What a dissapointment. don't buy BFBC2

EA are master marketers and half ass game makers.
They wont get any of my money on this round.
s[H]aqFU;1035418950 said:
EA are master marketers and half ass game makers.
They wont get any of my money on this round.

I had written a rebuttal to this silly post, but then I forgot -- like this post, it doesn't really matter.
Battlefield series has always been a buggy piece of shit. I remember in BF2 there was that bug where people on the other team would show up as your team color and people on your team would show up as the other team's color. That bug wasn't fixed for months.

The gameplay made up for it part of the way, but it was very annoying to play and there would be months where it would be so buggy that I didn't even bother playing it. It's too bad BFBC2 is so buggy, I think i'll sit this one out too. I was looking forward to it.
Sure there's problems, it sucks, just wait it out a while then jump in, it's a fantastic game it'd be a shame to spend money on it and then never enjoy it. I know it doesn't make you feel any better but most people can play OK so recommending agianst getting the game is a bit unfair.
s[H]aqFU;1035418950 said:
EA are master marketers and half ass game makers.
They wont get any of my money on this round.

You do realise EA didn't make the game?

I'll recommend to the people wanting to sit it out (those that didn't get a try on the Beta, at least) - wait until the connection issues are fixed, which hopefully will be in the next few days since it's a fairly prevalent issue, then buy it. The connection issues are basically the only problem for me beside being lumbered with awfuls not interested in capping points or playing as a team, which can't really be blamed on the game. Everything else is incredible. You'll be doing yourself a disservice otherwise.
No server problems today, very few bugs overall. I think it's hilarious some of you are refusing to play this game because it had a rough first few days. It's a spectacular experience.
Can only play now today. Works about 10% of the time. Cannot pick the servers I want to join, and most of the play now servers I get into have 2 or 3 people in them.
I haven't had any real issues, besides poor FPS until I switched to DX9

The main servers were down yesterday so I couldn't connect but they seemed to have fixed it...

Some people just need to learn how to be patient, I just downloaded the JustCause 2 demo instead and played that, which was silly fun for an hour or two... then went to bed, woke up and the servers were up.
I can't get in at all still on the PC. I remember when I got home from the midnight sale of MW2 there were 970,000 people playing on Xbox live alone- no crashes. I try to keep supporting PC gaming and look what happens. So what are they lemmings going to do that adopted BC2 as the second coming after they were intentionaly screwed by Infinity Ward? Looks like EA jumped on the bandwagon and still screwed everybody.
I've been enjoying the game almost non stop aside from the maintenance. Haven't had so much fun with a shooter since the TF2 Beta.
So what is their reason for the downtime? Underestimated load or just low priority with it being a PC game? Both? I can't help but feel like the PC version is just an afterthought to the consoles (like almost every game). Still I loved the beta and bought the game as soon as I had $50 in my checking account, I just wish the server issues would have been fixed by now.
MW2 and BFBC2 fanboy wars are almost worse than the 360/ps3 wars.

Dude expressed his outrage that the dedicated servers are fucking up. How many threads did this board have on MW2 and their server issues?

This place can sometimes be worse than Foxnews in its obvious unfair bias.
MW2 and BFBC2 fanboy wars are almost worse than the 360/ps3 wars.

Dude expressed his outrage that the dedicated servers are fucking up. How many threads did this board have on MW2 and their server issues?

This place can sometimes be worse than Foxnews in its obvious unfair bias.

Don't mind me just playing with 32 players on a dedicated server.
MW2 and BFBC2 fanboy wars are almost worse than the 360/ps3 wars.

Dude expressed his outrage that the dedicated servers are fucking up. How many threads did this board have on MW2 and their server issues?

This place can sometimes be worse than Foxnews in its obvious unfair bias.

Errr... dedis are not the things fucking up. The master server (which controls things like login, server browser, etc) is the thing thats going down on occasion. I've had no issues, every time I time out on login, I can get in on the very next try. Other than the 2 hours it was down the other day, i've had no issues.
What mods will you be using? Any custom maps on that server? Like I said don't make Dice sound all high and mighty compared to IW.

They are high and mighty compared to IW. I never excused the lack of mods or custom maps though.
So what is their reason for the downtime? Underestimated load or just low priority with it being a PC game? Both? I can't help but feel like the PC version is just an afterthought to the consoles (like almost every game). Still I loved the beta and bought the game as soon as I had $50 in my checking account, I just wish the server issues would have been fixed by now.

Considering the 360 servers went down too, I doubt it... Bad Company 1 was the first Consolized Battlefield game..

DICE has always been a PC developer...

The game is fun so far, especially when you get a good squad to work together... Rush mode is my favorite...
Some of you need to unglue your ass from that chair and go outside, God damn. BC2 is a great game and a ton of fun, heads above MW2.
Since it's release, this is the first time I haven't been able to get on so I am not that upset. I just want them to hurry so I can play some more. :)
Don't mind me just playing with 32 players on a dedicated server.

