What games do you think have held up best over time?

You can't really say that WoW has held up well over time, firstly, it isn't that old, secondly, the game as it is now is significantly different to how it was at launch. I mean, how many of the 70quadrillion WoW players would define their WoW experience based on the time they spend in BGs/Arena, none of that was part of the game at launch.
Starcraft no doubt. Its still the best RTS available and thousands of people still play it daily on battle.net after 10 years.
Heh, I posted this thread regarding Final Fantasy Tactics. I'm surprised at how fresh this seems 10 years after the fact.
Battlefield 1942. Still the best BF game.

Also, goldeneye for the N64, me and my friends play it all the time cause the mp is awesome.
Id have to say Team Fortress Classic, Quake 3, UT99, RTCW, and Enemy Territory for me. I love me a good shooter.
Frankly, World of Warcraft is staying amazingly popular even though it's about 3 and a half years old now. Frankly, I don't know how people can keep playing a single MMO for such a long stretch, but I guess I'm in the minority.
EQ1 is still going strong though not as popular as it was. Came out 99? And yeah, its amazing how long people will play an MMO... not that I would know...:eek:
Soldier Of Fortune 2

The multiplayer is almost dead but after 7+ years people are still playing it.
I know Tomb Raider isn't that big of a deal to most ppl. But I was hooked since the original on the good ol' PS one back in 96'. Tomb Raider: Anniversary (remake of the original) highly recommend to anyone that is a Tomb Raider fan like myself.

I even liked the Angel of Darkness, although it had its follies and foibles, I still ejoyed playing it when it came out.
More votes for CS, TFC (I really like tf2 and cs:s isn't bad), Warcraft 3, Quake 3 Arena.

As far as console series go: Zelda's still tough to beat.
Another vote for UT:GOTY edition. We played that a ton due to easy requirements (can get more people into a game then) and solid mechanics and maps.
super punch out for SNES

If anyone still ran light cycle servers for Tron 2.0 I'd probably still play that all the time too.
Worthy successor, I greatly enjoyed playing it, loaded it up again just a few weeks ago for a few skirmishes.

Hardware is not an issue, I run it at 1920x1200 on my main display and I have a second display running 1280x1024. Runs great as long as units stay capped around 500 or so. I run into an AI cap where the game speed slows down, scales back (need lots of CPU I imagine, or for them to release a 64bit binary!). But never had framerate issues.


I've been playing TA since it's release (1997), and all the mods that have been available to it has made it last till just about last year.
SupCom (SupremeCommander) is better strategically, graphically, and connectivity better than TA. It is a power house game. I was able to run everything at high (1600x1200) on a 7900 GS with 27-30fps with a Opty 165. Now with my 8800GT and quad core, I can max out all settings and retain frame rates. With more and more mods being mad e (and expansions) for it, I see it lasting another 5-7 years as well.
Total Annihilation - game I've kept going back to atleast 2x a year and killing away several hours since 1997.