well I am banned from most servers in COD4


Jun 19, 2004
No I was not hacking I was calling a guy a damn hack. GET THIS it applys to all of you.
A guy logged into H server...I will not say the name but it starts with an H.
He was aimbot the full show. 89 32. I called him a hack.
He logs out...the mod is playing and said IF I could not prove he was hacking I needed to keep my Fing mouth shut. ONE WARNING is all you get
new map comes up and a guy joins, I had a feeling it was the same guy. sniper.
He was sniping everyone, thru wall etc constand BS
I am headshot, respawn behind a wall...bam I am dead. I look at the wall nice bullet hole thru a 12 foot high concrete wall. The second I respawned.
I said hey mod this guy is 72 and 6....if you don't think he is hacking you are an idiot.

ADMIN BAN...ok I didn't care...this game is about ruined by hackers and so I am kicked from this server.
About 30 minutes later I try to join another server and I am banned....every server I tried I am now admin banned.

I went to several sites and to fight the hackers now there is a database that keeps track of admin bans. If the site is a member of this list you are banned on all sites that links to this list.

SO for calling a hack a hack I am banned from almost every server.
GREAT the hackers keep playing and someone who calls a hacker a hack is banned from the game.

F this is Bull S#$%
I see why you are mad, and it is bullshit. That is what happens when 12 year olds run servers, and 12 year olds play on servers.
No I was not hacking I was calling a guy a damn hack. GET THIS it applys to all of you.
A guy logged into H server...I will not say the name but it starts with an H.
He was aimbot the full show. 89 32. I called him a hack.
He logs out...the mod is playing and said IF I could not prove he was hacking I needed to keep my Fing mouth shut. ONE WARNING is all you get
new map comes up and a guy joins, I had a feeling it was the same guy. sniper.
He was sniping everyone, thru wall etc constand BS
I am headshot, respawn behind a wall...bam I am dead. I look at the wall nice bullet hole thru a 12 foot high concrete wall. The second I respawned.
I said hey mod this guy is 72 and 6....if you don't think he is hacking you are an idiot.

ADMIN BAN...ok I didn't care...this game is about ruined by hackers and so I am kicked from this server.
About 30 minutes later I try to join another server and I am banned....every server I tried I am now admin banned.

I went to several sites and to fight the hackers now there is a database that keeps track of admin bans. If the site is a member of this list you are banned on all sites that links to this list.

SO for calling a hack a hack I am banned from almost every server.
GREAT the hackers keep playing and someone who calls a hacker a hack is banned from the game.

F this is Bull S#$%
Maybe the mod didn't like you calling him an idiot.
What database? Link me. I still know people pretty high up. Not saying that I can do anything but I will at least try.

There are PLENTY of dumbass admins. It comes with the territory. It is also why I buy my own server when I play a game. Not playing atm sorry lol. Maybe when I come back I will pay for a H server to pub on.
Relax would be fine if the game was free and this admins decision was not something that followed the OP around.
that was hard to read. the database thing your talking about sounds like the punkbuster master ban list which I don't know why you would be on it.
$40.00 isn't something you can just relax about.

If it was a cracked server, then you can relax.
this list also links to other games. sorry you are banned from all games, you'll have to find a new hobby.
Server admins usually find that to be their only source of control in life, so they act like little Napoleons.
Man, that is WAY too much power to hand over to people under the age of consent. Um, there needs to be SS and some form of proof. At least it used to be pretty hard to ban people from all of the servers. This is some kind of new zero tolerance or what?

I mean, ban people just for the hell of it with no proof? That will result in most every player being banned lol.

Wow. Something is wrong.
Sounds like the BF2 days of bans. Sometimes admins and mods are just big a$$holes and way too power hungry.

BF2 was fun cause if you got in trouble enough EA would reset your account...and on BF2 you had to play a LOT for the rewards, unlocks, etc.
Server admins usually find that to be their only source of control in life, so they act like little Napoleons.

And annoying kids who won't stfu and play ruin the game for everyone. Just reading the op makes me want to break his face, and he might have even been right about the hacking....
So I'm playing a game who do I ban first. A hacker or a whinny little baby who crys and calls everyone who kills him a hacker...........yeah I would have baned you sooner.
I agree with the the OP. This is just plain wrong. You shouldn't be auto banned from every server.

I did lol at fix me posts. "Maybe the mod didn't like you calling him an idiot." :)
So I'm playing a game who do I ban first. A hacker or a whinny little baby who crys and calls everyone who kills him a hacker...........yeah I would have baned you sooner.

Then you'd be a douche. You ban cheaters first, period. They are the problem. He wouldn't be bitching if someone else wasn't breaking the rules.

People like you always get on my nerves....
a good example of why if someone is hacking you should just leave.

its possible they weren't hacking and the admin knew for sure, like he was friends with the player, and banned you for running your mouth.

Goto the site which controls the list and appeal the ban, but dont call anyone an idiot, that's not going to help, no matter how angry you are.
Good advice Frostex.

Actually, do this, enter in the pb_list command and find out his guid. Report him to pb. Just like the admin did to you.

Hacking is a big time issue with all fps games. Cod4 is worse than CSS even imo. That is why I run my own server. Ban this lol.
In most FPS, nazi admins seem to be the norm. When I used run servers, we would kick and ban plenty of people- but not just because we didn't like them. Only if they were cheating or being disruptive.

