What is the best video card for a 100MHz machine?

djBon2112 said:
Guys, retro DOS machine?

Thank you!

There are some games that run well on a 100MHz machine that run like GARBAGE on DOSBox, etc.

Betatester said:
i wonder if he can even play solitare at a decent FPS......jokes jokes

It's best to play on a 33MHz machine. When you win, the cards drop and bounce away slower.
I have a Celeron 433 but there's still compatibility issues with many games. Some games run way too fast. I know they ran perfectly on a 100MHz machine as long as it had enough memory.

I'll look into eBay for those voodoo cards.

I only need like an 4MB card. Some of you guys want me to get a 9250? :rolleyes:
Just get an old rendition verite based video card, they worked great for the older PCs. I loved mine :)

Oh and if the game supports their dos 3d api it really gives the game new life, I believe the API is called speedy3d and I know the original Tomb Raider supported it. Ah, memories.
i had a pentium 200 w/MMX overclocked to 250Mhz, 64MB ram, ati Rage PRO for 2D, voodoo 2 12MB for 3D

definately the best gaming machine at the time
This thread makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Makes me want to dig through the storage to see if I still have my old P2 box. How could you all forget POD?! It uses MMX technology!!!!eleven!!!1!
i still have a computer like taht and we still use it. my mom uses ms word 95 to learn english and she browse that web. it;s alright. occasional solitare aren;t bad and yahoo online games. but i think i might take apart taht computer now. some cpu and ram keychains.

some 133 cpu
crap ass motherboard
16mb ram
a gig HD (good external...maybe)
the steel of the case is so thick i think it might be bulletproof.

my dad build this computer as a simple web browsing ....almost 10 years ago.
Why don't you just use VMWare and emulate Win 95? It sure would be a lot easier to work with and it doesn't require you to build a new/old machine. I use that for a couple of games that are DOS based and it works great.

My 2c
Chibo said:
I've got two v2's with the sli cable sitting in a box next to my bed.........
lol ..I got three of them with a cable in drawer at work

I used a Voodoo card with a Matrox Mystique 4MB. The Voodoo was an upgrade from an m3D card with PowerVR.

Nice little machine. Old games were great. Day of the Tentacle, Star Wars, Doom1,2, Leisure Suit Larry.

P100 may not be a lot of power, but it's great for nostalgia. Of course, you can emulate most of that (or put on a VM) with a newer machine.
clockworks said:
Why don't you just use VMWare and emulate Win 95? It sure would be a lot easier to work with and it doesn't require you to build a new/old machine. I use that for a couple of games that are DOS based and it works great.

My 2c

Does it emulate the old sound blaster cards? I believe I have a VESA or ISA card in my Celeron 433.
I had a Voodoo Banshee in my 133mhz compaq.. but I sold the card back in 1999 or so. =((( I wish I would have kept it now. That would probably be an awesome PCI card, but maybe even a little overkill for a slow machine. I don't know if you are going to find one today.. but maybe. It will play any game you throw at it for a slow computer. I even moved the Banshee into a 550mhz e-machine, and I was getting 25fps in Q3 at 800x600 on low settings. That was when Q3 first came out... then I decided I needed to upgrade my graphics card to a Geforce 2 GTS. Schwingggggggggg! :p (inbetween there I had a Riva too.. it sucked.) lol.
I've got a 4mb VooDoo 1 around here somewhere, and a 5500 AGP somewhere as well.

I remember using the voodoo to play Jedi Knight, quake, the like.
One guy earlier had a great list with Quake 1, Warcraft 1, Starcraft, etc. but you guys are forgetting about Lucas Arts! He could play Monkey Island 1 & 2, Full Throttle, The Dig, etc.

Guybrush Threepwood FTW! :D
Fendrix said:
One guy earlier had a great list with Quake 1, Warcraft 1, Starcraft, etc. but you guys are forgetting about Lucas Arts! He could play Monkey Island 1 & 2, Full Throttle, The Dig, etc.

