Verizon Unlimited Users Averaging 200GB Or More Per Month Get The Boot


Aug 20, 2006
Not content with mere price hikes, Verizon will also be punishing “unlimited” users with a 200GB usage limit. Those who dare to venture beyond that face the consequence of losing their plans and being forced to migrate to another. Interestingly, even users who are nowhere near the limit have been getting warnings from the company.

Last year, Verizon began informing customers who used an “extraordinary” amount of data on unlimited plans that they would no longer be able to keep those unlimited data plans. At the time, Verizon wouldn’t set a specific number of GB on that “extraordinary” number, but we ventured to guess it was around 100GB per month or more after hearing feedback from readers and with Verizon pointing to their 100GB plan over and over. As it turns out, that number has either adjusted to a higher number or we were simply wrong. Either way, another wave of customers are getting the boot and need to find a new plan or carrier by February 16.
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It should be illegal to advertise "unlimited" then set limits. This is blatant bait and switch.

That said, I'm paying for my unlimited plan on principle of the matter. I've never actually used more than 10gb and usually no more than 2.
I have Verizon unlimited. I don't believe I ever go over 50 GB in a month. I just use it for streaming (mainly music, YT and from my Plex server). I hate Verizon, but love the unlimited data. My plan is so old, I have only 50 texts a month. Anymore will cost me $0.10 a text. How stupid is that?
Fuck Em' - (Verizon that is)

Unless it was specifically stated in the contract that "unlimited" meant 200GB... that's just verizon being dicks over what generally costs them nothing. Everyone wants you to believe it costs dollars to get a GB of data to a user... no, it's fractions of a penny.

Just like a crooked politician - the only thing to see here is they want more money.
I honestly have no idea why they don't just terminate every unlimited account en masse, they aren't required to keep grandfathered plans. It would be nice if they actually provided what they sold but they are scumbags, so why not just be a little honest and say these plans were introduced when the mobile web was an entirely different creature. Also we want more money.
I used to use around 1-1.5TB a month back when the wife and I didn't have internet so I did everything tethered off my phone heh. Verizon is getting to be about shitty with things like this, their upgrade policies, and their ever increasing rates. It just sicks because their about the only ones where I can get a signal in my house :(
Hopefully they at least let me finish my contract through Nov 2017. Otherwise I'll just have to set up jdownloader 2 at work and let it run scheduled at night...
They need to start a show called "Data Rush", because Verizon sure treats data bits like fucking GOLD.

I can only think that like that dumb-ass Hoffman on Gold Rush, they are doing it totally wrong and I'd like to see how they are doing it.

T-Mobile would be Parker Schnable and AT&T would be the grumpy, asshole Tony Beets.
I must be doing something wrong...I can't fathom 200GB/month on my phone. I'm lucky if I break 4GB...
I must be doing something wrong...I can't fathom 200GB/month on my phone. I'm lucky if I break 4GB...
Imagine you live in a place where 6mbps/784kbps dsl is the best landline internet available. Now imagine you have a phone that gets 140mbps/35mbps, and said phone has the ability to tether to a wifi router and be used as a USB modem. I can use 4gb in 4 minutes.
It should be illegal to advertise "unlimited" then set limits. This is blatant bait and switch.

That said, I'm paying for my unlimited plan on principle of the matter. I've never actually used more than 10gb and usually no more than 2.

Agreed. 200GB is an insane amount of data to be pushing through your phone a month to begin with but they shouldn't be able to call it unlimited. I don't think I even come close to that on my cable connection through my desktop so I understand why they are punishing those users but again...that's not what unlimited means.
I've had a few 100+ GB months on Sprint, never hit near 200 but their unlimited actually seems to mean unlimited.

