What card to run 1920 x 1200 on all games?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
I'm starting to wonder if my 7800GT has enough power to run everything at 1920 x 1200.
I don't care that much about AA or AF, I just want to be able to run any game at my native resolution and have no slowdown or jerkiness.
I would like to avoid SLI so if I upgrade, I'll probably sell this card and get a 7800 GTX 512 when prices come down.

System Specs:
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
AMD X2 4400+ @ 2.6GHz
2 x 1GB Crucial Value RAM
BFG 7800 GT stock speeds
Raptor boot drive
All high-end cards can run at that resolution as can (I imagine) mainstream cards with reasonable performance. Your 7800 should be fine
tornadotsunamilife said:
All high-end cards can run at that resolution as can (I imagine) mainstream cards with reasonable performance. Your 7800 should be fine
Then why am I getting skipping in Serious Sam 2?
yea in stuff like serious sam 2, fear, cod2, Q4, aoe3, bf2, etc. I can see you getting choppy frames with just a GT. A GTX 512 will give you about the same performance as GT sli.
Russ said:
yea in stuff like serious sam 2, fear, cod2, Q4, aoe3, bf2, etc. I can see you getting choppy frames with just a GT. A GTX 512 will give you about the same performance as GT sli.
and those are the games I'm going to be playing
maybe I will upgrade to the GTX 512, but I'm not going to pay more than $600 so I'll have to wait a couple months I guess

I've actually got another 7800 GT that I was planning to sell, haven't even opened it, but I really don't want to mess with SLI because of the extra heat, noise, space, etc
I have the 7800GTX 256meg and I can run most games at 1920x1200 with very little stuttering. Keep in mind that if a game does not support that res and you have the monitor stretch it to fit the full screen it will stutter and look choppy as the image is being stretched
256 GTX would be able to do it, though not with full IQ. 256 GTX SLI, 512 GTX, or 512 GTX SLI would easily do it, though in games like Fear you wouldnt be able to put IQ all the way up with the 256 sli.
how necessary is AA at 1920x1200? can someone post a pic of an unAA'd 1920x1200 game pwease?
i'll buy ur 7800gt if u dont want it later down the road :)
reddhaus said:
Could you expand on this........please.

Right-click My Computer ->Properties->Advanced Tab->Performance Settings->Advanced Tab->Virtual Memory Change...then have it setup to a different drive :).
i always hear about page file and virtual memory crap and moving it to another drive. What are the benefits of this? You actually see better performance?
iRoNeTiK said:
i always hear about page file and virtual memory crap and moving it to another drive. What are the benefits of this? You actually see better performance?

Probably depends on how much system memory you have. I wouldn't imagine it makes that big of a difference. You might get an occasional stutter every once in a while if a program and your virtual memory are trying to work at the same time.
I think the most performance boost will come if the other drive is a separate harddisk rather than a different partition. In that case, you should be able to observe some performance boost since the system can access both the data disk and the virtual memory disk. And I assume another advantage is if u assign it to a separate disk, you can more easily assign that part of the disk to be at the head of the disk, so the access time is less.
No system is going to be able to run ALL games at 1920 x 1200. Games like FEAR and Serious Sam 2 and such will bring anything to its knees at that kind of res.
Putting your virtual memory on a different partition, but still the same hard disk will not increase performance at all. It has to be a different disk. If you put your virtual memory on a different disk, then it will increase performance.

What happens is data will dump from ram to a portion of your hard disk that is specifically allocated to act like memory, thus "Virtual Memory". When you're in game, and you're moving your mouse around, entering new areas, textures are moving from memory to your disk, and from your disk back to memory depending on how much actual memory is in your computer will decipher how often this "Swap" of memory happens... (Swap File = another term for Virtual Memory.

The less memory you have, the MORE paging (paging means swapping of data from memory to disk) will happen. This has to do with the way your operating system uses memory. So, if you can afford it, stick more memory in your PC. =) However, no matter what, you should always move your virtual memory to a different disk (other than your OS).

