Video Games, Computers and Crayons Cripple Children

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Honestly, I hope this site is an early April Fool’s Day joke. If not, I think every one of us should take a picture of our hands and send it to this guy as proof we were not crippled by crayons, computers or video games. Never mind, that's a bad idea, I can just see this guy getting bombed with thousands of pictures of middle fingers. :D

The pulsating vibrations in the game controller sends 1,000's of numbing shock loads through the fingers, knuckles and hands, which causes physical deformities within weeks because each vibration inflicts a permanent injury and the injuries accumulate and the resulting physical deformities quickly appear within a few weeks.
wow that's some science right there

not source cited to be found, nor any sort of real empirical data

though he does have some mean mspaint line drawing skills
This has to be a joke. I mean no one can seriously be this stupid, can they?
"Now his injuries will increase due to
the dynamic forces his body generates and delivers to the "high effort steering" of his Chevrolet Trail Blazer he has started to drive. His small
(baby) fingers are bent outward from grasping the thick steering wheel and delivering the dynamic forces to overcome the resistance of the
steering wheel to turn as well as other injuries that blend into and enhance the existing video gaming injuries. "

Yay! Driving vehicles also causes deformities :rolleyes:
A part of me feels like I've done more damage to my hands playing trumpet then video games. Especially considering that I've never owned a console and the majority of my video-gaming life has only been with mouse and keyboard.
Guess we should just stop using our hands. Hate to tell him but using our bodies slowly ruins them lol. My fingers are almost always sore and I'm only 25. Im hoping they invent some sort of nano tech repair or mechanical replacements by the time i'm 50 and have thoroughly ruined them ;)
Now, I'm no hand-age expert, but there is no way some of those hands are the age he says they are. For example, check out "18 year old Jamie's" hands. That person is at least 50 years old and it looks like they are in a shopping center. Probably a picture of some random person he found.

Also look at the "17 year old" picture at the bottom on the left.

If those people have old wrinkly skin at 17 and 18 then they have more problems than video game injuries.

I guess his Biology teachers forgot to tell him that not everybody's hand grow the same?
Asinine. If anything playing PC games has improved my hand-eye coordination and made me much more nimble around the keyboard. People give me shit at work for typing ridiculously fast and I know for a fact it wouldn't be possible if I didn't game.

Drumming has done more damage to my hands (and hearing) than games. My "deformaties" are from breaking my arms playing lacrosse and skateboarding. Seems ass-planted activities are much more beneficial overall to me than sports were.
sounds like the author needs to seriously consider visiting a gym once in awhile. He sounds like a freaking pansy. Deforming a finger while steering a car? Really?
While I'm certain there is some sort of truth behind this, what about riding a bike or climbing trees or all the millions of other things kids do. Might as well lock your children's hands in casts until their bones calcify.
While I'm certain there is some sort of truth behind this, what about riding a bike or climbing trees or all the millions of other things kids do. Might as well lock your children's hands in casts until their bones calcify.

J.P. Prewitt: I'm a hand model, mama. A finger jockey. We think differently than the face and body boys... we're a different breed.
Beware !!!
Why do children’s fingers become permanently bent and twisted from video games, computers, and coloring?

WTF ? Coloring ?

Children must not play video games, or use computers until they
are al least 8-years-old. Young children should not perform coloring
until they are at least 5-years-old.

There are imho few kids above 5 interested in coloring...

This guys is not a april joke, but another man who makes money from FUD.
funny. all my fingers have deformities from breaking and dislocation associated with sports.

i think the solution is to just sit around and watch tv all day.
The guy seems to have a beef with his 2000 Impala which he claims is harder to steer than his 1951 Ford with no power steering. He's a quack with an agenda against GM. I'd really hope it was an April Fools, but I doubt it...
He doesn't see that this is a conspiracy of the Illiminati !
Beware !!!

WTF ? Coloring ?

There are imho few kids above 5 interested in coloring...

This guys is not a april joke, but another man who makes money from FUD.

Steve mentioned coloring in the title (as crayons)

From what I could tell by looking at some of the site, he noticed that his grandchildren's fingers were not growing straight and did 5 1/2 years of research to find out that any repetitive action such as drawing, coloring, playing on a computer, play video games, ... in young children causes their bones to stop growing straight as they haven't fully harden yet.

They now want crayons to come with warning labels that they might screw up your children, same with just about every other product out there.

Seems like a nut case to me.
Seems more like an adaption, look at how straight fingers fit on a keyboard compared to my slightly curved ones and it seems like mine fit more normally. It Darwin at its finest!
So if i have played games since I was six, then I should have crippled hands at the age of 33?

The worst I have heard of was some kid getting white finger (condition that people using pneumatic drills/Jackhammers for too long), from using a PS2 controller on full vibration settings...and playing 12 hours a day.

I'd like to know what 18 year old (although his hands tell me he's past his 30's) Jamie does for a living, besides using a dishwasher and judging by the scarring on his hands a little bare knuckle fighting on the side...or maybe the fighting is the main job?
FINALLY, 5 year old's don't have to worry. :rolleyes:

Notice: Ford Motor Company is taking a major step in improving health in America by eliminating the "high effort" steering and replacing
it with "low effort steering."
Now, I'm no hand-age expert, but there is no way some of those hands are the age he says they are. For example, check out "18 year old Jamie's" hands. That person is at least 50 years old and it looks like they are in a shopping center. Probably a picture of some random person he found.

Also look at the "17 year old" picture at the bottom on the left.

If those people have old wrinkly skin at 17 and 18 then they have more problems than video game injuries.


My hands were like that in my early 20's, courtesy of using strong oven cleaner at a restaurant.

Regardless, while I don't really know if I believe what the people on that site (several doctors are also quoted), I don't see why we're all assuming it's false.

I doubt many on this site were using force feedback controllers when were were under 7. And I don't see any reason why kids absolutely have to play tons video games before 8. Ain't no doubt that kids are getting fatter every year.

I'm a bit more skeptical about the crayons, though I disagree with the person who says nobody over 5 colors. Perhaps in that case, however, the answer is crayons that are a different size or shape.

While I'm not ready to say what he's saying is true, with respect to video games, it does seem plausible. i certainly know I've hurt my fingers/hands playing video games. I imagine the impact on a young kid is greater.
Hmm, I've played video games since I was 10, and used computers since my mid-teens, I'm 38 now, and my fingers all seem to be properly straight... Maybe these people just aren't drinking enough milk? :D
Yeah, well you can get RSI from masturbation and about a hundred other things, but you don't see them posting warning about them.

Keyboards and mice come with safety brochures and warnings about carpal tunnel syndromes these days. Everything else pretty much doesn't.
I could dig up some dumber ones from the US and Germany around and before WWII. Or how about the works of anthropologists from around the nineteenth century. This article ranks right up there.