Vista recommended spec: 256MB+ PCI-E

jebo_4jc said:

Yeah the first time I read that im like WTF Microsoft. Then I realize its still speculation on how the BETA runs. I will believe it once Microsoft releases the actual specs of the final product and not just the BETA and then actually release the system themselves so I see for myself first hand. system sucks

3.06 Northwood
2048 MB Hyper X
XFX 7800 GTX
300GB Maxtor Diamondmax w 16mb cache
:rolleyes: There is NO way that is right... you think HP, Dell, etc... are gonna start bundling that kinda hardware in the base systems in a year?? You got rocks in your head.

QwertyJuan said:
:rolleyes: There is NO way that is right... you think HP, Dell, etc... are gonna start bundling that kinda hardware in the base systems in a year?? You got rocks in your head.


True that. DDR 3 is suppose to make its way to the desktop in 2007 I believe.
Keep in mind the difference between recommended (meaning, max the OS out and have an enjoyable experience) and minimum spec.

Those numbers sound just fine for the recommended spec - but Dell, HP, etc don't care about recommendations. They are building for the bare minimum with their econoboxes, and so they will here.
Lazy_Moron said:
True that. DDR 3 is suppose to make its way to the desktop in 2007 I believe.

Manufacturers speculate late 2006, you know its going to be when intel impliments it, wouldnt surprise me to see boards supporting it under conroe. Memory is actually already in production:

Honostly though the best thing about it is the lower voltage, but DDR2 will be fine. Dont forget DDR2 has been out for a year now, and DDR is still going strong, its actually more expensive then DDR2. So dont expect DDR3 to take hold until 2007-2008.

Advantages compared to DDR2

Higher bandwidth (up to 1600 Mbps)
Performance increase at low power
Longer battery life
Enhanced low power features and thermal design

Its actually going to far better for the laptop and mobile computer users more then us.

With DDR2 1000MHz in product though, who knows how long it will take. As soon as Intel or AMD adds support im sure someone will start spitting out chips. Memory speeds are getting a little rediculous though, not seeing massive improvment anymore because controllers both in intels SB and with intels FSB 800 limitation and the controller on amd chips are crippling the need for these frequences.

Picture it like this, currently DDR400/500 is plenty fast.

Right now the fastest out is DDR2 1000, its not even being utilized, and niether is DDR2 800, or 667.

DDR3 is most likely going to support modules up to DDR3 2000MHz

Now do you think you need DDR3 by Vista's launch? I dont.
yea i saw that on the [H] page too. I think it has to be a mistake.

Even 2GB of DDR1 would be insane. I think DDR2 will be well used by AMD though, b/c of the on-die memory controller. They are supposed to be coming out with the M2 socket with support for DDR2 in 2006 (supposedly the first half). This would be before Vista, so DDR2-1000 just might be a standard recommendation (for a new system around here) in a year when Vista is coming out.
Considering, Vista probablly won't make too much ground till late 06 and early 07, my guess. The video card does not seem to far fetched, but the memory requirement statement does.
Sounds like more "In two years processors will be 10 gigahurtses!" speculation to me. Yet again, I have to wonder where these people are getting certain aspects of the "recommended" specification set from...what does it matter if your hard drive has NCQ and SATA2, or if your video card is PCI-E, or if your ram is DDR3? Does that mean a system with AGP SLI 6800 Ultras, a SCSI320 15k RPM drive and 600mhz CAS2 DDR1 is going to run horribly? Pft.

Plus, I can't help but wonder when operating system requirements suddenly came to be even worse than the absolute highest end games...shouldn't it be the other way around? Even Windows XP can run on a 300mhz P2 reasonably well. Supposedly the point of Vista is that it will be scalable to different "graphics levels," which sounds pretty retarded. I think Microsoft is trying to distract the average consumer from the alleged upcoming fair use rape with pretty colors.
Meh, I'm getting a flashback to the Windows XP minimum of 64 megs of system memory causing people to freak out. And I mean, this isn't the minimum...this is the "ooooo, it's pretty" setting...on a machine 2 years from now IF it comes out on time and they don't optimize at all over the current beta. Take a deep breath, people.
what kind of an OS requires that much power?

Is it a 3D OS or something? I ran vista before and it wasn't that bad. A good OS is an OS that uses the least of your system resources while allowing other apps to run fast.
finalgt said:
Sounds like more "In two years processors will be 10 gigahurtses!" speculation to me. Yet again, I have to wonder where these people are getting certain aspects of the "recommended" specification set from...what does it matter if your hard drive has NCQ and SATA2, or if your video card is PCI-E, or if your ram is DDR3? Does that mean a system with AGP SLI 6800 Ultras, a SCSI320 15k RPM drive and 600mhz CAS2 DDR1 is going to run horribly? Pft.