What happens is when you're in a level in a game, and your moving your mouse around, it has to read a portion of Virtual Memory for a split second. This can very well cause a "studder" in game for a split second. About one minute later, it does it again.... Drives you nuts sometimes hehe. If you put your virtual memory on a different disk, it won't do this.

iRoNeTiK said:
i always hear about page file and virtual memory crap and moving it to another drive. What are the benefits of this? You actually see better performance?

Absolutely, the benefits is that your primary hard drive does not have to do extra seeking for data. It takes some of the load off your primary disk, so that your secondary disk can handle things like swapping of memory.Programs will load faster, and smoother!
Eva_Unit_0 said:
No system is going to be able to run ALL games at 1920 x 1200. Games like FEAR and Serious Sam 2 and such will bring anything to its knees at that kind of res.


Good luck running F.E.A.R. at 1920x1200 with a single 7800GT card.
1280x960 is about the limit if you want to keep your frame rate half way decent at all times.
Eva_Unit_0 said:
No system is going to be able to run ALL games at 1920 x 1200. Games like FEAR and Serious Sam 2 and such will bring anything to its knees at that kind of res.

Glad somebody finally gave this guy some decent information. The only way (if its even possible) you are going to run newly released games at acceptable frame rates that res is to buy top of the line hardware, even then who knows if it'll run good (i'm talking dual 7800gtx 512's with an fx-57)
Orange.exe said:
how necessary is AA at 1920x1200? can someone post a pic of an unAA'd 1920x1200 game pwease?

Seen a 21" monitor at 1600*1200? The screens doing this res are wide and big. Usually ~24". So it's like a 21" with more on the side. Anyways, they are noticeable on my 2405FPW and my Sony FW900. Bigger screen, need more res for less jaggies. A picture will not do it properly really. Have to size it properly.

Anyways, SLI will get him close enough. Forgo softshadows, you'll get there in FEAR. SS2 can be tweaked quite easily as well. I ran it on a GTX fine, HDR hard to appreciate in that game. I wouldn't run out and buy 2 $700 graphics cards to turn on soft shadows in FEAR, but I guess they are right about how they can bring anything to there knees, but you don't have to have EVERYTHING.
Mickelonis said:
Putting your virtual memory on a different partition, but still the same hard disk will not increase performance at all. It has to be a different disk. If you put your virtual memory on a different disk, then it will increase performance.

What happens is data will dump from ram to a portion of your hard disk that is specifically allocated to act like memory, thus "Virtual Memory". When you're in game, and you're moving your mouse around, entering new areas, textures are moving from memory to your disk, and from your disk back to memory depending on how much actual memory is in your computer will decipher how often this "Swap" of memory happens... (Swap File = another term for Virtual Memory.

The less memory you have, the MORE paging (paging means swapping of data from memory to disk) will happen. This has to do with the way your operating system uses memory. So, if you can afford it, stick more memory in your PC. =) However, no matter what, you should always move your virtual memory to a different disk (other than your OS).

What happens is when you're in a level in a game, and your moving your mouse around, it has to read a portion of Virtual Memory for a split second. This can very well cause a "studder" in game for a split second. About one minute later, it does it again.... Drives you nuts sometimes hehe. If you put your virtual memory on a different disk, it won't do this.


Can you give the exact process how to do this? Where do I go to and any other things.

I have 3 hard drives and 1 gb of ram. The 3 hard drives include 10k Raptor with 74 gb, and 1 200 gb, and 1 300gb. The OS is installed with the raptor and all programs and the other 2 drives is storing porn (oops) i mean movies. lol.
I run all my games at a resolution of 1900X1200, like someone said before each game will run different. Fear runs like crap on my machine with a X800XT, I can't afford to keep up anymore. good luck
if youre getting seroius hitching in SS2, set affinity for it. i found htat fixed all my problems
EnderW said:
I'm starting to wonder if my 7800GT has enough power to run everything at 1920 x 1200.
I don't care that much about AA or AF, I just want to be able to run any game at my native resolution and have no slowdown or jerkiness.
I would like to avoid SLI so if I upgrade, I'll probably sell this card and get a 7800 GTX 512 when prices come down.

