WASD Replacement

Taht's the point though.

You fingers and moving them are fine motor skills. using their entire hand and moving it left/right/up/down (like with a mouse) is gross motor skills. Naturally it comes quicker to move your hand then it does to move each individual finger for specific things.
I understand the point you're trying to make. I find it highly questionable that there's any genuine advantage.
I like the idea and at first thought it could work, but after thinking about it, it would not work for "me". I am sure some people might get into this. I can not see having my left arm raised like that for long periods of time. My wrists(or balls of hands) are in a constant state of rest on the desk when using keyboard and mouse. Raising my wrist up in this manner would become tiresome over time. If they made it shorter and none analogish, it would work better. The top part is fine, where the hand sits, but they are concentrating too much on adding more keys on the bottom of it. If they took the hand portion and connected it to the base with a shorter stick so it did not stick up as much, I think it would work.
The example he was stating about being in an ambush and not responding quick enough is one of the reasons WASD works for me. I am wondering if they came up with this because they did not grow up with WASD in games and started out on consoles and moved to PC and did not like the setup.
I've come around to the same conclusion. I just want something to free up my 3 WASD fingers for other actions, and to add analog control to PC gaming movement. This thing isn't it though. The sidewinder strategic commander is better than this (i know i just picked one up off craigslist, still not good enough) Isntead of a throttle it should be shaped like a mouse, and istead of full joystick movement it should be tilted to allow for faster changing of direction. I'd design something I'f i could draw or CAD, but I can't.
just want something to free up my 3 WASD fingers for other actions, and to add analog control to PC gaming movement

The Belkin Nostromo N52 TE does that. I'm not 100% sure that the TE's thumbstick is analog though...

I still use my original N52.. can't justify upgrading because it just works...
I use a Nostromo but I do not use the thumb cross button so it does not free up those fingers. I find the thumb button is too far for my thumb to comfortably use as a direction input. Plus, I use my thumb for jumping, heh.
I use a Nostromo but I do not use the thumb cross button so it does not free up those fingers. I find the thumb button is too far for my thumb to comfortably use as a direction input. Plus, I use my thumb for jumping, heh.

Whoops, that's what I was talking about. I don't know why I thought razr. We should just map jumping to a button places beneath our heels. Apparently that would be faster since our whole leg could be put into the motion instead of just a finger

I doubt you can actually move faster with it but it's probably meant to complement your existing mouse and keyboard controllers, like weapon switching, gadgets, spotting, or other secondary controls so you don't have to look down on the keyboard. Sort of like a mental version of game command (the voice controller)

Have you used it before? That seems really cool, but it seems like a gadget that is funky... like Kinect or Move or Wii Mote ... :(