With vehicles
And realistic recoil*
And teamwork
And enemies that don't shoot you with the top of their hats/tips of their elbows

*semi-realistic, at least
March 5, 2010 - I just spent the last 4hrs(most of it on hold) with EA about the connection issue just to have them tell me "we are aware of the problem and were working on it". I have not been able to play this game online at all,(bought at the midnight release) which is the reason I bought the game in the first place. I find it most interesting that none of the reviewers ever experience the problems that the general public has. They get early copies, put on special severs that are not reflective of what a average consumer might experience so when I see a review score 8.9 for a game that is obviously broken and well documented across the web it makes me wounder if there might be some payola going on. At this point I just want my money back which Gamestop refuses to do, they don't take back opened software regardless of weather it works or not so I'm just left feeling like I've been robbed. I have never downloaded/stolen a game I don't mind paying for my entertainment but I'm starting to see the appeal, it's far better to be the robber then the robbed. Just a FYI the XBOX 360 version works just fine. Which goes to show us how much they care about the PC community. So after3Days and countless hours I have wasted enough time it's back to CODMW2 for me. :mad:
Actually you can do what I do. Anytime any place gives you a hard time about returning an item (software or whatever). Walk in say your returning it put it at there check out even if they refuse to take it. call your credit card company say (The item I purchased was not as described I returned it I want my money back, simple as that. Your credit card company will refund you the money back, and the business will get a charge back. Easy as that :)
I can't get in at all still on the PC. I remember when I got home from the midnight sale of MW2 there were 970,000 people playing on Xbox live alone- no crashes. I try to keep supporting PC gaming and look what happens. So what are they lemmings going to do that adopted BC2 as the second coming after they were intentionaly screwed by Infinity Ward? Looks like EA jumped on the bandwagon and still screwed everybody.

OK...I will man up and admit this is a pretty good game. I finally got in some games last night. I only played Squad DM to get a feel for the weapons first and had a pretty good time- even if I had my own squad by myself a few games LOL. I should not admit this, but I am still having a hard time getting back using a keyboard- still trying to memorize buttons.
... For the life of me, I don't know why the Steam Beta says last played "yesterday." I quit sometime around 7:30 AM this morning... must be a beta thing.:rolleyes:

Sometimes Steam (Beta) says "Last Played: Tomorrow" for me on the BC2 screen lol
this thread's title should be changed to

"What a disappointment, don't buy MW2"
Well this is bullshit. None of my unlocks are usable all of a sudden in games.
One of my friends sent me an article. Chew on this, guys:

Battlefield Bad Company 2 has managed to prove so popular that yesterday the concurrent users in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 surpassed that in Battlefield 2 which has been going strong for almost 5 years.
So far it's been lots of fun, the gold-stars make me wanna try out all the sniper rifles but some of them are garbage compared to the others...
One of my friends sent me an article. Chew on this, guys:
According to Xfire (I dunno how else end users can track this sort of thing), it's way above BF2, in 3rd place actually, and getting close to CoD 4.
I agree. I wish I didn't buy it. A FPS multiplayer game without LAN play is an atrocity. I bought a PC game not a console game. Don't take out features that I've used for over 10 years devs! :\
Meh... BC2 with 6-8 people would be boring... but if you get 6-8 people in the same room on the same team / server it'd be tons of fun...
It seems that most of you did not bother to search for answers. DICE/EA has a blog and many other avenues to get this info, I suggest going and looking. But, to summarize:

They've had two major outages this weekend. In both all three platforms were impacted to some extent, suggesting that the back end systems are very similar.

They have released (from what I can tell) updated revisions of the server software to hosts to help alleviate the issue.

They've experienced something like 400% more load than anticipated, and have surpassed the all time high for concurrent users BF2 had previously reached.

So in other words, everyone and their mother bought it, and played online, which DICE/EA didn't expect. With the large number of people that bought MW2, maybe they thought people would be more wary of their product and wait? Who knows....

But I will say it seems like a lot of devs have been working around the clock to get things fixed, so I think it'll get better pretty soon. I've played online myself this weekend for a few hours, and can tell you its a fun game. They just have some bugs to work out, which in all honesty, which game in the last few years hasn't?
I agree. I wish I didn't buy it. A FPS multiplayer game without LAN play is an atrocity. I bought a PC game not a console game. Don't take out features that I've used for over 10 years devs! :\

pretty sure this has been known for the last 3 or 4 months and yet you still bought it? /perplexed :confused:
I too am having the connection problems as well as the occasional punkbuster kick. Having said that, I am hopeful that these will be sorted out. 400% more people than expected have bought and are playing the game, it will be supported, but it takes time. The one thing I would like to see is some sort of play balance. Those of us with connection problems are being passed up in rank and weapons unlocks by those lucky enough
not to be having the issues. The game will cease to be fun if when the issues are worked out us "new" players get raped on every server due to the other players upgrades.
I have spent $50 on the game and $100 on the server rental to run a server...

I think it's one of the best games to come to pc in a LOOOONG TIME.

Ea/dice dropped the ball totally on the launch. BUT I think the game is worth playing even though with all the problems it is having.

Things will be ironed out very soon.
I installed BC2 earlier tonight and I couldn't find any servers... at all. Nothing. I updated all the punkbuster stuff and still nothing. Turned off my firewall & antivirus.. still nothing.

Then I right clicked on the .exe file to launch the game as admin (in win7) and only then did it autoupdate to the latest version... and what do you know? Servers showed up... tons of them.

What an amazing game though. Ooozes atmosphere... the sound design is phenomenal. It sucks that people are having issues, I hope you can be patient and get it figured out... you are missing out on an amazing game.
this thread's title should be changed to

"What a disappointment, don't buy MW2"

No it shouldn't, they are very different type of games, that and it's been mentioned a billion times already.

The fact of the matter is that BC2 has been one of the worst releases I can ever remember when it comes to getting online to play. On the rare occasions I can get online it is fun. Hopefully things will improve and fast as the last weekend was a washout/ shambles/debacle.
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