Guybrush Threepwood FTW! :D

still some of the best story lines ever.... plus Day of the Tentacle :D
youll never be able to preach to the young ones about how good it was in the olden days, they will never understand.. they grew up with 64bit gfx anything less is just stupid.. obviously us older folks know better but they never will :)
remmeber if you get a voodoo, they get extreamly hot. So make sure you have good airflow.
Just kidding, I use MS Virtual PC (I forgot the name and VMWare). Anyways, Virtual PC does emulate Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 so you do get sound.
I have a 16mb AGP Blaster Banshee for 95/98/me. Its complete and in good working order, and has the driver install disk! Couldn't part with it (throw it away) since it still works.

I have 4mb diamond VC pci also.
matt0r said:
are most of you guys fucking 15?
you know games existed before antialiasing and 2560x1600 resolution
graphics dont equal fun

this thread is seriously bumming me out

im gonna go play sonic 2 on my genesis

what do you want us to do noobie? Play pongs and N64 forever?
Terra said:
The gamepaly of FEAR is very good, so your analogy is flawed...it's the A.I, story, and leveldesign that makes FEAR a great game
Besides FEAR has some problem with the graphical design.
Bullets only make "sparks" in Hollywood movies:

I found FEAR's graphics to be quite realistic at some point in the game but they did a bad job on modeling some of the main characters and made them look like plastic figures.
I posted the thread about underclocking a K6-2 350 for DOS Games in the other forum...but my buddy had a Celery 333mhz/384mb RAM in his old Gateway desktop ATX case...he gave it to me. I went with that instead. I found out I should be able to run most of my DOS games on win98...will need to use moslo for old 386-era games. Stuff like the SSI goldbox AD&D games (Pool of Radiance, woohoo!)

Funy thing was It had a Rage Pro I gave him back in 1998 in it :D

I replaced the Rage Pro with my voodoo3, swiped out his SB Live for my SB PCI512, took out the Bigfoot 6.5GB drive and replaced it with an old 10GB WD 5400rpm and ran some new cabling.

Got it all powered up and running. Gonna get Win98 installed in the next few days. Some DOS games are timeless.
Warrior said:
... your joking right?... a dos game AS FUN as FEAR.... the world has gone mad..

and to the OP... just cause you find a computer in a dumpster dosnt mean its going to be a great computer just cause you add a video card, or put any money into it at all for that matter.

Ultima VII, Daggerfall, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage - now that game WAS fun. As in actual guffaw. Wing Commander, Railroad Tycoon, Master of Magic. There are loads.
Immacolata said:
Ultima VII, Daggerfall, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage - now that game WAS fun. As in actual guffaw. Wing Commander, Railroad Tycoon, Master of Magic. There are loads.

Preech to us brother!

Redneck Rampage was golden. D3D with the strippers and pig aliens! Daggerfall... A timeless classic! So many. Jeezuz. I want to make a 98 box now just to bring these back! I feel for my brothers who will grow up on Fear and Prey with 4AA/8AF on 12x10 or 10x7 and never know what gaming was back when. You all remember the older Star Wars games? :p Good stuff

Don't get me wrong. Games now-a-days are fu nas hell. I love the immersion and quality of games. But there were some back when I was growing up that were truely priceless!

---- Anyone here play "Freelancer"? That was a good game... kinda newer though :)
+1 cookie if youall tell me what it reselmbes !
GreenMonkey said:
Some DOS games are timeless.
Master of Magic will still run today in a properly configured DOS box in WinXP. I still play it every now and again. QFT, timeless.
Coolmanluke said:
Dude get a 7950GTX there shouldn't be bottleneck with such a beefy processor. ;)

if there were a mobo with both using socket 5/7 and pci-e, I would totally do it. :D
legendz411 said:
---- Anyone here play "Freelancer"? That was a good game... kinda newer though :)
+1 cookie if youall tell me what it reselmbes !
Freelancer? as in the sequel to Starlancer? that was an awesome game.