What game are you REALLY Excited for?

I don't even think Diablo 3 has been mentioned by Blizzard, either way almost the entire team who made the Diablo series is no longer with Blizzard. Hellgate London is what you are after now. Diablo 3 will mostly sell on its name alone is my speculation.

Actually if you read the latest headlines on diabloii.net they say the game has been "in the works" before Blizzard North and those former employees left to form Flaship Studios - they don't own the license to the game so technically Diablo 3 could be being worked on by a team from Blizzard right now. I mean, it's not like Blizzard couldn't form an entire new team to work on Diablo 3, it's Blizzard after all right? When's the last time they ever released a bad pc game (not console game)?

...of course we all know Star Craft 2 is "in the works" and that's coming out when? Yeah, I'd take all the information with a grain of salt, but it's still promising.

I can not wait for that game. The only game that would come close to that for me would be Red Alert (even made by EA) would get me excited.
Supreme Commander

And unnanounced but inevitable;
Starcraft 2
Diablo 3
1. Oblivion, no doubt. I got a 360, but I think I'm gonna have to get this one on the PC.
2. Medieval 2: Total War = foaming at the mouth.

3. Hellgate: London, looks sweet
4. Mass Effect
5. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter...holding my breath on that one...

I was excited about R6:LD, but after the demo not so much. I'll probably still get it and hope that someone will mod the realism back into it.
Children of Mana
Radiant Silvergun (I think I'll be able to afford it this year... *crosses fingers*)
Only 2 persons said Spore ??? I thought there would be more persons interested in this game ... oh well.

Currently, only Spore.

And unnanounced but inevitable;
Starcraft 2
Diablo 3
HL2:aftermath(if it shows up)
Crysis(new Crytek game)
Maybe time shifter if it shows up on PC
too bad Black is only xbox and not PC
I seriously hope that the frame rates will be more than in the 30fps area for Oblivion. These days, things just don't look that good unless they are hovering closer to 50-60 fps.
Two PC games. Both are slated for release in the end of this year and, strangely enough, both are German games :)

Gothic 3 and Crysis.
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter for Xbox 360.

I've loved the Ghost Recon series and AW is the only game coming out fairly soon that I've been looking forward to.

Other than I'd have to add S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Gears of War, and Halo 3.
Yeah, GR:AW looks really good

Quake Wars

Gears of War
Battlefield Modern Combat
Far Cry Instincts

GT Mobile
Tokyo Extreme Racer
Devil May Cry
Spyhon Filter

Counter Strike Source. (its jacked)

The new Crytek game sounds out of this world. I'll prolly run it at 800x600 everything low with my rig :p
Ahhh, can't believe I forgot to mention resident evil 5....I cant wait for that. Also MGS4.
santaliqueur said:
the next gran turismo and grand theft auto games, and city of metronome, all for PS3.

I haven't kept up with this title for a while, has it officially been announced for PS3? Last I had heard they were without a publisher or attached to any console. This one has me intrigued too.
diablo 3 was announced at some convention, cant remember which one, they said it was going to be an mmorpg set in heaven or some shit like that. think i saw it in an article on gamespy linked from the shack.
Age of Conan
The witcher
TES4: Oblivion
Gothic III
Medieval 2: total war
Medieval II: Total War

Rise of Legends

WoW: Burning Legion? (the expansion)

Elderscrolls: Oblivion
junehhan said:
I seriously hope that the frame rates will be more than in the 30fps area for Oblivion. These days, things just don't look that good unless they are hovering closer to 50-60 fps.
I suppose Im just used to using sub-par cards (I have a 6200 right now) but once I get past 20-24 FPS I barely notice a difference.
junehhan said:
I seriously hope that the frame rates will be more than in the 30fps area for Oblivion. These days, things just don't look that good unless they are hovering closer to 50-60 fps.

eh considering 30fps is the cap on a lot of mmorpgs, especially on console, I don't see where this is a problem.

It is a problem when it falls to around 15, but 30 for a RPG is good since its usually pretty slow moving.