Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge 1500 Evaluation - Take 2 - @ [H]

I am awaiting laptop reviews of the new Duo systems, there are many good combos out there that should be good for games under 2K.

At one time I was going to buy one of VMs machines but have come to realize my next PC purchase is going to be a laptop. All I need now is to find something under 2K that will do what I want, preferably closer to 1.5K.

When will we see reviews of laptops appear?
Another note about VM.

You can get a better deal at times if you buy one of their systems from BestBuy. I usually find the deal is better when newer machines are released as BB does not price adjust with changing tech prices quick enough
Shivetya said:
Another note about VM.

You can get a better deal at times if you buy one of their systems from BestBuy. I usually find the deal is better when newer machines are released as BB does not price adjust with changing tech prices quick enough

This is true... and like I said I have seen them on sale. The only issue is tax- which can be avoided in many states by buying online.
QUOTE=The Bryophyte]I thought the review was well-done as always and it was nice to see VM revisited. I think that Brian is becoming my favorite system reviewer, btw.

This was great:

"Our flight was free of turbulence. To make the flight experience more realistic, I squished myself in between two fat guys and played “Legally Blonde 2” on an overhead screen without the sound. Afterwards, I ate a $9 tuna fish sandwich."[/QUOTE]

I guess he wanted to make sure that we read the WHOLE review ;) I found that rather amusing also. Thanks for keeping it lite.

Thanks for following up our evaluation with a post here Randy, I know it is appreciated and certainly lets a lot of folks know that you guys care. Glad to see you guys come back "guns a blazing!"

Also, I have seen a few of you ask why did we revisit VM so quickly. The short answer is we wanted to give them a second chance to see if the issues we found previously were addressed. Our goal with the desktop evaluation program is really to show you guys what you might put on your short list when it comes to buying a PC. Honestly, I would rather spend my money writing nothing but good evaluations telling you what to buy instead of spending a ton of money to tell you what NOT to buy. I also feel it only fair that any company that comes away from our process with a less than acceptable score should get a second chance to redeem themselves. What if we simply had a bad experience the first time that is not even close to being representative of the company? While that possibility exists, we try to make sure it does not happen, but if it does the company in question should have the ability to show off their abilities in another evaluation.

If a company comes in a simply sucks twice in a row, well, it is highly likely that they are not deserving of your hard earned money. I know for a fact I would not be giving them mine.
"Companies that have signed on with our evaluation program"?!? This makes it seem like your setting yourself up to get cherry picked systems.
Chris_Morley said:
However, for companies that have signed on with our evaluation program, we will revisit them often - if you look at the frequency that these companies show up in other review publications, you'll see this to be the norm. This is one thing that I agree with when it comes to how other people do it. If we feel a company has value we will constantly monitor them and their products and share what they are doing with our readers.

In this case it was really exciting to see Velocity Micro step up to the plate and deliver us a completely different experience than we have had in the past.
One other thing. How long in between follow up reviews? Would love to see if you know who improved at all.
magoo said:
As always....nicely done.
Man, it seems like VM cant catch a break.
Id love to hear the tech conversation of a guy who just spent 1500 bucks and when he hit the power switch, heard the sound of the fan banging around in his case.....woah. Even worse if he bought it at Best Buy!!!!!

I enjoyed then read. I am really getting alot out of these and have turned alot of people here to read up before they buy. :D

This is why when i was selling i always told customers to open the side of the case and look inside before first boot. I even had a one sheet diagram to show what to look for in the case of possible shipping damage. It did not happen often but it did happen from time to time depending on the shipper and how they handle the package.
frogpond1 said:
"Companies that have signed on with our evaluation program"?!? This makes it seem like your setting yourself up to get cherry picked systems.

You are correct, and stating it like this is a bit misleading and we will change the way this is discussed and worded in the future.

First off, there is nothing signed by anyone or by any company. There is no contract in place or exchange of funds, except when we purchase a computer system (through the same exact process you would) and when they refund us the purchase price.

