[Warm] Best Buy: GTX 260 55nm 216 $160 and Antec 902 $110

How much better is the GTX260 over my current 8800GT 512MB (G92)?
I had 8800gt and then i upgraded to 260gtx, man what a difference. Can play any game at 1600x1200 with max everything.
GTX260 is one of my favorite graphics cards ever. Its durable, runs cool, and plays pretty much anything i want at my desired resolution.
Not a bad deal for those that want to upgrade from a 8800GT or less.

I saw this morning but didn't have a chance to post up on the GFX card deal. I was thinking about getting the 260 but I also have my mind thinking about the 275 and I even saw a 285 for $270 or 280 on Microcenter.

Personally, I'm on the fence with BFG due to past experience with the product itself not the CS. The customer service was awesome. The card was just a dud. Plus I like using EVGA's tuning software as well. However I am thinking about retiring the 8800GT case it has provided me with good service.
How much better is the GTX260 over my current 8800GT 512MB (G92)?

I have a 8800GTS 512 and a GTX 275. The performance jump is good on paper and sightly noticeable, but not amazing. I would wait for next-generation cards, whereas a single card might match GTX 295!
I have a 8800GTS 512 and a GTX 275. The performance jump is good on paper and sightly noticeable, but not amazing. I would wait for next-generation cards, whereas a single card might match GTX 295!

I was contemplating that also. Besides, I'm not a heavy gamer either. Money was just trying to burn a hole in my pocket. Asbesto's ya bastard!