Plus, I can't help but wonder when operating system requirements suddenly came to be even worse than the absolute highest end games...shouldn't it be the other way around? Even Windows XP can run on a 300mhz P2 reasonably well. Supposedly the point of Vista is that it will be scalable to different "graphics levels," which sounds pretty retarded. I think Microsoft is trying to distract the average consumer from the alleged upcoming fair use rape with pretty colors.

SLI AGP?? is there something im missing here? lol.
kuyaglen said: system sucks

3.06 Northwood
2048 MB Hyper X
XFX 7800 GTX
300GB Maxtor Diamondmax w 16mb cache
Socket 478 PCI-E motherboard, eh? Don't see too many of those around.

Everybody does need to chill. These specs are for the "Wow" settings. Personally, I'm glad they are implementing such high-end features that take advantage of today's highest-end systems, because if my system is a beast I want Windows to look appropriate.

Also keep in mind how long OSes last. XP will last 5 or 6 years by the time it dies. Remember how it brought 2002 systems to their knees with all its "visual splendor" :)p ), but now look at how we add WindowBlinds and other 3rd party software to our XP installs to make it look prettier. The day that we are adding 3rd party add-ons to Vista to make it look prettier on our kick ass systems in 2010 will be a good day.
I wish my OS would only require like a 386 and 16MB of RAM, in all honesty, I want my Applications to make use of my Processing power, not my OS.

A 3D-GUI is a great idea, but it would have to be significantly faster than the 2D version in order to make sense. Considering the crazy improvement in 3D processing over the past 7-8 years it is quite likely that a 3D GUI is faster than the 2D equivalent. I am too dumb to understand why my 3D OS suddenly needs huge amounts of RAM to run right?! I had always though that the major advantage of vector graphics is the significantly reduces storage requirement, since the program says: "draw x^2 + y^2" instread of having to create a bitmap with the pixels that need to have a certain color.

Anyways, depending on how quickly the DRM junk is cracked, I might buy Vista after all.
So we'll need a fucking HAL-9000 to run this OS? I'm sure that my parents will upgrade their 1GHz Duron just so they can enjoy the pretty GUI. :rolleyes:

Oh for the days of command lines...
No Vista for me, thanks. An OS should be compatible with hardware (especially current existing hardware), not the other way around.
This is my favorite,

"The hardware vendors all know about it but aren't yet making monitors with it built in, so now it's up to you [the users] to say, "where's my HDCP?"

why in fucks name would I want to ask for crippling hardware? Much less promote having to make me upgrade, I like 19inch crt BOOO microsoft. How about remove that copy protection bullshit its just a hassle and only there to keep and honest man honest, just like that Genuine Advantage crap, In all likely hood it will be broken shortly after release.
dderidex said:
Keep in mind the difference between recommended (meaning, max the OS out and have an enjoyable experience) and minimum spec.

Those numbers sound just fine for the recommended spec - but Dell, HP, etc don't care about recommendations. They are building for the bare minimum with their econoboxes, and so they will here.

Enjoyable? So people with barebone, but NEW Dell's are going to not have an 'enjoyable' experience with their OS?? Just what every manufacturer wants eh??

You KNOW that Dell is going to cut corners on the specs by offering half the memory and a 1/4 of the CPU requirements on their "base" models. Then give it up your :eek: real nice and hard by saying, "hey to make your systems run fast and stable you'll need to buy this, this and that". And guess what? Yer back up to the basic specifications that M$ dished out.

And yer out the :eek: by a few grand too.

Build your own system for vista. It'll save your :eek: in the long run.
I don't think these specs are that bad. By Christmas next year, the "average" system will probably be way closer to what they've listed than the "average" system is now. And as already mentioned, as Vista is improved the requirements will only become more realistic. Early adopters have this hardware already, and home users would wait until they need a new computer and get Vista at the same time.
nighthawke said:
You KNOW that Dell is going to cut corners on the specs by offering half the memory and a 1/4 of the CPU requirements on their "base" models. Then give it up your :eek: real nice and hard by saying, "hey to make your systems run fast and stable you'll need to buy this, this and that". And guess what? Yer back up to the basic specifications that M$ dished out.

And yer out the :eek: by a few grand too.

Build your own system for vista. It'll save your :eek: in the long run.