System Specs:
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
AMD X2 4400+ @ 2.6GHz
2 x 1GB Crucial Value RAM
BFG 7800 GT stock speeds
Raptor boot drive

The fastest card you can possibly purchase would be the best card to use for your application.

On the virtual paging and what not, benchmark testing has proven that the impact is minimal. Reguardless of how your system is configured. That being said, it could theoretically have a large impact on the machine if you don't have enough ram in the system to keep paging at a minimum. As it stands with my computer, the page file is never used. I don't have it disabled, but it's rarely if ever accessed.
lithium726 said:
if youre getting seroius hitching in SS2, set affinity for it. i found htat fixed all my problems
I'll try that
I don't want to buy another card right now, so the 7800 GT is gonna have to work
when I get my NV Silencer on, I'll see what kind of OC I can get
I've got a vapochill and a viper john modded 256mb GTX and I can't run all games with 8xAA and 16xAF and 1600x1200 resolution

Personally, I would go SLI or get a single 512 GTX. The 512 is better in my book because I hate having two video cards.

Oh, and ram makes a big difference. My system would stutter for the first minute of a round in Battlefield 2 until I upgraded to 2x1GB ram setup.
1. Right click my computer, go to properties.
2. Click the advanced tab
3. Under performance, click settings
4. Click the advanced tab
5. Click the change button

You should see two different drives listed on top. A c: drive and a d: drive. This is what you need to do.

6. With the c: highlighted, select "no paging file" and click set.
7. Ingor the errors you may recieve and reboot your computer.

Once your computer is rebooted, clear the errors you may recieve and continue with these steps:

8. Right click my computer go to properties
9. Click the advanced tab.
10. Under performance, click settings
11. Click the advanced tab.
12. Click the change button.
13. With your d: drive highlighted (make sure it is a different disk than c:) select the custom size bullet.
14. In the initial and maximum size put 1.5X your total physical memory... (So if you have 1GB of memory, you need to fill in 1500 in the initial and maximum size blanks. If you have 2GB, then you need to but 3000 in both the initial and maximum size.) I know it seems weird that both the initial and the maximum sizes are the same, but trust me. Make them the same =) One you have plugged in the proper initial and maximum sizes, press the "SET" button.
15. Press ok, ok, ok, ok
16. Reboot your computer and game on =)

There are some rules of thumb about virtual memory.....

1. It is not for everyone, if your system seems to act really weird, just set it back the way it was by selecting "System managed size" However, I severely doubt you will have issues.

2. Always set your initial and maximum sizes to the same value. That value should be 1.5 times the amount of system memory you have.

3. This is the 'fail safe' way of messing with virtual memory.... There are other formulas to do, some people get much much deeper into their virtual memory sizes, and this is ok... Everyone has their own cup of tea.... However, these instructions that I have just typed up for you has always worked great for me.

4. I don't care what anyone tells you, Even if you have 8GB of memory in your computer, you should not disable your virtual memory. Doing so will just make your system unstable.

Other than that, have fun =)

This is HL2 Lost Coast at 1920x1200 with 4xAA and 4xAF WITH HDR enabled. Fraps showed a 29fps. Ouchy but beautiful

That 1.5xmemory = page file is mainly for 98/ME/2000, XP is much better and is recommended to be set at "Let windows decide".
Everyone should just get 4.0GB of ram and turn off the page file. :cool:
I know you don't want to do SLI but you can get another gt and overclock the two. My 7800gts in sli gets 13000+ on 3dmark05 which is higher than a 7800gtx 512Mb. It can handle games out there at native 2405 resolution. However, playing Half-life 2 HDR with everything on, the frame rates goes down to the high 30s, low 40s. I think that unless you get 2 7800gtx 512MB, some of these games at the 1920x1200 resolution and all the eye candies on, they will still max out the cards...