What a dissapointment. don't buy BFBC2

HAHAHAHA. That was funny. I really have had no problems playing the game. I think just one time the second night it came out. So far the game is great.

LOL same here ive been able to connect to games and it works good. sure there are bugs but the game is huge and i can understand there having a touch launch with all the servers they have and people being stupid not knowing how to configure their pcs. Have you tried port forwarding on your router that might help a bit witth your connection issues. I'm going to laugh really hard at all the whiners in a week or 2 when EA releases a patch that fixes all these issues and improves the game. lol which i think IW has never fixed there game just made it worse. lol
i don't even think you can connect to a MW2 game on the pc since there is no dedicated servers?
LOL same here ive been able to connect to games and it works good. sure there are bugs but the game is huge and i can understand there having a touch launch with all the servers they have and people being stupid not knowing how to configure their pcs. Have you tried port forwarding on your router that might help a bit witth your connection issues. I'm going to laugh really hard at all the whiners in a week or 2 when EA releases a patch that fixes all these issues and improves the game. lol which i think IW has never fixed there game just made it worse. lol
i don't even think you can connect to a MW2 game on the pc since there is no dedicated servers?

Port forwarding set, but I guess I must be stupid then.
No it shouldn't, they are very different type of games, that and it's been mentioned a billion times already.

The fact of the matter is that BC2 has been one of the worst releases I can ever remember when it comes to getting online to play. On the rare occasions I can get online it is fun. Hopefully things will improve and fast as the last weekend was a washout/ shambles/debacle.

At least you're not trying to play Assassin's Creed 2...
LOL same here ive been able to connect to games and it works good. sure there are bugs but the game is huge and i can understand there having a touch launch with all the servers they have and people being stupid not knowing how to configure their pcs. Have you tried port forwarding on your router that might help a bit witth your connection issues. I'm going to laugh really hard at all the whiners in a week or 2 when EA releases a patch that fixes all these issues and improves the game. lol which i think IW has never fixed there game just made it worse. lol
i don't even think you can connect to a MW2 game on the pc since there is no dedicated servers?

Why would you laugh at the whiners AFTER the patch comes out? It's not like they're going to continue to whine when the game starts working. Sorry, but this post just doens't make any sense.
The more of you that stop playing this game due to this or that, the less demand there is on their servers, and the more I get to play. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
The more of you that stop playing this game due to this or that, the less demand there is on their servers, and the more I get to play. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

I remember people saying this when SWG came out. Worked out well.
This game is honestly one of the funnest multiplayer experiences i've had on a pc. SUCKS FOR OP AHAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHH!
This game is honestly one of the funnest multiplayer experiences i've had on a pc. SUCKS FOR OP AHAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHH!

MP is a blast. Blowing up buildings with people in it is gold. Rush is a lot better than conquest. Wish there were more maps with multiple tanks/helis/drones. I know BC2 is infantry focused, but a few vehicle heavy maps would be great. I'd love a map with dueling attack helis.
You know you're a complete fanboy when you laugh because the OP can't play the game.
i have problems connecting, but i can always find a few servers to play on. I think DICE didnt account for the game to be this popular
MP is a blast. Blowing up buildings with people in it is gold. Rush is a lot better than conquest. Wish there were more maps with multiple tanks/helis/drones. I know BC2 is infantry focused, but a few vehicle heavy maps would be great. I'd love a map with dueling attack helis.

play atacama desert
iam just saying give em a chance its not like they are ignoring the problems like IW with MW2
No server problems today, very few bugs overall. I think it's hilarious some of you are refusing to play this game because it had a rough first few days. It's a spectacular experience.

gotta love short minded people these days, eh? guess most of them are just to young to remember having to sit in front of a computer for 15 minutes while a 5kb jpeg image was loading on a website.. oh well their loss and my gain since i wont have to listen to them whining constantly in the game..

MP is a blast. Blowing up buildings with people in it is gold. Rush is a lot better than conquest. Wish there were more maps with multiple tanks/helis/drones. I know BC2 is infantry focused, but a few vehicle heavy maps would be great. I'd love a map with dueling attack helis.

no shooting a pilot in the head on a fully loaded blackhawk with a 50 cal sniper rifle from 1/4 mile out and on the top floor of the light house is gold.. but yes its fun taking buildings down with people in em as well.. :p