Hell, years ago I was banned from a RO server for politely asking the admin if the server was running voice coms. This sucked because it was one of the earlier versions of the mod when there were like 3-4 active servers on the best of nights.
No I was not hacking I was calling a guy a damn hack. GET THIS it applys to all of you.
A guy logged into H server...I will not say the name but it starts with an H.
He was aimbot the full show. 89 32. I called him a hack.
He logs out...the mod is playing and said IF I could not prove he was hacking I needed to keep my Fing mouth shut. ONE WARNING is all you get
new map comes up and a guy joins, I had a feeling it was the same guy. sniper.
He was sniping everyone, thru wall etc constand BS
I am headshot, respawn behind a wall...bam I am dead. I look at the wall nice bullet hole thru a 12 foot high concrete wall. The second I respawned.
I said hey mod this guy is 72 and 6....if you don't think he is hacking you are an idiot.

ADMIN BAN...ok I didn't care...this game is about ruined by hackers and so I am kicked from this server.
About 30 minutes later I try to join another server and I am banned....every server I tried I am now admin banned.

I went to several sites and to fight the hackers now there is a database that keeps track of admin bans. If the site is a member of this list you are banned on all sites that links to this list.

SO for calling a hack a hack I am banned from almost every server.
GREAT the hackers keep playing and someone who calls a hacker a hack is banned from the game.

F this is Bull S#$%

As long as there are FPS games out there, there will always be dickless losers who want to cheat the system. Deal with it and move to another server or another game. COD4's multiplayer blows ass anyway.
The rampant hacking on CoD4 v1.7 has turned me off it.

Funny thing is, if you still play the unpatched version of CoD4 (yes there are still servers playing release version), you'll find less hackers.

The hackers have all migrated to the latest version.
Its not the hacking that pisses me off, its the power-trip admins that do. Seriously, they can talk shit all they want and if somebody says something they have a period and BAN! Wtf? Most dont even own the server and they just do whatever they want. Great way to attract people. Jesus Christ thats why I play Live now.
Punkbuster is completely retarded. It should be banned from the internet. And the people that made it/included it in games should be banned from life.

And no, I do not support hacking.
I highly doubt you're banned from more than a few servers, all of which are probably from the same host. As far as I know, there's no "master list," and if there was, it'd probably take a little more than what you did to get on it. I don't know but that's my speculation.

Either way, it sucks and I hope that you get it cleared up.
The best way to counter hacker is to be a hacker yourself, if you cannot achieve that, you can never beat them.
I like servers with hackers on them, killing a hacker is the most satisfying kill you can get :p

Need to be some achievements for it imo!
I stopped playing Wolf ET because of the rampant cheating on there. But it was sometimes fun to join the same team as a hacker and grief them... especially if the server was running a mod that let you shove players.
Just walk away man. It's a game. There are far greater injustices in the world than getting wrongly banned from a game. If someone is hacking, I just leave, find a new server. It's not worth the trouble to get bent out of shape. Hackers and lousy admins will always be a part of gaming. Just deal with it and move on.
Server admins have a lot of power.

Last night I got banned because I made a comment about the Admins name.

Admins name was "Cheesy Vagina"????
HEY the admin is paying for the server,,or at least he is with the people paying the bills. IF they want to ban me that is fine. ITS THEIR SERVER

We need some help in stopping this hacker aimbot, armorhack bull

BUT what I don't like is this BS that someone bans not for hacking but for calling a hacker and hacker, and automatically you are added to a HACKER LIST and banned from all other servers.


think about this an admin or team server player is playing and you keep killing him...ADMIN BAN...and automatically you are lumped with the hackers and banned from other servers because of some little spoiled brat asshole.
It's a game. Relax.

There are worse things in life.

Have you played COD4? People are freaking nuts about this game, like angry malicious crazy about this fucking game. I don't even like it anymore because people are such dicks on this. Trash talking is fun from time to time, but my hell, its a constant stream of "you're gay, fuck you, hahahahah" gets old.

And yes I play with the sound turned off now.
Have you played COD4? People are freaking nuts about this game, like angry malicious crazy about this fucking game. I don't even like it anymore because people are such dicks on this. Trash talking is fun from time to time, but my hell, its a constant stream of "you're gay, fuck you, hahahahah" gets old.

And yes I play with the sound turned off now.

I've finished the campaign on the 360, but never played online. However, I have played many online shooters, BF2 being the most recent and CS 1.6 when I was younger.

I've been banned from servers before in BF2. The most recent was when I took my squad to an uncappable spawn and based raped. It's definitely not cheating, but some admins don't like that. Didn't even get a warning.

Quite often there are people that c4 jump themselves up to the top of buildings where they shouldn't be. This gets really annoying when you have half the other team sniping from the tops of buildings with a supply guy throwing down unlimited grenades.

Other times there are guys that go 68-4 and are shooting people left and right through walls. Is this annoying? Definitely. But that's when I realize that I have a few good choices: 1) Stop playing at that server. 2) Stop playing the game.

Life's got plenty of choices, maybe it's time to expand your horizons.
I think there is a gun in BF2 that can shoot through walls and helicopters.

Most severs disprove of base rape and you knowingly did it anyways I would ban you too, and base rape is the worst it completely ruins the game on par with hacking hence the rule no base rape.

Take gaming lightly, Follow rules, don't be a jackass and you won't get baned from good servers.
M95 can shoot pilots out of choppers yeah.

You can turn off the voip btw. I never use it. If I want to talk to someone, there's this thing called vent. Listening to kids scream = no.