Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge 1500 Evaluation - Take 2 - @ [H]

The truth be told, we are in BB today because of the requests of blue shirts. They guys/girls love our training and feel great about selling our brand. That's why it's working so well. I'm really impressed with the enthusiasm.
Let me just say how great it is to have access and dialoge with the President of VM. Only on the [H]!
I am definitely interested in a VM gamer's edge 1500 but I wanted to ask a couple questions about some of the available options.

1.) Do I need to get a better power source if I am going to opt for the SLI 7800 GT?

2.) Will stability be an issue (cooling system) with the 2 cards? I know the review gave 10/10 on stability but that is with a 6800 GS which I am assuming would be easier to handle than 2 7800s.

3.) I tried googling benchmarks on the 7800 GT SLIs and I see alot of scores between 9000-11000 on 3dmark 05s, can anyone confirm this set up?

4.) How often does the stock 1500 get upgraded? VM is fairly new to me and I am very interested in their work but I might opt to wait until the next best game comes out (at this point is Huxley or Vanguard)
I'm running two 7800GT's with no issues of any kind. They just upgrade from a AMD 3800 to 4000 so I would not wait for an upgrade.
camelbackcinema said:
I am definitely interested in a VM gamer's edge 1500 but I wanted to ask a couple questions about some of the available options.

1.) Do I need to get a better power source if I am going to opt for the SLI 7800 GT?

2.) Will stability be an issue (cooling system) with the 2 cards? I know the review gave 10/10 on stability but that is with a 6800 GS which I am assuming would be easier to handle than 2 7800s.

3.) I tried googling benchmarks on the 7800 GT SLIs and I see alot of scores between 9000-11000 on 3dmark 05s, can anyone confirm this set up?

4.) How often does the stock 1500 get upgraded? VM is fairly new to me and I am very interested in their work but I might opt to wait until the next best game comes out (at this point is Huxley or Vanguard)

1.) I'd suggest you upgrade the PSU if you are sure you're going to run SLI, but it's not mandatory. If it's something you care about enough to ask, it's probably a good idea.

2.) Like tthiel said, cooling is no issue with this case, thanks to the dual 120mm fans.

3.) This range looks right, but the CPU and memory can vary significantly.

4.) Again tthiel nailed it, this system was just upgraded an I wouldn't expect any moves for a while.

Thanks for your questions and thoughts. Randy
was following the nvidia launch today and checked out velocity - they replaced their 7800 GT with the 7900. same price. that pushed me over from my comfy spot straddling the fence. I think I'm gonna get one. the great review here and the added value of the 7900 is all i need. cool.
Now you can get an X2 AMD Proc and a 300GB drive! Very nice options. I was in Best Buy last night and see they don't have VM in yet. Boy do they need an aternative to all those weak HP and Gateway boxes...
Velocity Micro.

Options on the Gamers Edge 1000 and 1500:

(1) I love the blue cases on the Gamers Edge - but I want a window to show off all of that VM goodness inside. Lian Li makes the window kit for the PC-7 and PC-6 cases... but only in silver and black. Any chance VM can get L-L to paint some blue for you? PC-7x&btnG=Google+Search&sa=N&tab=wf

(2) Don't lose the option to get the AMD 4000+ on the 1500 in the near future. I want single core - but if the price goes down, just offer a credit for this chip. Also - what about credits for a 3800 or allowing a 7900 GT as an option on the Gamers Edge 1000.

(3) Please offer the game bundles with the pc's... we like them!!!
Blue GX with a window would be oh so nice. I went with Black because they didn't have windows on these cases.
HappyJack said:
Blue GX with a window would be oh so nice. I went with Black because they didn't have windows on these cases.

True dat... Mr. VelocityMicro... got any blue windows? Worth $35 more from me if you got em!
The GX Blue with window is something we have been considering. Stay tuned, and thanks for the feedback. We are here to give you what you want, not what we want to force on you. I've got to know what that is, like great service, right?
What I want...