As for desktops, my home draw is usually 600 GB - 1.2 TB a month now, and it's probably way down compared to where I was a few years ago when I still did torrents and stuff. None of that now, I got my own media servers to worry about. It will likely go up a bit now tho because a few weeks back I got a 4k TV and a 4k monitor and 4k netflix, so I imagine that will bring the numbers up. I can't imagine not hitting 200 GB on a home connection. Hell, one game anymore is 40-60 GB now. I tried to replay Dead Rising 3 the other day, 23 GB patch.... Start citizen is like 25 or 28 something every time they do a new build, it adds up real fast. Plus with google home all over the place we're doing more music streaming then ever, so that only brings it up more.
Fuck Em' - (Verizon that is)

Unless it was specifically stated in the contract that "unlimited" meant 200GB... that's just verizon being dicks over what generally costs them nothing. Everyone wants you to believe it costs dollars to get a GB of data to a user... no, it's fractions of a penny.

Just like a crooked politician - the only thing to see here is they want more money.

Once the infrastructure is in place, you are right the cost is low.

However if wireless data abuse forces them expand their networks it can cost in the millions or even billions.

More immediately overuse of data just hurts the users, by slowing networks down and leading to congestion.

In my not so humble opinion, mobile networks are supposed to be for limited use while on the go only. Anyone using them to replace a landline or do landline like things with them, like massive downloads, or video streaming is really just abusing the service.

Keep in mind, Verizon would really just like for everyone to cancel their grandfathered unlimited plans, so try can be done with it and move on. I would expect trhm to continue to make grandfathered unlimited plans more and more undesirable over time until they convince everyone to switch to their metered plans.
I must be doing something wrong...I can't fathom 200GB/month on my phone. I'm lucky if I break 4GB...

Nah, you are doing it right. It's the massive mobile data users hi are doing this wrong.

Mobile data is for limited use while in between landlines only.

I used 200MB last month.
Once the infrastructure is in place, you are right the cost is low.

However if wireless data abuse forces them expand their networks it can cost in the millions or even billions.

More immediately overuse of data just hurts the users, by slowing networks down and leading to congestion.

In my not so humble opinion, mobile networks are supposed to be for limited use while on the go only. Anyone using them to replace a landline or do landline like things with them, like massive downloads, or video streaming is really just abusing the service.

Keep in mind, Verizon would really just like for everyone to cancel their grandfathered unlimited plans, so try can be done with it and move on. I would expect trhm to continue to make grandfathered unlimited plans more and more undesirable over time until they convince everyone to switch to their metered plans.

Fuck everything about this, have you even seen any of their advertisements? You're right, they definitely don't encourage streaming video or high bandwidth activities. If they want people to not use data in an unlimited fashion and take advantage of all the amazing UNLIMITED SPEED that they are always shouting at us about, maybe they should change their fucking tune.
why not just be a little honest

I think you answered your own question earlier in the post:

they are scumbags

But folks have an unlimited Verizon plan because they can't really get any other decent internet service where they live. I think they use around 60 GB a month so this may not affect them, but it is still ridiculous to put a "cap" on an unlimited service.

I can see at some point cutting off all users, after giving them a few months to either switch plans or switch to another carrier, because they're not obligated to maintain these grandfathered plans. But to pull this shit, after having jacked up the price several times before, is just absolute horseshit.
Imagine you live in a place where 6mbps/784kbps dsl is the best landline internet available. Now imagine you have a phone that gets 140mbps/35mbps, and said phone has the ability to tether to a wifi router and be used as a USB modem. I can use 4gb in 4 minutes.

Yup, that's me...though I don't even have shitty DSL available.

Pretty simple, people. Pull SIM from phone, install in 4G USB adapter, plug adapter into wireless router that supports adapter...ta da, 4G home Intarwebs. Been rocking that setup for quite a few years now. Get a pretty consistent 35/20 from it, so I wasn't going to complain.

Got my "Dear John" letter from Verizon yesterday, so looks like I'll be looking at the local wireless ISP. Bleh, looks like about the same price for 10/2 service. Since I cut the cord a few months ago, we're definitely in the 200+GB camp.
Nah, you are doing it right. It's the massive mobile data users hi are doing this wrong.

