Wait for 9800GT or get 8800GT now

Dec 11, 2006
So I have been wanting to upgrade from my 7800GT for some time now. Heard news floating around the 9800GT and 9800GTX would be out sometime in march. So based on what you have heard, you think its worth waiting to see how they do, or should I just get a 8800GT or GTX?
If you do decide to get a 8800GT I would get the Akimbo EVGA cooler , or some other high end cooler, stock blows seriously. I had artifacts because it ran so hot until i adjusted fan speed, down clocked to the base standard for 8800GT also had a 8800GTSuperclocked.

Just get a 9800GT is my advice. :)

Good luck with the wait!
If you do decide to get a 8800GT I would get the Akimbo EVGA cooler , or some other high end cooler, stock blows seriously. I had artifacts because it ran so hot until i adjusted fan speed, down clocked to the base standard for 8800GT also had a 8800GTSuperclocked.

Just get a 9800GT is my advice. :)

Good luck with the wait!

Yeah from stock to top-end aftermarket air cooling shave like 40c off of load. The stock 8800GT cooler is loud and useless.
Agree, I have 8800GT from eVGA, as I posted in their forums, I feel cheated with their new Akimbo heatsink. You see, I got one with the regular, I guess nVidia reference heatsink, it overheats with modern games. Then they release the Akimbo version. There is no step up to it or any other trade program. I will need to spend around $50 to get a good cooling solution now. I wish I waited. That is what I recommend to you.
I have a revised heatsink on my XFX 8800gt that is identical to the one used in [H]'s XFX 8800GT 256MB review, and on the 9600GT cards. It's only loud for less than a second after power-on, but not once during long gaming sessions has it become noticable, and my load temps are usually in the mid 60's running Crysis.
mid 70's is high! You must have very stable ram. Im not so fortunate. This is the 2nd time out of 3 generations of GT gpu's that I've had trouble w/ from Nvidia. Nvidia is making me lose confidence in their quality department. My card runs at a mere 60C and artifacts if I play on High settings w/ Bioshock. factory overclocked with 50% fan speed(instead of the factory setting of 29%).
i say get an 8800gt now. You can't always wait until the next gen comes out or else you'll always be waiting. just buy now, be happy for a while and upgrade later. 8800gt will play everything just fine for now
Seeing the 9600GT perform as well as it does only leaves me wondering how well the 9800GT MIGHT perform when its released. One could only hope for the best. But, if you keep waiting there's always something on the horizon that'll peak your interest which leads to a never ending cycle of "should I buy this.. naw, look whats next!" kinda thing. I say, if you don't have the patience to wait, buy a 8800GT now (evga so you can step-up in 90days if the 9 series comes out by then) and enjoy high-resolution with high settings gaming NOW, instead of waiting.
i say get an 8800gt now. You can't always wait until the next gen comes out or else you'll always be waiting. just buy now, be happy for a while and upgrade later. 8800gt will play everything just fine for now

Normally I would say that is true, but seeing as this IS march, the rumored launch month, I would recommend people wait ;)
mid 70's is high! You must have very stable ram. Im not so fortunate. This is the 2nd time out of 3 generations of GT gpu's that I've had trouble w/ from Nvidia. Nvidia is making me lose confidence in their quality department. My card runs at a mere 60C and artifacts if I play on High settings w/ Bioshock. factory overclocked with 50% fan speed(instead of the factory setting of 29%).

Did I say mid 70's? I meant 60's. Ooopsie. :eek:

It's only lukewarm to the touch after heavy use, and has been rock stable. :D
You can wait if it's within this month. Then, you can better decide on what to get when it is released. But, if its not until soo many months more, I'd just get the 8800GT already. If you get the 8800GT now and the 9800GT is not that much more than you would feel sick because you didn't wait.
u could grab the cheap evga in the hot deals forum. if the 9800 turns out to be a lot better, trade it in
do the evga step up deal.... buy the 8800gt now, and step up/trade in when the 9800 launches. no harm, no foul.
As it stands right now the 8800GT is a better performer than the 9600GT. Not by a terrible amount but by enough that I feel confident in my purchase of an 8800GT about two weeks before the 9600GT had its mass-market debut. However if I were in the video card market as it is right now, I would likely just hold my breath and await the release of the 9800 series. My guess is that their performance will eclipse both the 8800 and 9600 and judging by the pricing on the 96 series shouldn't be terrifically more expensive.
If you do decide to get a 8800GT I would get the Akimbo EVGA cooler , or some other high end cooler, stock blows seriously. I had artifacts because it ran so hot until i adjusted fan speed, down clocked to the base standard for 8800GT also had a 8800GTSuperclocked.

Just get a 9800GT is my advice. :)

Good luck with the wait!

why suggest a cooler? if you're gonna do that, suggest an 8800GTS. You can get the BFG 8800GTS (G92) for $239 after MIR: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143119

that makes the GT irrelevant if you have to upgrade the cooling.

this might be a good buy: MSI 512MB OC GeForce 8800GT 512MB w/ quad heat pipe cooler for $186.00 after $30 MIR
Are you getting acceptable performance at this time with your current card? If so, then wait for a couple of weeks.

If not, then go ahead and buy a 9600 GT or 8800 GT. You'll still get good performance, and will be able to handle almost any of today's games with good eye candy.
I'm in the same boat but I'm not so sure Nvidia is going to release a 9800GT right away.
It took awhile for the 8800GT to appear once the 8000 series was announced, am I right?