Some companies cooperate with us, some do not. What Chris is referring to is we have agreements with marketing departments in some companies to return the systems for a refund after we are done with the evaluation. The agreement is verbal, and goes pretty much like this. "We buy what we want, when we want, write the evaluation, then contact you for an RMA to get our money back."

The Dell evaluation is the first we have published that was done without an agreement in place. We realize that there are companies that are never going to agree to our evaluation terms, but we also realize that there are companies in the marketplace that we cannot afford to overlook. So when it comes to companies that are highly visible and we think our readers should know about them and their systems and support, we will just buy them, and worry about the system later. The Dell system was rebuilt and upgraded and is being given to a Purple Hear combat veteran this month. While we cannot afford to give them all away, I certainly wish we could.

It is our desire to purchase all of our systems at some point in the future, but the economics currently do not allow that. I do not have $300,000 to invest in 'used' computers our first year into this.
frogpond1 said:
One other thing. How long in between follow up reviews? Would love to see if you know who improved at all.

There is no hard and fast rule on this. It is simply and editorial decision that Chris makes. I do think we are going to stand by the philosophy that everyone deserves a second chance.
Let's get this thread back on topic of the VM system. If you would like to discuss another subject, please start another thread.
Velocity_Micro said:
On the subject of a Windows OEM installation disk and a Velocity Micro recovery disk: We have verified with Microsoft that it's OK to include the original OEM disk and an image of the hard drive, because the image is not installable. There is no copy of setup.exe or any other means to reinstall this image on any system other than the machine it was made on or an exact duplicate, and the Windows CD key is still not transferable. It's only a duplicate of the hard drive's image, so we want customers to just enjoy it for what it is.

Thank you for clearing that up Randy. I agree that this way the customer gets the best of both worlds. I'm sure a lot of other people wish more OEM's decided to do it this way.

Keep up the great work.
sawatt said:
I guess he wanted to make sure that we read the WHOLE review ;) I found that rather amusing also. Thanks for keeping it lite.

To be perfectly honest, I do want people to read the WHOLE review. But I tend to throw stuff like that in there because my Mom reads my reviews cover-to-cover. She tells me that printed out, these things easily take up 20 pages.

Something about my mother you should know: She is actively computerphobic. She does not own or use a computer except when she was mandated to for work or to maybe type up her resume with my father's guidance. She could care less about the subject material.

I mean, I gotta do -something- to keep her reading, right? She's still my biggest fan.

(It is part of my personal journalistic ethics code to pity any fool who dares try to turn that into a "your mama's so fat" joke. I don't care how good a set-up it is.)
I'd just like to reiterate that this exact model (Gamers' Edge 1500) is not currently available in Best Buy stores, but online at our website only. They have similar models, but several [H] readers have visited stores this weekend asking for this unit. The primary system that Best Buy carries is the T1300 with 3800+, Geforce 7800GT, 250GB WD hard drive, and our LX-W case. Best Buy management has asked me to inform readers that this is a different model than the one featured in the article, but still includes the hand built craftsmanship and support in a $1999 package.

Does anyone have feedback about our partnership with Best Buy? Like it, don't like it? Does it hurt our reputation or change how you view Best Buy? I appreciate your feedback.
It sounds like a good deal for you guys as long as the relationship remain the same as you described it previously in this thread (ie no cut corners or far-reaching implications as far as your tech support, etc).

As far as the system reviews, I found 'em a bit frivolous at first (definitely not what I come to [H] for) but if you manage to incorporate a few more brands they'll definitely be useful in the long run... Let's face it, the vast majority of my pals don't build their own systems but the vast majority does ask me what to buy, I'm sure that's the case for more than a few people around here.

I'd much rather point them in the direction of a smaller system builder w/good support and component selection that hasn't gotten tied down with all the extraneous software and limit of choices that most of the major OEMs seem to be afflicted with.
I personaly dont like Best Buy there Extremely over priced in my opinion that even goes for Circuit City and CompUSA...
Great review for a product I've been using for a while now. I got mine (upgraded to 4000+/7900GT/250GB/1GB DDR/black case) in September of last year, and think the review is right on target with the quality of product and support Velocity Micro provides. They should have said much more about the cool owners' portfolio, the great keyboard, and the actually very decent software bundle of programs I actually like using. I've built my own systems several times, and tried an Alienware a couple years ago, and will certainly go back to VM again for my next system. This is hands down a much better PC and company than Alienware (I don't miss the cheapo plastic case either, now that I've got aluminum!)

