Vista File/Forder Management?


Mar 15, 2008
So I just updated my openOffice to the latest 2.4 verision (yay!). In an effort to get rid of any extra remnants of the old version I deleted the Open Office 2.3.x folder out of my Program Files directory. So far so good.

I'm one of those people that actullay uses the handy shortcut buttons (I have a Logitech Wave). My "Document Editor" shortcut doesn't work anymore since it originally pointed to the 2.3 version so I go to change it in the Set Point settings. I go in there and what do you know...the Open Office 2.3 folder is still there. In fact, somehow my Open Office 2.2 folder is still there too? I go to C:\Program Files and don't see them, but somehow I can see them when browsing through the SetPoint this right?? Is Vista keeping things around?
its probably in /Users/$USER/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program FIles (its the place Vista stores stuff that tries to write to Program Files without permission)..

at least that would be my guess..

do a disk search and you'll probably find it..
Yea you hit that on the dot.

I researched a bit and found out a little thing Vista does called "Compatibility Files"...who would've guessed.