Watercooling Coolant Additive

Thanks for the info everyone Ill keep that all in mind when I am adding the coolant in. I many not get around to it for the next few days. School and whatnot has been taking a large chunk out of my time.
Oh yeah I fotgot about this thread.

Welll..... anyway, went with the Zerex coolant that DD sells on their site. Sure is purpley! Also if you put a blue LED up to it (the res.) it turns blue :). Mission accomplished there. I also put some dye lite in it. Coolant works GREAT none the less! The ONLY thing I dislike about it is its really cloudy when you look into the res., they tubes are clear. Its just the nature of the coolant I suppose!?

PS. Found out if you knock a bottle of Dye Lite over and it falls onyo your rug its impossible to totally get out. The good thing is it in invisible unless you have a black light.

Just as long as no forensic people come over my house ill be fine :)