What could possibly be the problem with this motherboard


Apr 13, 2006
So my dad put together a computer off of new egg this week and I came home to build it. Everything went together fine but I can't get it to start.

1. the power led on the front lit up and stayed on before I turned the computer on.
2. Then I pushed the power button and the heatsink spun a rotation and stopped.
3. It began spinning for about a second after playing with it for a while.
4. I figured maybe it was something with the switch pins so I played with them for a few minutes.
5. started it again and now i get absolutely nothing. thought maybe it was the power supply so I tested that in another computer and it works fine.....

does anyone have any sugguests on what I should try next? Kind of out of ideas myself.
It could be a whole lot of things.
For example, I had similar behaviour when the ram couldnt run at the motherboards default voltage.
Try one ramstick at a time in different memory slots.
If you have any other ram to try, give it a go.
Pull everything off but the CPU and one stick of memory and see what it does, then if it seems to go through a boot cycle, add one item in at a time until the problem comes back. If the base config with one stick does not boot, put it in a different slot and try again, then switch the stick for the other if still no boot to determine if its a bad mem stick.
Oh, and make sure the cmos jumper or switch is set to the right position.
I tired moving the ram around and still nothing. cmos jumper is on right. pulled it apart quite a few times.

Its wierd because its almost as though it isn't getting any power at all but the power supply works becasue it was tested on another computer. the fact that originally it lit up the leds on the front of the case and will not do that anymore worries me.
the problem was that power cord was faulty. brand new setup and it was a bad cord and i figured this out after hours of testing every part and accidently using an old cord from another computer.

anyway, thanks for the sugguestions.
the problem was that power cord was faulty. brand new setup and it was a bad cord and i figured this out after hours of testing every part and accidently using an old cord from another computer.

anyway, thanks for the sugguestions.

Wow...who would have thought that. Glad it's working though.