What is the best Monitor available with no input lag!!!

Feb 26, 2011
I dont care about anything but input lag but socom 4 is coming out in april and I want to have a monitor with no input lag at all. What is the monitor anyone would recommend that has no input lag. I have a viewsonic 1ms monitor but it does have a little input lag on it. Good monitor tho I just hate input lag. So can someone please tell me a monitor around $340 that has no input lag. I am a hardcore gamer all I do is game. Plz help me with finding a monitor with no input lag :) Thank you.
what model viewsonic do you currently own?

Someone correct me if im wrong, but i believe any crt will have negligable input lag, as there is no processing of the signal.

Are you sure that your monitor is what is causing the lag? Have you tried numerous games, and turning down all the graphics settings. Specifically, turn off all AA, AF, and disable ANY V-sync.
(turn off vertical sync, double buffering, and tripple buffering)
the 120hz lg has absolutely no input lag and its also really great for gaming
but the colors are shit for desktop usage
I have the vx2739wm 1ms monitor :)

I just need a 22-24 inch monitor that has no input lag at all. One that is available currently. :)

I play the ps3. I need a monitor that has no input lag. Best for gaming.
fw900 is a crt, it doesn't have input lag. It doesn't have hdmi inputs, only standard vga.
Most people seem to run the monitor at 2304x1440

If you want an LCD that accepts hdmi input your viewsonic seems to be pretty good about input lag
read near the bottom "input lag"

they average 9ms of lag, there's a few that go 8ms and 7ms, but most seem to be higher at 15 and 20

edit: another thread to look at
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Im thinking of getting 1 of these monitors what do you guys think?

Samsung 2233rz- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001311

Viewsonic VX2268wm- http://www.digitalversus.com/viewsonic-vx2268wm-p357_6823_41.html

Acer GD235HZbid- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009222

The viewsonic seems to be the most responsive monitor with no input lag so what do you guys think out of those 3 would be best for gaming?
samsung/viewsonic have 1 frame input lag
the acer has 3 frames input lag
BenQ XL2410T also has no input lag whatsoever with instant mode activated. Also 120hz monitor. In term of practical use it hit a homerun for me. I am quite sure there is quite a few LCD monitors with higher IQ though it does it´s job :)
serpretetsky said:
they average 9ms of lag, there's a few that go 8ms and 7ms, but most seem to be higher at 15 and 20
Those numbers are not exact. Anything under 15 ms probably has no lag other than the pixel response times. Most monitors lag an exact number of frames, so 9 ms doesn't make sense. Most of those numbers are from imprecise testing.

streetmarinee said:
I have the vx2739wm 1ms monitor :)
That monitor shouldn't have any lag.
What does that mean? If you dont mind me asking :)

It means that since its only 1ms it could even be zero since there has to be a margin of error for the test.

I own the Samsung still and as far input latency is concerned I don't think that with my quick response/reflexes I could tell a difference between it and a CRT.

And if input latency is all that concerns you then between the Samsung 22 inch and a regular CRT it would be impossible for you to really tell the difference as no human being is that sensitive to latency of any kind you won't get much better.
It means that since its only 1ms it could even be zero since there has to be a margin of error for the test.

I own the Samsung still and as far input latency is concerned I don't think that with my quick response/reflexes I could tell a difference between it and a CRT.

And if input latency is all that concerns you then between the Samsung 22 inch and a regular CRT it would be impossible for you to really tell the difference as no human being is that sensitive to latency of any kind you won't get much better.

So what would you recommend the Samsung one or the Viewsonic one because I read A review from digitalvs and they said that the viewsonic one is made for gaming and is the most responsive monitor ever.

Could you hook the 22 inch 120hz samsung monitor to a ps3 using dvi-hdmi? I would get audio another way :)
I think he should go CRT.

That is the he only way to side step the input lag problem entirely. However, I have an Acer H233H bmid I use when I'm not using my CRT that really feels lag free-and I am very picky about that sort of thing. That and the H243H are favorites of the console gaming community for that reason. Picture quality is just okay, but it's portable and cheap. You could probably buy 2 for $350. They are 16:9 and 1080p native. For PC gaming you may want 16:10 though.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a lag-less LCD-maybe someday...
Samsung 2233rz does not work properly with the PS3 and can only operate at 60hz. There are plenty of no lag 60hz panels avaliable for half the price of A 120hz panel. It also has 12ms+ of lag depending on the source.

The LG may have no lag, but it also has the worst image quality of all the 120hz panels and requires calibration to get a halfway decent picture.

The BenQ is also a poor altenrnative due to the slow response time when operating in 60hz, price and terrible quality control.

The Acer H243H has <6ms of lag, same with the LG W2442PA, there are a couple 200$ Asus models with low lag too. If the OP doesn't know the difference between 1 frame and 3 frames I don't think one of these will be a problem.

Also his current viewsonic has half a frame of inpuy lag, the problem is most likely his internet connection if he feels like he is lagging, or skills/lack of. Check speedtest.net to see if you are lagging, or increase the controller sensitivity. I cant play any console shooters without cranking the sensitivity.
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sony xbr960 hdmi 1080i/720p crt tv if you can find one. They are immense though - practically a cube or a cone the back is so large, and weigh 196lb for a 34" widescreen. I've never seen a ps3 look better than on one, or a wii for that matter since that looks better on crts vs scaling.


Realistically, you prob can get by with an ultra fast response time TN screen that has no scaler. Scaler = input lag.

