What ancient pc game do you want remade?

well this is fun but it will never happen.
Even IF they decided to remake an old game by the time the re made it and MADE IT BETTER
it wouldn't be worth trying.
They can not make anything like they used too.
how about moo (master of orion) they would make civ6 in space before they got done.. spend 12 million and have to scrap it because it didn't work on a console.
they would decide that xwing and wind commander didn't know #$%^ about physics and make it into something that you could not play so that it flew like something they envisioned when they were 12.
they would start with something like DeusX and say oh wait this is dumb shouldn't he be a robot and talk about good eating habits so we can get gov money.
remake mechwarrior II it would be called mechwarrior 6 and with enough points on the live you could actually get a picture of a mech to put up on your wall.. ROFL
Final Fantasy 7

I am sure it has already been said, or at least I hope so but I am not going to scim through 7 pages of posts.
Any of the great Space-sims games.

1. X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, XvT, X-Wing Alliance. This is my favorite games
2. FreeSpace 1+2
3 Wing Commander

I really don't understand Lucasarts anymore. From being one of the best developers in the gaming industry They seem to have completely deaf, dumb, and blind in terms of listening to their customers.

For Years people have been asking for a new XWING game and their response is continue to make crappy SW console-games. I mean seriously...The Force Unleashed 2??? The first one had a great story but was a very boring game.

Those of us planning to get SWTOR were hoping to get a X-Wing game included in the MMORPG like they did in SW Galaxies instead they gave us...a rail-shooter. And they actually thought we'd be excited. (Yes I know LucasArts, isnt making SWTOR, but you cannot tell me Lucas wasnt overseeing this decision.) I get the impression Bioware was specifically told not to make a space-sim for space combat

And what happened to Battlefront 3 or Dark Forces series.

I totally agree that decision makers in Lucas Arts have thick skulls with sand in their ears, but I doubt Bioware is up for the task in making a full fledged space simulator. Not that they are incapable, but it would be too much effort into something they have no experience with.

And maybe bioware just couldn't deliver with their current staff.
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Any of the great Space-sims games.

1. X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, XvT, X-Wing Alliance. This is my favorite games
2. FreeSpace 1+2
3 Wing Commander

I really don't understand Lucasarts anymore. From being one of the best developers in the gaming industry They seem to have completely deaf, dumb, and blind in terms of listening to their customers.

For Years people have been asking for a new XWING game and their response is continue to make crappy SW console-games. I mean seriously...The Force Unleashed 2??? The first one had a great story but was a very boring game.

Those of us planning to get SWTOR were hoping to get a X-Wing game included in the MMORPG like they did in SW Galaxies instead they gave us...a rail-shooter. And they actually thought we'd be excited. (Yes I know LucasArts, isnt making SWTOR, but you cannot tell me Lucas wasnt overseeing this decision.) I get the impression Bioware was specifically told not to make a space-sim for space combat

And what happened to Battlefront 3 or Dark Forces series.

For Lucasarts to make another "great" x-wing series game they have to get someone like Lawrence Holland back on board. He is the one who made those great games (Totally Games), his work spilled over into other games (Bridge Commander for Star Trek).

I doubt he is interested in doing more x-wing games though, maybe lucasarts can find a new studio to revive the series. I can almost guarantee though if Xwing or Tie fighter are remade they will be more like Rogue Squadron than Xwing. Its a hard reality but the time of the Space Sims (Xwing series, Freespace, I-War, Wing Commander etc..) are pretty much gone.

Maybe Lucasarts can contract EgoSoft (X2, X3 series) to do a version.
Clive Barker's Undying
Silent Hill 1 and 2
Resident Evil (Only graphical changes and bug fixes)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Graphical make over is all I would want. NOTHING else needs to be changed.
Any X wing or Tie Fighter game
Red Baron 3D (I beta tested that one)
Shadow Warrior.
Mechwarrior 2
Wing Commander
Any Maxis game preceding "The Sims".

Heck, kill 3 birds with one stone and combine Simcity with Simcopter and Streets of SC into one in-depth 3D mega-game.
Battletoads would be awesome. I remember that game being ridiculously hard... of course I was in like 2nd grade when I used to play it.
lots..... Tie Fighter & X-Wing for starters, and the original Quake would be so fun to play in hi-res. Some of the old Jane's flight sims would be great if brought into the 21st century too.
For Lucasarts to make another "great" x-wing series game they have to get someone like Lawrence Holland back on board. He is the one who made those great games (Totally Games), his work spilled over into other games (Bridge Commander for Star Trek).