Yeah, they do that now... had a friend how wanted an e-mail, surfing machine... asked me if the $299 Dells were alright... I said "Sure, for $299"

He ended up spending almost an extra $500 on extras, from Dell that are worth maybe $200... Dell sure got him good...

anarchy2465 said:
SLI AGP?? is there something im missing here? lol.
Oh, right. No dual AGP. Let's change that to "[H]ardcore overclocked 6800 Ultra cooled by Liquid NO2" in our minds, k? :p
Well personally I think it's bullshit that windows is going to start sucking power from my GPU. Unless they unleash something unreal with this next OS (which they won't) then there is no need for them to be bothering my GPU.
Unless the GUI is prettier than OSX and the multi-user setup actually works like it's supposed to (ex: linux) than I am not switching to Vista. Period.
finalgt said:
Oh, right. No dual AGP. Let's change that to "[H]ardcore overclocked 6800 Ultra cooled by Liquid NO2" in our minds, k? :p

You wouldn't want it as remember AGP is not bi-directional in communication. And according to the article
The GPU needs a very high speed bi-directional bus to communicate with main memory.

So this is one more indication of why AGP has to go.
For those that are worried, I think that the Microsoft guy isn't all that...

Here's why, he mentions the SATA stuff, including
Native command queuing (NCQ) is standard in S-ATA 2 and that cannot be done on S-ATA 1 drives that were simply S-ATA to P-ATA bridge drives. NCQ means drive tasks can be reordered in the most efficient path for the heads to move.

Should read, NCQ is "a" standard in SATA-IO, but not all SATA-IO drives have it. Make sure your controlling chipset and corresponding drives have it (Reference the SATA-IO standards committee, they developed this specification - see here:

If Nigel Page got this wrong, the grasp of the other requirements may be semi accurate as his statement above and mean that many of you will still enjoy Vista with what you have now, perhaps just not as fast as the truely high-end.

I'd wait until we are closer to the real Vista release before getting too concerned. In any case this is a ways off, and Windows XP pro users will most likely still be able to run software released for Vista, just sans bells and whistles, or those titles that require the newer graphics libraries.
If you want VISTA to run at 100%, you need to feed it your soul!
Just plug your soul into your computer and the OS will feed off your life essence and give you a 3D window effect that will blow your fucking mind so much, you will be able to see the music!
256mb vid card to run an OS...

Hey guys check out these benchies:

67fps in Windows Vista 2006 fly-by
59fps in Windows Vista 2006 bot match
Killdozer said:
Well personally I think it's bullshit that windows is going to start sucking power from my GPU. Unless they unleash something unreal with this next OS (which they won't) then there is no need for them to be bothering my GPU.

it won't matter because the things it will have the GPU do (mostly displaying things) won't need to be done while you're playing games. right now the GPU just sits there with untapped potential until a 3d app is started.
subgeek said:
it won't matter because the things it will have the GPU do (mostly displaying things) won't need to be done while you're playing games. right now the GPU just sits there with untapped potential until a 3d app is started.

Ya, how dare it sit there doing things like saving power!! I guess this means the little fans on laptops will be going nonstop now instead of just in other 3d apps?
woe is the day when you have to worry about how long Johnny can leave his computer on for in a day without raising the electricity bill too much.
jmanlp said:
Ya, how dare it sit there doing things like saving power!! I guess this means the little fans on laptops will be going nonstop now instead of just in other 3d apps?
It's likely, but at a much lower speed
HighTest said:
For those that are worried, I think that the Microsoft guy isn't all that...

Here's why, he mentions the SATA stuff, including

Should read, NCQ is "a" standard in SATA-IO, but not all SATA-IO drives have it. Make sure your controlling chipset and corresponding drives have it (Reference the SATA-IO standards committee, they developed this specification - see here:
Agreed about the SATA stuff, but SATA-IO isn't even a standard, I found out. I think 90% of us are confused about this right now, and we're supposed to be the experts!!
I tried out the Beta and it was very laggy on a 9800pro. I was still able to surf the net and so forth. There are still a couple hundred days before the next generation PCs are out and the OS is out. We got time.

Think of it as this people:

- High demand OS will raise the standard for hardware components

I view the glass as half-full.
You know I feel that this Vista thing has been blown "WAY" out of proportion. Consider as in previous posts the fact that Windows XP required so much to run initially but then the specifications came down to the REAL world.

What people expect and what actually happens are very different things. :D
AMD memory controller can barely deal with 2gb.... thats all bs
air2k5 said:
AMD memory controller can barely deal with 2gb.... thats all bs

wrong. AMD mem controller can barely deal with 4 double sided dimm's. They can deal with 2GB just fine.

In fact, I bet if you made a single 16gb or something stick of ram it would be fine with it (barring motherboard problems). It's just the sheer amount of bandwith that it struggles with.