Videocard/Monitor Issue.


Dec 19, 2005
I apologize if this isn't the correct place for this....but I am reaching desperation here.....Soi figured I would turn to my fellow hardforum-ians.

"Here is the deal. I got an eVga 9800gtx+ Superclocked Edition VC, and a Viewsonic VX922LCD Monitor.

Recently my monitor has been going into a sleep mode like thing where the screen goes black and the little power indicator light just blinks (like it does when its in hibernation mode.) I read somewhere that it is actually a semi-common problem, and they mentioned it was usually the videocard problem; majority a driver issue. I booted up in VGA mode and it came on fine...SO i figured i would snag anything i needed then and just reformat.

After the format.....I reinstalled everything and it seemed i went to sleep. Woke up and the monitor was doing the same thing.....So my next question is......What else should I try?? Maybe contacting the videocard manu and getting a replacement? or newegg since i bought it there?"
Do you have JUST the drivers installed? The latest ones are 195.62.

I know installing the nTune System Tools got me artifacting everytime I resumed from sleep, but after removing that, it worked fine.

If you are using Vista/7, try using the drivers Windows Update pulls for you.

EDIT: nTune doesn't do that on 7, for me. (8500GT was the problem card, but now I got a 9800GX2).
nTune is something I know isn't installed on my machine....First time actually I've heard of it. I am currently using XP Pro.
nTune is something I know isn't installed on my machine....First time actually I've heard of it. I am currently using XP Pro.

nTune is now called 'System Tools' by nVidia, it's a driver control panel addon.

Have you installed the correct chipset drivers? That solved a few minor resume issues (none related to a graphics card, though) for me.
Hm....could be something to look into... its never been a problem up until a few days ago and ive had this pc for months.
Also, there have been numberous reports of video card failue with the 191.07 drivers.
It links to a few other sites, including a confirmation by an eVGA (nVidia's biggest partner) of the failures being caused by the 191.07 drivers.

I know it's a bit to read through, but it has some useful information to help make your case, if all else fails (I'd wait a week, as my 'problem card' was corrected by correct chipset drivers).
Hm, ill take a look at that link. I appreciate you taking the time out to help me....would you mind informing me how exactly to check and see my chipset driver version number would be?
I went to asus's site and the chipset driver version listed on the site for download is v5.10.1000.7
Spoke to worked a few hours and then went back into the same cycle as before.
Have you experienced any other issues? As I recall the 9800GTX+ had problems relating to power draw. Issues involved returning from sleep mode, and "pink-screen" artifacting. Most of the [H] was telling me it was a PSU issue, but as it was a brand-new PSU and as the previous PSU had the exact same issue, I wasn't inclined to listen. I replaced the 9800gtx+ with a 48701gig and haven't had a problem since.

If you can exchange the card for some other card(anything *not* a 9800gtx+ variant), do it. That's my advice. Sure, you might be able to fix it with some driver-fudging, but is it worth your time? It wasn't worth mine.
Spewn....that is two exact problams i have indeed had....I'll contact newegg/eVga and see what can be done.