Vindictus: Defying Fate

The original had a cult following but I never jumped on it. Trailer looks like Black Desert Online.

Q. Is the game single-player?

A. It is primarily a single player game, but there will be some contents that will support co-op multiplay. There won't be any multiplayer element during pre-alpha test.

Q. How many playable characters?

A. 2 characters will be available for pre-alpha test. The total number of characters at release has not been decided yet. We aim to provide various types of characters as it will be the core fun element of the game.

Q. Will it be available for consoles?

A. Console versions are also being developed. We don't have any more details on it yet.

Q. Will it be open world?

A. Not specifically. There will be various regions and we plan to make each playable area big enough to not make it feel stifling.

Q. Will it be a Soulslike?

A. Not really. The game is inspired by other various great games, so you might find some similarities in some element of the game,

Q. What will be the business mode (monetization) like?

A. That part has not been decided yet.

Q. Will there be PVP?

A. No PVP is planned as of yet. Things might change depending on what kind of feedback we receive, including the upcoming pre-alpha test.

Q. Release date?

A. Not determined yet.

Q. What is different from Vindictus (MMORPG)?

A. For an example, there are no hyper armor in combat. Each attack move-set will have its own unique speed.

Q. Is this practically Vindictus 2?

A. The game shares IP with VIndictus, and some of the region, characters and monsters from the previous game will be featured, but it is not a direct upgrade or improvement of previous game. It will have a separate story line and new characters.

Q. Does the same lore from previous game applies to this game?

A. Some, but not all of them. This part is not fully decided yet.
For those who never played the original, not sure if it is still playable, it was very much just a large action RPG instanced MMO lite. Towns had people but missions you went on your own. Combat was active so played more like an Assassin's Creed and then you received a letter ranking on how fast and well you completed the level. It has been so long that is about all I remember.
For those who never played the original, not sure if it is still playable, it was very much just a large action RPG instanced MMO lite. Towns had people but missions you went on your own. Combat was active so played more like an Assassin's Creed and then you received a letter ranking on how fast and well you completed the level. It has been so long that is about all I remember.
You can still play the original.

The original was released a year before Dark Souls. I thought maybe you were talking about Divine Souls which I think released around the same time as Vindictus in 2010.
The gameplay in the original Vindictus looks like "traditional" 3D action game combat. The new game definitely took design cues from Dark Souls.

And if we want to get pedantic, Demon's Souls came out in February 2009, nearly a year before Vindictus.