Watercooling Coolant Additive


Nov 22, 2004
Hello everyone,

I am wondering about watercooling additives. I was considering WetterWater, but the only thing that is stopping me from getting it is I have no clue if it prevents algae. In my system it is MANDATORY that I have an anti algae additive, due to the fact that I have a clear, double bay resivour it is exposed to daylight.

Now ive been doing some research and have found that Asetek makes this stuff called WaterChill Anti Alga Fluid - WaterWetter. As far as I know it is WetterWater in a smaller bottle, but does anyone know if Asetek put extra algae additive in it? I see nothing one WetterWater's site mentioning anything about AntiAlgae being in their fluid.

Is there anything I can use that IS anti algae that wont harm copper, or even somehow break down the WetterWater?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
For years, what I've ran is 80% distilled water, 10% alcohol, 10% anti freeze and some food dye to make it whatever color I want.

Never any gunk or any growth.

As for anti algae, you can use biocide from petstore or just use antifreeze for cars. Antifreeze is great because its also anti-corrosion so would help with the blocks.
Water wetter is algae preventative. I'm using it right now matter a fact, but the only drawback is that after awhile a whiteish crystally substance builds up in resevoirs and anything else plexi/lucite I think. Use Zerex instead.
Hmm WetterWater states that there shouldnt be any polymerization. I also have read that the Zerex is great, hows that with Algae properties? Im gonna be picky and say I want blue water in my loop. Anyone know how much the purpleness of the Zerex dilutes. Of course Ill be using dye regardless of what additive I use.

Any problems with using food coloring as dye?

Megadeth_Guy01 are you using strait non-diluted WetterWater?
Hmm I never have heard of AC Fluid. I cant even find the manufacturers page. I see that it is good enough to use just with distilled water.
It says to mix 2%. Any estimates as to how much water a bottle treats. I need ~1 gallon to fill my system. (How much would I put in a gallon if it treated that much)

Thanks Top Nurse!

PS> Do you use that stuff? If so do you notice any foam?
plywood99 said:
Check out this stuff right here:

PC Coolant

Or use good ol'e Swiftech Hydrix.
I am using Hydrax right now. As previously mentioned I wanted something that is clear, so I can dye the water blue. That green HydraX really doesnt go with the theme of my box. I know its a stupid reason, but I KNOW the answer is out there. I am now thinking about using AC Fluid and WetterWater, or AC fluid and Zerex. At any matter I am pretty sure ill be using one of those two coolants.
I am thinking WetterWater is the way to go at this point. Its clear, when diluted, it *supposedly* prevents algae(no supporting evidence) and it seems to work great in all types of systems. Hell if anything builds up ill be able to see it throught my lucite topped blocks, and ill use some vinegar to clean it out with(although I doubt this would happen).

Thanks everyone for your contributions!
I'm a former user of Water Wetter and now do not recomend it. Will put a haze on your tubing and res if you use one.

The link I gave you is good stuff, I currently have the clear UV blue coolant. It looks clear till you turn on a UV lamp then it glows blue. And yes it has an algicide in it...
I wanted to use something as a heat transfer agent. How about Zerex?

I found my complete solution to algae/bacteria:


Hmm alot of you guys seem to be having problems with WetterWater. Maybe Zerex is the way to go.

PS> There is already a haze on my tubes, but not on my res. I dont want that to get mucked up.

If not Zerex, than what else might I be able to use. Remeber I am trying to keep it as light as possible. (Seeking the final color as being sky blue coolant)

DaRkF0g said:
I wanted to use something as a heat transfer agent. :)

Water is your best heat transfer agent. The properties you refer to in Water Wetter, that supposedly "wet" the metal better are basically useless in pc water cooling...
Oops forgot to add a corrosion inhibitor. Ive see nwhat happens when you dont put that into a system. :eek:
Zerex is corrosion inhibitor, anti-algae, and (supposedly) helps with heat transfer all-in-one. All without hazing or polymerizing.
Megadeth_Guy01 Do you still get the same properties that you described when you mix the Zerex 50/50 with water? I found out WetterWater DOES NOT have an algecide in it. I still cant see how algae will grow in something like racing coolant though. Ill have to find out that for sure. Ill have to get some zerex to try it out.
The only Antifreeze I've ever used was Zerex Racing Super Coolant . It's great, transfers heat like a charm and once it's in the loop, the redness is gone.