Your continued feedback in these forums (thank you).
Great Service - nobody from another country.
Single Core option on the Gamers 1500 and 1000
7900 GT option on both the Gamers 1500 AND 1000
2x 1GB mem option on the Gamers 1500 AND 1000
Raptor Drive option on the Gamers 1500
Free Games option
...and that window into the blue case.
All of this sounds good, Bob. I'll look into it. Typically, the GE1000 is designed to be a bang-for-the-buck rig, so we didn't add in all of the goodies uber enthusiasts want, but I'll see what we can do. Fortunately, I'm also the Product Manager for our gaming rigs and notebooks. --- Randy
I'm looking to get one of these, with a few higher specs, since it tested well with Sims 2, because that's the only game I play. :p
If they put a window on the black case that comes with the stock 1500, I will be forced to buy it that day :cool: I just don't think I would have the willpower to resist.
OK, I'll make it happen. It may take a few months to work it into our supply chain, but you make a compelling argument. Thanks for the feedback! --- Randy

(Hey, where did the sig lines go?)
It is absolutely stellar to have the Boss here talking to us ordinary guys. I am impressed that you have that passion for what you do......and are willing to share that with us who are of like mind.(but I guess that goes without saying)
I have recommended to friends that are looking for a good system to check out the VM website and have also told them to check out the real thing at their local BB.

I hope your association with [H] and BB does you well.
Thanks for your time here. :D
magoo said:
It is absolutely stellar to have the Boss here talking to us ordinary guys. I am impressed that you have that passion for what you do......and are willing to share that with us who are of like mind.(but I guess that goes without saying)
I have recommended to friends that are looking for a good system to check out the VM website and have also told them to check out the real thing at their local BB.

I hope your association with [H] and BB does you well.
Thanks for your time here. :D
I second that. I think if VM continues the success they have had, it will force everybody else (especially HP and Gateway) to improve the products and services up to the level we deserve. For my part, I'm telling the millions of people a day who ask me about VM, and talking them up because I am not ashamed to be a fan. They have treated me better than any other business I've ever dealt with.
A little off topic, but:

Just called VM and they were EXTREMELY helpful. Set me up with the perfect rig for my needs and answered all questions with rather honest, straightforward answers (try that elsewhere...)

I'm so glad I found this company, I will definitely buy from them again and recommend them to everyone I know who needs a gaming computer.
How about a [H]ard|Forum members discount weekend or something! :cool:
I've got some cash and im itching to make the final deal but i need a little extra something to push me over the edge......

or i may just get impatient and get the rig either way.....heh
just checked velocity's website - they're offering some kind of sale with lotsa free stuff: free shipping, coupons (real coupons as in not mail in rebates), free software. taken all together - esp on a 1500 - it's a really good deal. Maybe that will push you over the edge.
ahhh i ordered my Gamer's Edge 1500 like 3 nights ago and missed out on:

# Free Software Bundle! This $439 value includes a digital creation suite, an anti-virus security program, and an office productivity suite.
# Free Gaming Bundle! Including two action-packed games that will show you just what your new ultra performance Velocity Micro system is capable of - Far Cry and Call of Duty 2.

oh well.
you could always try to contact Velocity and see if they'll throw it in. From my own experience and what everyone else here writes about them, they seem pretty easy to work with. It's worth a shot.
Im looking at getting a rig with an AMD X2 series chip, just wondering if there is a significant performance boost from the 3800 to 42, 4400, etc. Also what the main benefits are from the different motherboards (standard, premium and deluxe). Is 500W enough to power these motherboards with SLI setup (plan on doing it in the future).

I intend this to be something that lasts me for several years to come (@3-4). So getting the right setup that will allow me to expand without completely getting a whole new PC would be ideal.

Oh and Im only shopping for a Velocity Micro (thats why i posted this here).
I'd say go with the X2 4200+ and you will be able to upgrade more later but this is the sweet spot now. Spend the extra dough on a 600w Enermax for a clear upgrade for years down the road. The Standard SLI board is fine for the the setup you have, but the A8N32 Deluxe gives more upgrade path for true 2x 16 PCI-Express. May not be worth it if budget is a problem. You are going to be sooo happy with this rig.
mtleo84 said:
ahhh i ordered my Gamer's Edge 1500 like 3 nights ago and missed out on:

# Free Software Bundle! This $439 value includes a digital creation suite, an anti-virus security program, and an office productivity suite.
# Free Gaming Bundle! Including two action-packed games that will show you just what your new ultra performance Velocity Micro system is capable of - Far Cry and Call of Duty 2.

oh well.