Mobile data is for limited use while in between landlines only.

I used 200MB last month.

Mobile data is for whatever I want to use it for, who the hell are you to tell me how I can or should use my unlimited data I pay for with my money? Or better yet, maybe some people spend more time out of the house then you do. Maybe some of us travel alot, for work or fun or whatever damn reason we care to. Maybe some of us are military and spend large swaths of time in the field and like to stay connected to the world, our other jobs, or maybe even our family? God forbid the possibility that anyone with a usage pattern other then your dial-up era consumption rate is doing the right thing, we should obviously shun anyone that consumes more data then the almighty you!
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I don't get how it is legal for companies to change the terms of a contract without your permission. If we did it we would get fined and sued for breach of contract.
It's funny how people have it hammered into their heads that paying $10/gb is completely normal, all this mobile data should be used sparingly, and only when wifi isn't available. Verizon is laughing at you, while riding quarterly net profits in the billions.
It's funny how people have it hammered into their heads that paying $10/gb is completely normal, all this mobile data should be used sparingly, and only when wifi isn't available. Verizon is laughing at you, while riding quarterly net profits in the billions.

Mobile data is for whatever I want to use it for, who the hell are you to tell me how I can or should use my unlimited data I pay for with my money? Or better yet, maybe some people spend more time out of the house then you do. Maybe some of us travel alot, for work or fun or whatever damn reason we care to. Maybe some of us are military and spend large swaths of time in the field and like to stay connected to the world, our other jobs, or maybe even our family? God forbid the possibility that anyone with a usage pattern other then your dial-up era consumption rate is doing the right thing, we should obviously shun anyone that consumes more data then the almighty you!

You are right. Some need more than others based on their circumstances and needs.

No one - however - needs to torrent or stream movies on the go. That's what land lines are for.
Fuck everything about this, have you even seen any of their advertisements? You're right, they definitely don't encourage streaming video or high bandwidth activities. If they want people to not use data in an unlimited fashion and take advantage of all the amazing UNLIMITED SPEED that they are always shouting at us about, maybe they should change their fucking tune.

Sorry, I haven't seen television ads in many years.

Prior to moving into my current house in 2014, I didn't have TV service since I graduated college in 2003, and in college I rarely ever watched TV. Since 2014, I've had a Mythtv PVR setup which automatically skips all ads in my recorded shows.
It should be illegal to advertise "unlimited" then set limits. This is blatant bait and switch.

That said, I'm paying for my unlimited plan on principle of the matter. I've never actually used more than 10gb and usually no more than 2.
Same here. I have Sprint unlimited and have used 47.1GB total cellular data since I got my phone 9-29-2013.
I used to use around 1-1.5TB a month back when the wife and I didn't have internet so I did everything tethered off my phone heh. Verizon is getting to be about shitty with things like this, their upgrade policies, and their ever increasing rates. It just sicks because their about the only ones where I can get a signal in my house :(

That's what I'd do if I was single.... just tether it. LTE at my house is 25Mbps.
Weren't there lawsuits a few years back about the usage of the word "Unlimited"? Apparently, the winner wasn't the consumer.

If you are selling unlimited, you should be providing unlimited.

If you don't want people using 200GB, don't sell them unlimited service. Get rid of the grandfather plans and get people onto a limited plan.

All you can eat! (one plate of food only).
It should be illegal to advertise "unlimited" then set limits. This is blatant bait and switch.

That said, I'm paying for my unlimited plan on principle of the matter. I've never actually used more than 10gb and usually no more than 2.

I agree, but to be fair Verizon hasn't advertised "Unlimited" data since 2011. That's coming up on six years.