And water coolants don't wet the metal, they wet the water. The coolant actually makes water bubbles smaller to increase the contact between the water and metal leaving smaller air gaps.

Here's a video if you're interested, although I've heard bad things about Water Wetter too ..

Water Wetter Demo
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
Zerex is corrosion inhibitor, anti-algae, and (supposedly) helps with heat transfer all-in-one. All without hazing or polymerizing.

i tried water wetter, tubes developed a cloudy coating within a week. i recently went with a 10% mix of distilled h2o and zerex. after about two weeks i could see the tubing getting slighly cloudy. it's been almost two months now and my tubes(clearflex) definately have a cloudy haze to them, but no where near the level of water wetter.
DaRkF0g said:
Megadeth_Guy01 Do you still get the same properties that you described when you mix the Zerex 50/50 with water? I found out WetterWater DOES NOT have an algecide in it. I still cant see how algae will grow in something like racing coolant though. Ill have to find out that for sure. Ill have to get some zerex to try it out.

No, I don't use Zerex, it's just a better "form" of Water Wetter you could say. Also, lol don't make a 50/50 mix of Water and Zerex, that would be bad, you only need a few drops or maybe a teaspoon in the loop.
plywood99 said:
I'm a former user of Water Wetter and now do not recomend it. Will put a haze on your tubing and res if you use one..

true dat on the haze, makes the whole system look milky...ew.. i'd go Zerex.
EDIT: not to mention WW stinks bad.
Igg said:
For years, what I've ran is 80% distilled water, 10% alcohol, 10% anti freeze and some food dye to make it whatever color I want.
what kind of alcohol? isypropyl? i'm assuming it would be safe for the o-rings, tubing and lucite?
yea rubbing alcohol, isopropyl (sp).

With the small amount I dont think it matter much, but for this build, I'm using straight 90% distilled and 10% antifreeze. Nothing survive in antifreeze so the alcohol might be overkill.
yeah, i currently use ~75% water, ~25% antifreeze... higher antifreeze content cause i plan to do some fun things this winter ;) (plus, i like the green color)
i think it's safe to assume that it'll stay clean for quite a while :cool:
Thank you all so much for the replies, ill start at the top...


I already knew that the WetterWater did, I saw the demo a while back but thanks for at least mentioning it (im sure someone else will find it usefull)


As mentioned before im not concerned about the haze in the tubes. As I already mentioned my tubes are hazy, and the tubing itself ISNT clear, its a frosted white color. Just as long as the plexi that makes up the res doesnt get cloudy ill be fine.


Thanks for the info. I didnt know that you only use a little bit in there. Any idea what happens if I use too much (as a heads up)?


Yeah I have heard it smells of worms and bubblegum :eek:


Going to do some waterchilling? Or are you planning to live in an igloo :p

And lastly, is it true that algae does not grow in antifreeze? I think I may play it safe and get some Asetek WaterChill Anti Algae Fluid - 25ml just to cover any what-if's.

Oh yeah and one more thing, can I use food coloring as a dye? It is basically the same thing as UV dye (Well without the uv)?

Iso is not good for lucite ... it will crack it ..

It can also damage your tubes. I have no idea why people put alcohol in their water but it does not help at all ... Can you please explain how adding water can help at all
DaRkF0g said:
Going to do some waterchilling? Or are you planning to live in an igloo :p
i'll be in rochester NY for the winter. temps can get down to -10c without much effort :D
(though a waterchiller may be fun)

mohammedtaha said:
Iso is not good for lucite ... it will crack it ..
that's what i thought, but i think with the low concentration it doesn't really matter
(cf)Eclipse said:
i'll be in rochester NY for the winter. temps can get down to -10c without much effort :D
(though a waterchiller may be fun)
No heating? I live in PA, and we rately see those kinds of temps, but that is somewhat far from NY.

As far as Zerex goes, I went to their site and they have many different types of Zerex. Which do I go with?

(cf)Eclipse said:
i'll be in rochester NY for the winter. temps can get down to -10c without much effort :D
(though a waterchiller may be fun)

that's what i thought, but i think with the low concentration it doesn't really matter

Maybe not .. but I still see no reason in adding it. Zerex and distilled water alone is excellent.
Oh and I discovered you mix Zerex at a 1:20 ratio.

