What are todays hot budget cases?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 14, 2004
Around that 50 and under range? Wondering if there's been anything new and nice out there on the cheap!
The RC-330 is pretty crummy compared to the Centurion 5. It can be found for around $50, and it's much sturdier and easy to work in. I really suggest you get the Centurion over the Elite if you can afford it.
Another +1 on the rc-330. Nice clean lines, good airflow, easily moddable for more airflow. It does have some plasticy elements to it, but its not a +$100 case.

If I was going for a "step above", I would skip the centurion 5 and go straight for the 690.
If you like cooler master and don't mind refurbished, you can get any number of their cases from their parts store, at a nice discount. I ordered a 690 and there isn't anything wrong with it as far as i can tell.
CM690 using it and love, witrh 7 plus fans addable, keeps my rig real cool, alos has good wiring
If you could have snagged a LianLi A05B for $60, it's a damn budget case for that quality.
cm690 if you can find it on sale. if not, the centurion 5 has been the best budget case for years.
I stopped buying budget cases back in 2005, and surprise, I'm still using both of them... I used to upgrade my case every year or two when I bought cheap but you do get what you pay for. I know the Antec cases aren't in everyone's budget but I sure like 'em.
I stopped buying budget cases back in 2005, and surprise, I'm still using both of them... I used to upgrade my case every year or two when I bought cheap but you do get what you pay for. I know the Antec cases aren't in everyone's budget but I sure like 'em.

Agreed. The Antec Solo is awesome for sub-$100 IMO - a sturdy build, and good for cable management and silence.