Vive Pro Being Used As AR Dev Kit


May 13, 2013
UploadVR is reporting that HTC has just released its software development kit for the front facing cameras on the new Vive Pro, turning it into an augmented reality developer kit. This means that the Vive Pro is now competing with Magic Leap directly, except without the red-tape, NDAs, and keeping your nearly impossible to get hardware locked in a safe.

Check out the video.

This means you have some choice if you're a developer looking to build software for headsets that mix a digital reality with the real world. You can sign up for the Magic Leap SDK and try to get your hands on hard-to-get hardware from the company while swearing yourself to secrecy. Or you can think about getting a product like the Zed Mini or Vive Pro to more quickly and openly explore your ideas.
I definitely like where things are going. Though having the PSVR already, I will be waiting for something that is fully wireless.
Pretty cool! Being able to hopp in and out of VR like that is really cool not to mention combining the two.