I think they have been surprisingly accommodating to grandfathered plan holders, considering they could have just stopped offering the plans all together at the end of their 2 year contracts and forced everyone to metered plans.
WTF, why they acting like there is some shortage of bandwidth. Limited supply of unicorn tears to go around? I thought their network was the shit?
You are right. Some need more than others based on their circumstances and needs.

No one - however - needs to torrent or stream movies on the go. That's what land lines are for.

You mean the landlines that didn't get any funding from the Feds, because Verizon said "we can solve your rural broadband problem if you give us all your money, 4G everywhere!"? Those landlines?
I don't get how it is legal for companies to change the terms of a contract without your permission. If we did it we would get fined and sued for breach of contract.

Most of the unlimited data customers are not in contract from what I have seen. This means that Verizon can do what they want because the contract is over. I am also sure there is something in their TOS saying they can change what they want when they want as well. If ppl do not like it they need to change carriers. Staying on Verizon and letting them do it, is not teaching them anything. Everything T-Mobile is doing right now is the right way and it is helping just at a slow pace. I use about 66gb amonth on T-Mobile which is mainly Netflix streaming and uploading to Onedrive.
Most of the unlimited data customers are not in contract from what I have seen. This means that Verizon can do what they want because the contract is over. I am also sure there is something in their TOS saying they can change what they want when they want as well. If ppl do not like it they need to change carriers. Staying on Verizon and letting them do it, is not teaching them anything. Everything T-Mobile is doing right now is the right way and it is helping just at a slow pace. I use about 66gb amonth on T-Mobile which is mainly Netflix streaming and uploading to Onedrive.

To my knowledge none of them are. Verizon stopped offering unlimited plans in 2011, and contracts were only ever 2 years long, so the last of them should have expires in 2013.

Since then Verizon has been able to change the terms however they see fit.
To my knowledge none of them are. Verizon stopped offering unlimited plans in 2011, and contracts were only ever 2 years long, so the last of them should have expires in 2013.

Since then Verizon has been able to change the terms however they see fit.
Still on unlimited, still on contract, still been updating at the discount price. There have always been loopholes, but Verizon closes more and more every few months. Figured my last renewal would be the last, and seems it will be if they remove all options for 2 year contracts.
Still on unlimited, still on contract, still been updating at the discount price. There have always been loopholes, but Verizon closes more and more every few months. Figured my last renewal would be the last, and seems it will be if they remove all options for 2 year contracts.

Ahh, my bad. I didn't realize they were grandfathering rollovers into new contracts.

I thought all grandfathered meant was that they kept offering the same old service as a post-contract month to month rate, which is why there were no further discounted equipment upgrades after 2011.

Either way, I'm surprised they have let this go on for as long as they have. If they really wanted to get rid of unlimited service they should have just done it. They should have sent a letter, something like this:

Dear valued customer,

As you may be aware, Verizon Wireless has decided to discontinue all unlimited data plans as of (date) 2011. Existing contracts will remain unlimited until they expire, but upon expiration will need to be renewed under our new metered plans. if you take no action come the end of your plan, it will automatically become a month-to-moth post contract plan with XGB per month, at a rate of $Y.

We invite you to check out our many new exciting plans at different price-points either immediately, or when your unlimited plan expires. As a special one time offer to all of our customers with expiring unlimited plans we are offering a one time customer retention bonus of a free phone of your choice from our Verizon stores, when you sign up for a new 2 year contract with our new plans. As a gesture of goodwill this offer of a free phone with a 2 year plan is available immediately with no early termination fees or upgrade fees regardless of the remaining duration of your existing unlimited contract, and will remain active for one year after the expiration of your unlimited plan.

We regret any inconvenience this change in service offerings may cause, but wills strive to continue to provide the number one wireless service in America.

The way this keeps dragging on year after year is just kind of ridiculous. In the time since they have been grandfathering unlimited users I switched TO Verizon (giving up my grandfathered AT&T unlimited plan in the process) in 2012 and then decided that Verizon was no longer for me and switched to Google Project Fi in April last year...