Video Games, Computers and Crayons Cripple Children

I think you guys are being a bit cynical. My fingers are curved/rotated like some of the pictures from playing games.
if it's cynical to demand proof when someone makes an unfounded claim, sign me right up.

it's called science for a reason.
Children in undeveloped countries where they do not color, play video
games, or use computers have straight fingers.
You can also see such in old movies.

hahaha - there is your empirical data! scientific proof is in "old" movies :p

joke or not, i got a laugh
I could see this happening if you gave a really young child a controller and had them play a game which used "force feedback" (Isn't that trade-marked or something by Sony?), but for older people I don't see it being a real problem. I doubt crayons and pencils would cause much damage at all, unless they aren't gripping them correctly, in which case you should correct them.

I'm 18 now(will be 19 in a couple months), I have slightly oddly shaped fingers(I won't say misshapen, because I don't know that they are), and I have played on my brother's Play Station when I was about 8-10 years old(can't remember; bad memory), the Sega Genesis before that, and the Nintendo when I was about 4 or 5. Dispite the oddly shaped controllers and any vibration that could have occured, my hands and fingers are about as normal as you might expect.

I've also raked the yard since I was about 5-6, but the "dynamic downforces" did not damage my hands or arms. I've started using the "weed-eater" (what an odd name) recently, and although I get the shakes, and can barely lift a glass of water after, or an empty one for that matter (i'm weak, okay?), my arms and hands still function as normal (at least, after some rest. ;) )
I think you guys are being a bit cynical. My fingers are curved/rotated like some of the pictures from playing games.

Are you sure it's from playing games ? Are you sure that if you wouldn't play games your fingers wouldn't be exactly same, because that's in your DNA ?