I'm positive if you call in to our sales dept. on Monday, they will hook you up. Speak to Heather or Chip.
Nice! Thanks VM will do. You guys seem like a great company and I'll be sure to spread the word. Can't wait to get my computer!
bravo, Velocity! I'm really impressed to see their CEO here, taking the time to hook you up. Speaks well of the company.
That's what I'm saying to you people. These guys are the real deal, and I think it's obvious it comes from the top.
lovemyPC said:
bravo, Velocity! I'm really impressed to see their CEO here, taking the time to hook you up. Speaks well of the company.

I genuinely believe there is no better place to find out what real PC enthusiasts want, need, and think than [H]ard|Forum. You guys keep bringing ideas, and I'll be glad to respond to your requests.
What are your plans for gaming notebooks? will you be sending one in for [h] review soon? you guys seem to do most things really well - I'd love to see what you can bring to notebooks.
lovemyPC said:
What are your plans for gaming notebooks? will you be sending one in for [h] review soon? you guys seem to do most things really well - I'd love to see what you can bring to notebooks.
The best part is that we purchase the systems so we can evaluate the entire customer experience. We don't get "sent" review systems!
Good point, Chris - didn't intend for any confusion. Knowing that you have arrangements set up with various builders, I was trying to ask VM if there was anything like that in the works. Poor choice of words to express the question.

But since I have you - do you all have any gaming notebook reviews in queue?
lovemyPC said:
Good point, Chris - didn't intend for any confusion. Knowing that you have arrangements set up with various builders, I was trying to ask VM if there was anything like that in the works. Poor choice of words to express the question.

But since I have you - do you all have any gaming notebook reviews in queue?
Yup, got another one coming up in the next couple of weeks, but be sure to check out for a full listing of what we've done, we've already done a couple...
Is the new notebook from VM? A GE1500 and a NoteMagix M57 notebook and my life would be complete.
Our Gamers' Edge 1500 is now available with an Athlon X2 4200+ for an additional $60 due to the many request from customers to our sales department. Thanks for your feedback!
I had the misfortune of purchasing a Gamer's Edge 1500 from Velocity based on this review. I am very dissapointed. My PC had numerous problems. Based on my experience, I must caution people, especially those who are considering building their own rigs or buying from a system builder like Velocity, to build it themselves. A description of the numerous problems I experienced (or am experiencing) is below.

My PC did not arrive on the day it was supposed to (it was due to arrive on Friday - it was not delivered until Monday). UPS said there was shipping damage ( I never talked with anyone at UPS or saw my PC -- "shipping damage" is what it said on the UPS site when I entered the tracking number). I contacted Velocity on Friday to see what this meant. I was told that someone would call me back. No one did. I called the following day (Saturday) just to get information about what shipping damage meant and when I could expect delivery. Again, I was told someone would call me back. No one did.

On Monday, UPS did deliver my system. Apparently, UPS changed their mind about the shipping damage and went ahead and delivered it. The first thing I did once I got the PC home was to check the fan problem on the heat sink that is described in the review. Sure enough, the fan had come loose, just as described in the Hard Forum review. After contacting Velocity tech support, I was told to go ahead and re-attach the heat sink fan. Remember, in the review, Velocity claims this is no longer a problem.

The next thing I tried to do was download and play some demo games that I had been using on my old PC. These demos were Far Cry and FEAR. For some reason, when I tried to install these games on my new Velocity PC, I received CRC errors. At that time, I didn't know what CRC errors were, so I called Velocity tech support. I was told by tech support it must had been a problem during downloading. I should try to download other things. Well, I did download these demos again, from different sources, and never had any errors or problems during download, but still received the errors when trying to install.

After doing some research on the Internet, many people suggested that CRC errors were a result of hard drive problems or bad memory. Well, I thought to myself, it can't be bad memory, because Velocity thoroughly tests its computers...surely they would have tested the memory. Well, I decide to test the memory anyway. I downloaded a memory test applicaton and tried to copy it to my floppy drive. Guess what? The floppy drive doesn't work. Well, this isn't good, but I can only work with only work with one problem at a time. So I download tbe memory application to a CD and run it. The memory is bad.

So I contact Velocity and explain that I have a bad memory and my floppy doesn't work. They ask me to make sure the floppy is connected properly (the ribbon isn't reversed). I check the ribbon and the appears to be installed correctly. They say they will send out new memory and a new floppy drive.

The memory comes and it's okay. A new floppy comes but it exhibits the same problem; it's not recognized by the PC. So I call Velocity. They say they will send out another floppy; the first replacement floppy must have been damaged. The second replacement floppy comes, and it exhibits the same problem as the other two. Finally, I decide to take a floppy which I know works from an old PC and try to put that drive in the Velocity. It doesn't work either.