As for the Best Buy retail stores carrying Velocity Micro's, I think it is great for both sides. Velocity gets the exposure with mainstream buyers, and customers can actually see what a georgeous anodized brushed aluminum case with premium parts is all about. Best Buy certainly needed to add a decent computer to go with the Emachine/Gateway and HP/Compaq crap they have. Them picking VM shows me they did their homework, and this is a much better fit than the Alienware thing that failed before at Best Buy and now Circuit City is trying to revive. I've looked at one on display in a store here and was suprised the geek squad guy knew so much about the system and the company - he was even playing the same game I was playing at the time. That bodes well.

Hey, the more people who learn about Velocity Micro, the better. I hope they can catch on even bigger and take on Dell some day, because they are the only company I see than can kick their ass that is still out there.
Dell still has a little size advantage on us, but we know that plenty of customers want a better system and experience, at a reasonable price compared to a few of the smaller boutiques. It's a balancing act we intend to get better at, without reducing our prices and quality for quick $$$. Thanks for the props and thoughts about our retail partner.
I wasn't suggesting you were going to be like Dell. Just keep doing what you are doing and give everyday computer fans a better choice for an OEM. Thanks for replying, Randy. I'm impressed you keep up with this thread.
I have some feedback about the Best Buy Partnership. I think if you could at least try and get DEMO units into lots more stores you would maybe influence peoples buying habits. If they can try out your systems next to the ones they currently have they may decide they have to have your system. I am in Fayetteville NC a military town and if there is one thing guys in the military do its play games. I think having a system such as this available in the store here would rock. I would certainly recommend it to someone over the other brands they sell.
This also may help a Big Box store like BB gain more credit with people that actually know a bit about PCs. My two cents.

One more thing, I love to see the revisits. Besides giving a company a chance to redeem itself. It says more to me about the company in general and the people running it. For a company to come back with a second review and address the problems that caused it to get a lower score is showing that they actually listen to feedback from the source that matters the most. If you come back with a weak second review and don't address things that are clearly pointed out in review #1 shame on you. I will buy somewhere else.

Keep the great reviews coming.
Velocity has demo units in about 60+ stores around the country right now, and customers can sit and play games on the unit for as long as they like unless there is a line waiting. Not finding a demo unit in the Fayetteville on my list, but stay tuned. We are going in to many, many more store this Spring.

As for this review, we are fortunate to be able to take the feedback from past less than perfect reviews and disect it to see what's within our control, and what's not. I can't think of another review process that goes into as much detail, and that also gives us more concrete information to help us with future product designs. We know where we want to go with our PC experiance, but getting direct feedback from the [H] and it's readers is invaluable to reach our goals sooner. To us, this is our reality, not just a game, so I'm not affraid of anonymous reviewing even if it means a few bumps in the road.

Thanks for your feedback!
I just wanted to announce that at Midnight, we made another "no charge" upgrade to to the GE1500. The default CPU is now the AMD Athlon 64 4000+ at the same price of $1500. If you ordered this system within the last 3 days, you may call in to our sales department with your order number and request a complementary upgrade to the 4000+.