Rock band lyrics are a good way to test for ghosting btw since they are neon glowing on black background, and move fast across the screen. The metronome calibrator in the rock band config gives a decent hands-on idea of the perceivable input lag too. Most tv's have 32ms - 48ms input lag (or more), even in "game mode".
Also his current viewsonic has half a frame of inpuy lag, the problem is most likely his internet connection if he feels like he is lagging, or skills/lack of. Check speedtest.net to see if you are lagging, or increase the controller sensitivity. I cant play any console shooters without cranking the sensitivity.
but internet connection produces a completely different lag, that is easily discernible from input lag.

I do agree with you though, if he feels input lag from his current setup there may be something else going on. Anywhere from the mouse to the screen is the possiblity for lag to be introduced. I have had mice do strange things to me, but most often when i feel input lag my video rendering settings are incorrect.

OP: are you sure you are getting input lag? Does your screen noticeably lag behind your movements especially if you try to turn with the mouse? Or are you getting a different lag? low framerate? characters ghosting around in multiplayer (is this lag reproducable in single player)? Insensitive turning speed?
I picked up an LG yesterday from Fry's. Yes the colors are bad on this thing :) I ran some tests using an old canon digital camera and my NEC FP1355. I tried the follow resolutions:

1920x1080 @ 120hz for the LG and 85hz for the CRT
1024x768 @ 120hz for both. (I used 'do not scale/use my displays, built-ins scaling, and nvidia fixed-aspect ratio) *********. Does anyone know if using any of these options increases the input lag on the LCD? **********

Geforce 275GTX w/ 260.99
I did not have a dual DVI splitter. I used the LG in monitor 1 port (located closest to the motherboard) and the NEC was in monitor 2 port.

results: 0ms to 17ms
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but internet connection produces a completely different lag, that is easily discernible from input lag.
Not rendering frames it not rendering frames, and the human eye has no means of telling if the frame loss is from the network or server or rendering or what.

People also can only see frame losses, so anything under 16.6 ms is no lag, and its unlikely anyone can tell a mere two frames of lag either. Human reaction time is usually around 200 ms, so lets be realistic.

Most of the time when people complain about input lag, its the much higher network latency or low framerates at play. Play singleplayer w/ a minimum of 60fps, and suddenly there is no lag.
Ducman69 said:
People also can only see frame losses, so anything under 16.6 ms is no lag, and its unlikely anyone can tell a mere two frames of lag either. Human reaction time is usually around 200 ms, so lets be realistic.
Please don't start this. Lag has nothing to do with reaction time. It has to do with hand-eye coordination, which is much more sensitive to lag. It's definitely possible to feel a two-frame lag or even a one-frame lag. It's just most people don't recognize it because it doesn't bother them enough to notice it.

Regardless, the 27" ViewSonic shouldn't have any lag other than the pixel response times, so something else has to be going on. The only thing I can think of that would add lag is vsync, in which case a 120 Hz monitor would help by cutting the lag in half (from 16-33 ms to 8-16 ms), but that's assuming that the 120 Hz monitor doesn't have any lag of its own and that the frame rate can keep up with the refresh rate. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a significant difference. People that care about responsiveness shouldn't have vsync enabled anyway, and with vsync disabled, there shouldn't be a significant difference in lag compared to a CRT.
Please don't start this. Lag has nothing to do with reaction time. It has to do with hand-eye coordination, which is much more sensitive to lag.
As an avid real world shooter, where the equivalent of lag is introduced due to time delay for firing mechanisms and projectile and target travel, your brain easily and instinctively compensates for marginal perceptible lag after very brief adjustment. Cmon now, the people that claim they can see one frame of lag are those that wish to convince others and perhaps even themselves of their superhuman ability. People exaggerate measurements, whether we're talking about acuity or manhood. Beyond hand-eye, when it comes to a reaction delay due to such minor display lag, that is where the reaction time comment comes into play. So really, if anything, an inability to cope w/ such nearly imperceptible lag is indicative of a mild level of mental retardation. :p

Realistically, three frames of lag is where a few younger people can reliably point out a lag in "blind" testing.

No argument on the Viewsonic.
As an avid real world shooter, where the equivalent of lag is introduced due to time delay for firing mechanisms and projectile and target travel, your brain easily and instinctively compensates for marginal perceptible lag after very brief adjustment. Cmon now, the people that claim they can see one frame of lag are those that wish to convince others and perhaps even themselves of their superhuman ability. People exaggerate measurements, whether we're talking about acuity or manhood. Beyond hand-eye, when it comes to a reaction delay due to such minor display lag, that is where the reaction time comment comes into play. So really, if anything, an inability to cope w/ such nearly imperceptible lag is indicative of a mild level of mental retardation. :p

Realistically, three frames of lag is where a few younger people can reliably point out a lag in "blind" testing.

No argument on the Viewsonic.
that's what the average joe (which would have been eaten by sabretooths within a week) believes

i'm proud on my superior perception and hunting skills
yes, they may render all the inferior hardware nowadays unusable for me
but they also enable others to constantly call me a cheater, or even ban me, when i'm on a decent monitor
couldn't enjoy online-gaming without it
My last monitor was a CRT and being a heavy gamer I bought the Samsung PX2370 due to its low input lag comments and wasn't disappointed.

This model is also praised in reviews for having very accurate colors out of the box which isnt something you normally see with a TN panel.

Image snipped from this review http://www.digitalversus.com/samsung-syncmaster-px2370-p357_8191_36.html
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This is a somewhat interesting thread. I got an Asus VE276Q monitor for Christmas. My previous monitor was a Diamondtron 2060u CRT. My gaming experience has been less than stellar since the new display arrived. Never really thought it was the monitor until I read this thread. I thought my wireless was acting up.