Well, managed to double the electric bill....


Jan 26, 2007
Hey All,
Just thought I would tell you I managed to double the electric bill last month, went from $60 to $120. This is running my computers for about 12 hours a day and 24 hours Friday - Monday morning. This is running a i7 920, e6600, gtx260x2, and 8800gtx x2.

Hopefully if I turn to bigadv with my incoming i7 I will see better wattage/ppd.

I dont think I will get too much more into GPU folding they seem to suck electricity.
ya it's a nasty side effect of folding. how much you paying per kwh? My electric bill was $120, i'm shooting to use 1 megawatt in a month, i've hit 900 kwh so far. i live by myself too.
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To make you feel better, my electric bill avg $300 a month.
I was gonna say, that's not too bad, some people are getting eaten alive in power bills
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I hope the electric bill doesn't go up TOO much this month since I started folding again! I'm kinda worried now ;) Not really sure just how much electricity my two computers, and PS3, use up when folding.... will be interesting to see the bill this month. If it actually went up a substantial amount.. that would be bad :x My father would definitely want me to cut down on something.. so.. hope it's not bad! :D
My electric bill last month was $300
In the summer its usually $700-800
It shouldn't go up too much.
I'm running two desktops both i7 920s. One has 3 285s and the other has 2.
Three notebooks and two PS3s all folding 24/7.

The graphic cards are what is causing my high bill. :eek:
I think I should say that my electric bill is $0.
well... its included into maintenance so technically I pay a little.
It shouldn't go up too much.
I'm running two desktops both i7 920s. One has 3 285s and the other has 2.
Three notebooks and two PS3s all folding 24/7.

The graphic cards are what is causing my high bill. :eek:

Oh wow... Tri-SLI? Followed by another system with two MORE 285's!? Yes, I could see that being a big cause of the high bill :D
The main was built to game. F@H got in the way. I built a second to game on and F@H said "oh no you don't!"
Bought the first PS3 so I could game and let my desktops fold. I ended up getting a XBOX to actually game on since they can't fold... yet. :D
Ps3 pulls 200 watts or so and only puts out about 1k points, if you are looking for places to trim the bill, that's a good one. Now that it's warming up and I just fired up 3 more GPUs I cut out the PS3 to help offset my increased draw. After removing the PS3 from the fold I only added 150watts draw buy added 17k over the PS3

So, especially with the warmer season, if you need to trim down, start there. I ran mine all winter but that's because I saved on the gas withthe heat from it. I also had most my farm down for maintenance, but now that Im back over 70k/ppd there's no need

you two PS3s put out 2k ppd and pull 400 watts, that's a bit over what my dedicated i7 rig pulls, and it outs out 25-26k ppd
just to size things up
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I'm shooting to use 1 gigawatt in a month, i've hit 900 kwh so far. i live by myself too.
You've a long way to go.
1 Gigawatt per month is around 1.39 Megawatt per hour ............. :eek:
I think you'll need to rewire the house ...... :p
At around 60 PpDpWatt for a mixed farm thats 1,390,000 x 24 x 60 = 2,000,000,000 PpD ...... :eek:
And upgrade stanfords servers to cope ................ :D

Luck ............:D
Cure cancer in 13 hours lol
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
i'm shooting to use 1 gigawatt in a month,

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You've a long way to go.
1 Gigawatt per month is around 1.39 Megawatt per hour ............. :eek:
I think you'll need to rewire the house ...... :p
At around 60 PpDpWatt for a mixed farm thats 1,390,000 x 24 x 60 = 2,000,000,000 PpD ...... :eek:
And upgrade stanfords servers to cope ................ :D

Luck ............:D
bah i meant megawatt, my english unit only education is showing it's ugly head.
LOL @ The_Heretic

We will see what this summer brings.... I'm going tot ry and keep it below $200/month. We will see how that goes....
Damn, some of you guys spend alot. Yeah this summer will be hard with AC going to keep my man cave cool with all the computers running. I thought my girlfriend would freak out at an extra $60, hopefully summer wont be too too bad ;)
$150 this month. Usually $85 The Mrs. is on to me, I told her she needs an EnergyStar-rated hair dryer. :p
Damn, some of you guys spend alot. Yeah this summer will be hard with AC going to keep my man cave cool with all the computers running. I thought my girlfriend would freak out at an extra $60, hopefully summer wont be too too bad ;)

better start planning ahead to get the response you want. Increase usage by increments of $10 a month (ie overuse) and then go back to normal usage! This will shock her into thinking a $120 electric bill is normal compared to the other months. :D
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Hey All,
Just thought I would tell you I managed to double the electric bill last month, went from $60 to $120. This is running my computers for about 12 hours a day and 24 hours Friday - Monday morning. This is running a i7 920, e6600, gtx260x2, and 8800gtx x2.