I doubt he is interested in doing more x-wing games though, maybe lucasarts can find a new studio to revive the series. I can almost guarantee though if Xwing or Tie fighter are remade they will be more like Rogue Squadron than Xwing. Its a hard reality but the time of the Space Sims (Xwing series, Freespace, I-War, Wing Commander etc..) are pretty much gone.

Maybe Lucasarts can contract EgoSoft (X2, X3 series) to do a version.

Actually a Totally Games designer said quite the opposite. I forget his name, but this guy worked with Holland on the X-Wing Games and he said that the core team was still pretty much intact. As for doing another X-WING he personally said that he would love to, but that Lucasarts simply hasn't asked them. Its Lucasarts that has killed off the series, just as they did Battlefront and Dark Forces.

But thats just it people aren't asking for Rogue Squadron, I have heard very few requests for such a title. Meanwhile the request for a more sim game are quite loud. I have seen 15-20 requests on this thread alone.

In normal Business, companies listen to its consumer base for the type of game they are most willing to buy. With Lucasarts its exactly the opposite, they tell us want games we want to buy. Who really wanted to Lucasarts to make Forced Unleashed 2? No one I know. I love SW but FU2 hold no interest for me.

And frankly the last couple of SW games from Lucasarts have been mediocre at best. Lucasarts is lazy they are focusing on what games (they think) will sell the best, not what people want to play. FU sold lots of units but it was crap!


Until SWTOR Bioware hadnt made an MMORPG either, that didnt stop them from giving it a go. Furthermore SOE had no experiance in space-sims either, but they made "Jump to lightspeed" for Galaxies.

Bioware has some very talented people, if they had wanted to put in a space sim they would have been able to. The fact they added in that stupid rail-shooter proves that they shut the door on making a "sim", and based on the previous decade of Lucasarts anti-X-Wing game stance its was hardly a surprising development.

Until SWTOR Bioware hadnt made an MMORPG either, that didnt stop them from giving it a go. Furthermore SOE had no experiance in space-sims either, but they made "Jump to lightspeed" for Galaxies.

Bioware has some very talented people, if they had wanted to put in a space sim they would have been able to. The fact they added in that stupid rail-shooter proves that they shut the door on making a "sim", and based on the previous decade of Lucasarts anti-X-Wing game stance its was hardly a surprising development.

Well, I don't mean to say they can't. And simply hiring a key person could put them well into the game. But with all their efforts into an MMO it wouldn't be just a simple thing for them to throw in a full flight simulator. On the other hand Ubisoft Romania potentially could throw something up fairly quick. Bioware would have to spend some time getting acquainted with the ins and outs. In reality, they would have to probably license a full multiplayer flight engine. I doubt they would make one from scratch.
I just thought of another, Syndicate Wars. Wasn't EA working on this a year or so back?
Legend of the red dragon.

BBS door game count as PC?
anyone say half life 1? maybe call it black masa source? just an idea....
Age of Empires 1 or 2 with proper 2.5D or 2D in High Definition, I found that 3D RTS just makes the games far slower in comparison. Plus anyone can run 2D
Planescape Torment - any modern engine but same camera angles

Alpha Centauri - with CIV V engine
I agree about Magic Carpet. I bought that for my 486DXII66 back in 1994. It was a really fantastic game and come to think of it I'm surprised it hasn't been revived. Would make for some amazing multiplayer... I think the original actually had player-to-player multiplayer. It also had a stereoscopic 3D mode where you had to do that "look through the picture" thing to defocus your eyes and then you could vaguely see the game.. but it was floating off the screen like a 3D movie sort of. Only worked for me once.
It's really a no-brainer.


Need I say more.
I was about to say stronghold, since stronghold2 sucked. but then I looked it up and found out firefly is coming out with stronghold3 next year!! and they're going back to classic stronghold gameplay, it's gonna be awsome.


also hoping someone buys out bullfrog and resurrects their games, dk2 definitely needs a remake, it's a shame dk3 got cancelled such a long time ago.
+1 for Alpha Centauri. I played this game to death. Colonization-like expansion for Civ V?