I think they are going to release the 9800GTX and X2 1GB then a few months later the 9800GT.
Another vote for using eVGA's step-up program. I plan to do that when the 9800 series debuts. Even if you miss the 90-day threshold, used video cards sell quite well on eBay.
if you can get an 8800gt with those better coolers then go for it... since its the same architecture im sure it wont be that big a difference. Unless they decide to make the 9800gt a g94, but since almost surely the 9800gtx is gonna be a g92.. then g94 for gt doesnt make sense unless they also make the 9800gtx a g94. But i have a feeling it might end up a g94, and the 9600gt is a good preview of that architecture... who knows they might want to surprise us, or their tricks have gone out.

im sure the 9800gt will be selling at the current 8800gts 512mb price point... given that you can get an 8800gt for about the same price as a 9600gt which performs better than a 9600gt i dont see why you would lose on that... now is a good time, esp for me march is a whole month off so i need to start playing with good frames and only 8800gt is at a good price/performance ratio. And i recon the 9800gt isnt going to be out till late april... im sure the 8800gt wont depreciate by that much in that time would it#???? lol take note the number of ???

Plus im more interested in ati's 4xxx series than the 9xxx series... so its a price well paid for an 8800gt considering 4xxx is slated for late juneish. If i can sell my 8800gt for $120 in june im a happy man, given that the 4xxx delivers performance. But in the end the 8 series can play anything at the moment and everything else in the horizon for this year (i feel even fallout and alan wake - which a year ago was demod to run on a 7900gtx), except for crysis... and i dont see the 9 series breaking 60fps min on crysis... maybe gx2 who knows.

and oh starcraft... im sure even a 7900gt can run that game perfectly :D (its the only game worth paying for i think) and hl2 ep3 which i have to say, we know how good valves engine is... it looks good without screwing your system 100x over like crysis does
I would suggest you spend a little extra and get the 512MB 8800GTS(G92). I have it and it works great. Got everything on high and the card never go past 45c. I use RivaTuner to make sure the fan scales up and down so its no biggie and keeps the card cool. Idle it usually sits around 35c.
i can't sit here and watch everyone, in so many words, call the 8800gt names.

actually, yes i can.
I just found this chart :

Nothing 100% solid but pretty interesting. If the 9800GT is barely better than the 8800GT I don't understand why it would cost 300$usd.
Well its kinda hard to recommend one card over the other seeing as how the 9800GT isnt even out yet, and no one outside Nvidia knows much about it, let alone has done any real testing/benchamarking on it ...
I just found this chart :

Nothing 100% solid but pretty interesting. If the 9800GT is barely better than the 8800GT I don't understand why it would cost 300$usd.

because people will pay it. never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Get a RV770, it actually has a next gen design.

The 9600gt is a good placeholder until then, since there's only one game that it can't play on high.
I think I'm in the same boat as everyone else in here, but I have decided to wait for the 9800 series to come out. They should be due sometime soon.
Agree, I have 8800GT from eVGA, as I posted in their forums, I feel cheated with their new Akimbo heatsink. You see, I got one with the regular, I guess nVidia reference heatsink, it overheats with modern games. Then they release the Akimbo version. There is no step up to it or any other trade program. I will need to spend around $50 to get a good cooling solution now. I wish I waited. That is what I recommend to you.

Hey! That's awesome, man, you being a Directron Manager! Thanks for the advice, and I always loved Directron.com as a frequent customer over the years!
So I have been wanting to upgrade from my 7800GT for some time now. Heard news floating around the 9800GT and 9800GTX would be out sometime in march. So based on what you have heard, you think its worth waiting to see how they do, or should I just get a 8800GT or GTX?

8800GTX, my friend. (Cheap on Ebay nowadays, just buy from a seller with 100% positive feedback of at least 50 sales in a row), or here on the FS/T forums from a guy with excellent Heat reputation. (EDIT: Preferably with the original receipt of purchase so that warranty can be "transferred" to you!)
It may not be worth waiting for a mid range card like the 9800GT because there are already excellent mid-range cards (i.e. 8800GTX, 8800GT etc.) now that offer good value for money.

And, keeping in mind that it took "over a year" for the 8800GT to come out, what makes everyone really think that the 9800GT is going to come out soon? Perhaps it might come out in April. Perhaps not.

Now if you're waiting for the next high end product, that makes more sense. But get ready to pay good money for that.
Normally I would say that is true, but seeing as this IS march, the rumored launch month, I would recommend people wait ;)

good point... its just the general idea I go by. I find theres really no point waiting. but if this IS the supposed release date, it might not be too bad to wait
Im in the 7800gt boat, i buy odd generation series 3, 7 etc. Im gonna start buying even now, but i'll be waiting for the 9800gt since my need to upgrade isnt immediate.

I'd like to game on tf2 at higher frames though in directx 9 mode rather then 8.1 :(
i would say wait for 9800GT , 8800GT is good , but it doesn't have enuf juice to play games like crysis or Call of juarez on full graphics .
And, keeping in mind that it took "over a year" for the 8800GT to come out, what makes everyone really think that the 9800GT is going to come out soon? Perhaps it might come out in April. Perhaps not.

Because confirmed rumors complete with pictures from multiple places have begun popping up. That tends only to happen once the cards are nearing release. Really not that hard to believe anyway, as the whole 9000-series are variations on G9x, which is already out (and has been since the release of the 8800 GT). Or die-shrunk G80 with a few tweaks, to put it another way. So it's nothing really new anyway.

Now if you want to play the guessing game as to when G100/GT200 is out (both rumored names for the true next generation), I could easily believe that it will be a while.
It's just nVidia's way of saying they've lost the next round... Like a sports team doing poorly they're going back to basics in order to rebuild, and for them it's the Voodoo tech.

/joking guys, just joking...