Hopefully if I turn to bigadv with my incoming i7 I will see better wattage/ppd.

I dont think I will get too much more into GPU folding they seem to suck electricity.

can i have your electricity bill please?!?! lol last months bill was 355 dollars.. 85 if that was gas usage charges.. since PG&E combines the bills.. and thats with only 1 system folding with a GTX 260 in my house.. :p
I never really have anything to do with the utility bills, my father takes care of all of that.. but I finally asked him what our bill is usually every month. He said it's about $250 a month! And he told me that supposedly we pay the most in the country? I'm sure he's exaggerating about that last part.. but not about the actual cost, wow. I need to ask him for one of the bills so I can see the actaul Kw/H.. that's insane..

..And I'm really really afraid to see the bill this month since I started folding and using the good PC again for the first time in months! (Not a good time for Workers Comp to try and screw me around again and bring me to trial, thus not paying me either until it's over :( ).

Also, we don't even really use a lot of electricity. My father is barely home. I'm home 24/7 pretty much though (I myself don't even use up too much aside from the computers) but the bill was $250 when I was still using my old Dell and giving the new computer a break. We don't even use a dryer! If it's nice out, I hang clothes outside because it saves electricity and I just love the way it feels anyway :)
Maybe I should use the dryer less and so lower the electricity bill :D

Housemate is paying everything, but I doubt he'll look kindly at me using a hundred Euro a month all by myself, and it's not like I can afford paying more :(

*gives Syribo encouraging hug* :)
Fluff you hair while facing the back of your case. The exhaust can double as a hair dryer. :D
I never really have anything to do with the utility bills, my father takes care of all of that.. but I finally asked him what our bill is usually every month. He said it's about $250 a month! And he told me that supposedly we pay the most in the country? I'm sure he's exaggerating about that last part.. but not about the actual cost, wow. I need to ask him for one of the bills so I can see the actaul Kw/H.. that's insane..

..And I'm really really afraid to see the bill this month since I started folding and using the good PC again for the first time in months! (Not a good time for Workers Comp to try and screw me around again and bring me to trial, thus not paying me either until it's over :( ).

Also, we don't even really use a lot of electricity. My father is barely home. I'm home 24/7 pretty much though (I myself don't even use up too much aside from the computers) but the bill was $250 when I was still using my old Dell and giving the new computer a break. We don't even use a dryer! If it's nice out, I hang clothes outside because it saves electricity and I just love the way it feels anyway :)

yeah you might want to check that bill.. thats pretty high.. even though i know NY and california have the highest electricity prices in the country.. that still sounds way to high.. if you have any audio system amps running for your tv's or computers.. those things suck up a ton of power.. my onkyo receiver which is on 24/7 uses about 225w when just transmitting audio from my comcast box to my tv.. thats not even with the speakers turned on.. when the speakers are turned on it easily hits 400w..
yeah you might want to check that bill.. thats pretty high.. even though i know NY and california have the highest electricity prices in the country.. that still sounds way to high.. if you have any audio system amps running for your tv's or computers.. those things suck up a ton of power.. my onkyo receiver which is on 24/7 uses about 225w when just transmitting audio from my comcast box to my tv.. thats not even with the speakers turned on.. when the speakers are turned on it easily hits 400w..

The only speakers I have in the entire house for anything are my Z-5500's which are on my good computer :( I don't even have any other crappy speakers hooked up to anything. There is absolutely no power being used in any of our upstairs rooms since my father and I live downstairs (And there's only two bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room and bathroom down here). And again, this is the bill from last month, when I was only using my old Dell Dim 4550 as my main computer, and didn't touch the good one for almost three months!

My TV isn't even on that much. I can't sleep with any kind of light in my face at night, so nothing is on at night (I actually might start completely shutting down the PCs at night to see if it helps..).

I really can't think of what is taking up all that electricity? We don't have any big appliances, just our washer, fridge and stove.

...Omg, I don't even want to think of the summer bill then! The air conditioners are crazy!

But yes, when he gets home in a bit, I'm going to ask him to find one of the bills.. I really want to see our LIPA bill.
can i have your electricity bill please?!?! lol last months bill was 355 dollars.. 85 if that was gas usage charges.. since PG&E combines the bills.. and that's with only 1 system folding with a GTX 260 in my house.. :p
I guess I'm lucky, as I have the Modesto Irrigation Disrtict (MID) as an option here, and they get lots of cheap hydro power from Don Pedro or New Melones or something, and I only get shafted by PG&E for gas... And as an added bonus, the q6600 box in the bedroom put out so much heat this winter that my wife didn't even notice the upstairs thermostat was off most of the time! Drop in gas bill was greater than increase in electric for me this year...

Oh, and I'd say I run just under $180/month for electric max, but that's with a 6 year old, TV, wife working from home on laptop, etc... Normally I'm right around $120-$150 when no AC is on.