasn't cs one of the first mods to go retail?
WickedAngel said:
The problem with CS is that it is now almost completely inaccessible to new players. New players spend most of their time looking at the game from the outside because you only get one life per round.

This leads new players to assume that everyone is cheating.

I only started playing about a year ago, and now I am usually the top or 2nd person on every server(minus the gotfrag servers) but when I did start it was hard but I had a couple of friends who helped me a lot.
Exactly you started to play a year ago is kind of a learning curve :).

But the question is what YOU think is the best I would assume. Most people that play CS may not even know what mods is :D
CS, its still fun to this day. Even though the levels are small, that makes it personal.
ManCannon said:
Carball for Unreal Tournament 2004.

"technically" it's a game type... but I will totally agree with you for several reasons.
1. It works great
2. It's simple, elegant, and a hell of a lot of fun
3. I'm totally biased since I got a couple guys I work with hooked on it when Cliff Earl (the "father of CarBall") was still working on it alone, and now they are part of a good sized dev team... some fo the stuff coming out in 2.5 is cool and the wacky things they have planned for 2.6 will make it even more fun
I vouche for CS as well.

I just hate those people who claim CS takes no skill. CPL's BIGGEST prize tournament is CS (well CS:S now) and has been that way for several years. The biggest leagues involve CS as well. Heck, professional gaming started with CS in my opinion (or at least boosted its involvement heavily).

If you think CS takes no skill whatsoever, why don't you form a clan with each other, beat all these "unskilled players" and win money, prizes, and a title for yourselves.

Team 3D, CoL, NoA are namable clans cause not only do they have extreme teamwork, but they have the "mandatory" skills to professionally execute each move.

So CS DOES take skill, its just that when you are a nub, it seems that all it is is point and click. PLEASE STOP THE IGNORANCE, you don't see me bashing on other games.
So far CS rulzz.

WOW! I noticed that no one even mentioned DOD, I rank it as #4

The current issue of PC Gamer mag has a good article about "The Next Episodes". Better maps and gfx...
ekorazn said:
I vouche for CS as well.

I just hate those people who claim CS takes no skill. CPL's BIGGEST prize tournament is CS (well CS:S now) and has been that way for several years. The biggest leagues involve CS as well. Heck, professional gaming started with CS in my opinion (or at least boosted its involvement heavily).

If you think CS takes no skill whatsoever, why don't you form a clan with each other, beat all these "unskilled players" and win money, prizes, and a title for yourselves.

Team 3D, CoL, NoA are namable clans cause not only do they have extreme teamwork, but they have the "mandatory" skills to professionally execute each move.

So CS DOES take skill, its just that when you are a nub, it seems that all it is is point and click. PLEASE STOP THE IGNORANCE, you don't see me bashing on other games.
uh by your theory you must hate other mods cause you suck at it example DC
Only played two in my PC gaming life (CS and Desert Combat).

Since I played DC a lot more (about 3 years), I'd say DC is it. I was big into CS, but since I was much newer, I sucked at it a lot.
QTF is number 1.
CS is a close 2nd.
Enemy Territory should count at number 3.
TFC is 4th.
And Firearms for HL is a distant 5th.

The first 2 are almost too close to call. After that it gets easier but those 5 are still the most amazing mods in my mind.
DC, but the original 42 is still the funnest game I've ever played. Still is.

Never could get into CS. Levels too small. Rescuing hostages is...well... gay. :p Buying gear gets old. I guess if BF42 ever got old, and I had more time... I'd play it more. But then BF2 is coming out in a month so... so much for CS. It's got way more players though...can't argue with that.

I have limited time for playing (well an hour here and there) and I just can't stand sitting around waiting for that last guy hiding to die so I can play again. Graphics are great, but I prefer WW2 action.
Tough Question.

Damn tough.

I won't count counter-strike as it is now a retail game, but some of my favorites are: The Specialists; Desert Combat; and the H2 mod for Halo CE.
although personally I stay away from cs like the black plague but I much rather the "CS rip off" of Tactical Ops. I don't care that everyone else says it sucks, I like it. DoD is awesome, but really, saying that any mod beats out cs for it's outright popularity and cultural power is kinda silly, considering before gta3 came out everyone was still ripping CS as the reason for all sorts of rediculous crimes from stabbings to school shootings. not that CS isn't still blamed for things, but it's easily the most prominent
Counter-Strike isn't a great modification anymore. Before 1.6 and Source it was a wonderful modification :(. It was one of the greatest but gahh stupid Valve.
first I want to say I have not read this thread, but I want to get my vote in before I have to go.

My favorite mod currently is Desert Combat for BF:1942, however the best of all time for me is Counter Strike!
Natural Selection

cs was bleh.. just because 80,000 kids on 500mhz computers play it doesn't make it the best mod.
Conker said:
:D Desert Combat :D for battlefield 1942

totaly agree with u on that pal!!!

cantw ait for BF2 2 come out, thats gunna be soooooooooooo SICK!!

for me CS is over rated, i have played the game soo many times and the amount fo people that cheat is rediculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does this count official mods? In that case I'd say HL1 Team Fortress Classic.

User created: Quake 2 Lithium, and OSP Tourney.
DC for BF42.

Pretty much a free game. May as well call it BF1.5. What did the enthusiasts behind DC do next?
Pheonix MoD for SoF2, brought back the speed and action of SoF1 to a better gaming engine.