I still need to know if I should get the Regular Stuff or the G-05 Stuff.
DaRkF0g said:
Oh and I discovered you mix Zerex at a 20:1 ratio.

I still need to know if I should get the Regular Stuff or the G-05 Stuff.

Where did you find this information ?

I hear G-05 is colourless and really good. I haven't tried it myself but I wanna check with my local NAPA if they carry it.
mohammedtaha said:
Where did you find this information ?

I hear G-05 is colourless and really good. I haven't tried it myself but I wanna check with my local NAPA if they carry it.
Thats exactly where I am about to go. The local Napa is in walking distance of my place.

Colorless would be excellent!

Found the 1:20 thing here. (Performance-PC's)
After reading that piece of information ... I think you should go with the Super Coolant.

It does not use Ethylene Glycol. It's definitely good. I would go ahead and buy atleast 2 bottles of the Racing coolant and use 1 and a 1/2 to fill up a gallon of water .. or maybe less ... just make sure you mix it well ..
I like the Zerex purple stuff for additive.

As for killing algae, bacteria, living little nasties I prefer to use about two tablespoons of Listerine. It kills 99.9% of those little buggers and can make your loop minty fresh!
BellaCroix said:
I like the Zerex purple stuff for additive.

As for killing algae, bacteria, living little nasties I prefer to use about two tablespoons of Listerine. It kills 99.9% of those little buggers and can make your loop minty fresh!
Lol, you know thats a good idea :)

I forgot all about Super Coolant. Ill get some from perfcormance-ps's. I REALLY dont need a whole gallon of that stuff anyway. Thats what most sites recommend anyway, is strictly the supercoolant. Ill just apply a good amount of dye to get it the way I want it. At this point its pretty much function over form.

At this point I am trying to make my setup cool better. I found a dehumidifier while (curb shopping) and I am going to make it into a air conditioner for my room. (I was originally going to make a water chiller, but condensation fears and keeping myself cool were upon my main priorities :p ) The thing is practically BRAND NEW. My guess is it was too small for its previous owners. Anyway I tore it apart tonight.
I figured out I am going to put it into a ALR Revolution "huge ass" server case. I got the compressor mounted up tonight after spending a hour grinding some drive cages and framework out.
Tomorrow I will be riveting some sheet metal in there, essentially seperating the Evaporator coil from the condensor coil. I also need to add circulating fans, as well as cut 2 holes in my wall to pull in cool air from outside, as well as blow the hot air out. After that I may mod the case to make it look, well, cool (thats too far away for me to even contemplate yet).
I am so anxious to get it working. The temperature here lately has been really hot. I may start another thread for the hell of it once it is all done showing what I did.

It will keep my setup cool (especially once I add my toasty 6800 Ultra to the loop), and more importantly ME :)
Be careful adding alcohol to watercooling systems that have an acrylic type resevoir as the alcohol tends to break down the glue solvent used to manufacture the resevoir. If your watercooling system consists of all copper or copper/plastic, then in theory an anti-corrosive isn't needed. I've been running my W/Ced system with no anti-corrosive for 2 months now using nothing but distilled water and yellow UV dye and I've had no problems whatsoever with corrosion or algea buildup.

Word of warning, the use of cool-cases-usa.com's UV dye w/ an anti-algea will cause the fluid to turn and opaque brownish-orange color. I know this from experiance because I tried using their yellow UV dye with a biocide I got from petsmart. It looked good for about 3 days and then it all went nasty. Since then I have cleaned my WCing loop with diluted vinegar and bleach.
(cf)Eclipse said:
i'll be in rochester NY for the winter. temps can get down to -10c without much effort :D

Haha, have fun in Rochester, not much to do here in the winter, and lately it hasn't really snowed much...but the dry cold will be awesome for your little cooling deal
DaRkF0g said:
Hmm I never have heard of AC Fluid. I cant even find the manufacturers page. I see that it is good enough to use just with distilled water.
It says to mix 2%. Any estimates as to how much water a bottle treats. I need ~1 gallon to fill my system. (How much would I put in a gallon if it treated that much)

Thanks Top Nurse!

PS> Do you use that stuff? If so do you notice any foam?

No foaming if used as directed :D You would need .02 of a gallon and a bottle is 50 cc.