I call Velocity and explain this. They say it must be a problem with the motherboard. They give me the option of returning my system or having a new motherboard sent to me and installed by a technician. I choose to have it a new motherboard installed.

The technician comes, installs the new motherboard and the floppy dirve. The drive doesn't work. Right before he leaves, at my suggestion, we take another floppy and try that. We don't put the floppy in the drive bay, we just hold it outside of the case, It works. The technician believes I was sent another bad floppy drive. He leaves and instructs me to install the drive into the bay.

When I install the drive into the bay, the floppy drive still doesn't work. And, I now get CMOS errors whenever I unplug my PC from power. When I call Velocity back with this news, I finally talk with someone who explains that I should install the floppy drive into the bay with a floppy already in the drive. That way, I will be able to gauge how far the drive needs to be pushed into the bay.

Apparently, what I had been doing all along, and what the service technician also did when he installed the drive, was pushing it too close the case. The case for gamer's edge is a "stealth case". This means the floppy drive eject button that is exposed on the front of the PC is not the floppy eject button attached to the floppy drive. The case is designed so the floppy eject button on the front of the PC actually pushes the eject button on the floppy drive. This means its important to positon and fasten the drive in the bay so that it is close enough to the front of the case to permit the floppy drive buttons to contact each other, but not so close as to make the actual floppy drive in the eject positon all the time. This is what was happening with all the drives. I was putting them too close to the front of the case and the eject button was being held down, preventing a floppy from truly being inserted in the drive, although the disks will behave as though they are actually in the drive (visibly they seem to be inserted, the light goes on when the disk is read, etc)

Now maybe I am stupid, but in my defence, I never had this type of case before, no one from Velocity (except for one person who told me the trick about installing with a floppy already in the drive -- and that was really late in the process) told me about correct installation, the serviced techinician did the same thing, and, the floppy had been installed that way from the factory.

So, I now install the floppy correctly, and it works, But now, the replacement motherboard has CMOS errors whenever the PC is removed from power. So, I try to swap the coin battery with a battery I know works. Same problem. CMOS error when the PC is removed from power. So, I call Velocity with this news, and they agree (with some hesitation) to send out another mother board and another service technician.

Well, the new motherboard has been isntalled. The CMOS errors have gone away. Now, my RESET button does not work. My assumption is the technician did not connect it properly. I don't know for sure as I just noticed it. I don't, at this point, have a lot of confidence in the ability of the service technicians. Incidentally, at some point during my frequent calls to the customer service number, one individual apologized for the many problems I had experienced and offered to send me a free game as a goodwill gesture. I believe it was Battlefield 2. The game has not yet been sent.

I know my review doesn't really match what other people are saying, but I felt I should share my experiences. I really do think that Velocity is trying, but, if I had to do it over again I don't think I would repeat. There's just too many things that went wrong. I question how much testing they actually do. I also question some of the troubleshooting skills of the customer service people. While friendly and quite eager to ship out new parts, I can't help but think my problems might have been resolved sooner. Finally, I really must say they don't do any tweaking. If they did, I would assume the technicians would have been given instructions after replacing the motherboard to make changes to the system BIOS. They did not, except for disabling the onboard sound (my system has a soundcard). Other than that, my system BIOS just went with default values.
^ Well that sucks to hear, seeing how I'm ordering a DualX next month. Hopefully you were a rare case.
To jjh,

Frist was there shipping damage? It sounds like UPS messed up either way.

Second, pretty much eveyone uses thrid party tech support groups to do onsite repairs. With this in mind it is pretty much a hit or miss. When I was a retail laptop tech the joke was that I was the second level onsite tech as they send me out when onsite fucked up. Hell my first computer when I was like 12 was from circuit city and had a onsite warranty from them. The floppy drive went bad and the tech couldn't figure out how to put it in(Front of case had to come off). It sounds like the floppy drive was not installed right in the case to begin with which is pretty easy to miss and that the onsite techs in your area just suck. A tech should not need instructions on how to disable onboard sound with a sound card in the system. The good news is that they seem to be working on getting the problem fixed and that your issues of failure are not common(well thats not good for you).
I dunno I wouldnt trust the service tech, if I had the option from them I'd send it back. A lot of companies that send out these service techs are just local guys hired for that one job, I'd rather send it back and have the real people work on it.

Sucky deal either way.