Randy Copeland
President & CEO
Velocity Micro, Inc.
Chris - Is it worth updating the note in the story about the 4000+ CPU. This system is really beginning to look attractive (with the black case, anyway) to the less [H] crowd. I paid a lot more than $1500 with my upgrades about 6 months ago, but this price for these components and support for a solid brand is sweet.
I've been thinking about buying a VM system for awhile and this article had pushed me over the edge. Excellent review btw. I'm still not sure which one to buy though. I want a dual-core system but not an SLI motherboard and for some reason that option is not available. I don't see why even home systems are all SLI. I also want a 300 GB hard drive and that option is not available on all. Interesting that they don't sell monitors at all. Probably because it's hard to sell them and make a decent profit. I also don't like the LX cases at all as I think they are ugly.
im sorry if this has already been posted

i never post without reading, but this time i'll have to (for time really, and i want to say it)

but there have been more upgrades to the performance since your eval. (including 4000+ standard)

tthiel said:
I've been thinking about buying a VM system for awhile and this article had pushed me over the edge. Excellent review btw. I'm still not sure which one to buy though. I want a dual-core system but not an SLI motherboard and for some reason that option is not available. I don't see why even home systems are all SLI. I also want a 300 GB hard drive and that option is not available on all. Interesting that they don't sell monitors at all. Probably because it's hard to sell them and make a decent profit. I also don't like the LX cases at all as I think they are ugly.

they sell monitors - just because SLi is on mobo doesn't mean you have to get it
Yeah I know that SLI does not mean you need to buy two cards but you do pay for a more expensive board that you don't need. The 4000 upgrade was already posted in the forum. The monitor choices are overpriced and poor choices at that.
tthiel said:
Yeah I know that SLI does not mean you need to buy two cards but you do pay for a more expensive board that you don't need. The 4000 upgrade was already posted in the forum. The monitor choices are overpriced and poor choices at that.

fair enough - and it isn't THAT much more for an SLi board
For us, the Asus A8N SLI board is roughly the same cost as the non-SLI boards from Asus due to our volume purchasing contracts, so it's not a savings we can pass on. We prefer the SLI board's other features including digital audio output, firewire, and gigabit LAN. Just think of the second slot as just a PCI-e slot for future upgrades to new audio and HD controllers on the way soon.

For monitors, we really like the Philips monitors for the value, and the NEC monitors are the standard bearer in terms of quality and support. That's why we selected these brands. Lower prices can be found for both, but we don't force customers to buy them like some of my competitors.
Yes after reading some reviews of the boards I agree completely. So much so that I upgraded the board to the Deluxe. I did read some reviews of the monitors you sell and wasn't all that impressed. I think Samsung would be a nice addition to your monitor line. The only other comments is that anywhere you sell the blue case I would also like to see the black case available and the 300 GB hard drive should be an option no matter what you are buying. Anyway I just ordered a machine from you guys and am really looking forward to it. I could have bought everything and put it all together myself but that can be a hassle and I prefer having the warranty support. I really like the component choices you guys have made and it's pretty much what I would have bought anyway. Evga is my favorite brand of vid card for example. Here's what I ordered. Again a great review and discussion forum by Hard OCP. I hope VM is getting lots of business from this review.

Vision 64 system
GX Black
500 Watt Velocity Micro™ Power Supply with Dual Blue Lighted Fans
Asus® A8N32 SLI Deluxe - NVIDIA® nForce™ 4 SLI MCP, PCI Express Motherboard with DDR
AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ Processor
1024MB PC3200 DDR400 Memory
256MB eVGA™ NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7800 GT, PCI-Express, 2 x DVI
Audio On-Board Integrated Realtek Audio, 7.1 Channel Support
250GB Western Digital WD2500JD 7200rpm SATA/150, 8MB Cache
16x Lite On® DVD+/-RW/CD-RW Dual Layer, Black Bezel

Velocity_Micro said:
For us, the Asus A8N SLI board is roughly the same cost as the non-SLI boards from Asus due to our volume purchasing contracts, so it's not a savings we can pass on. We prefer the SLI board's other features including digital audio output, firewire, and gigabit LAN. Just think of the second slot as just a PCI-e slot for future upgrades to new audio and HD controllers on the way soon.

For monitors, we really like the Philips monitors for the value, and the NEC monitors are the standard bearer in terms of quality and support. That's why we selected these brands. Lower prices can be found for both, but we don't force customers to buy them like some of my competitors.
Nice looking system. I agree their monitors could be better or cheaper, but they are such a personal thing anyway. Do you mind if I ask how much this was? You could probably call them and get the HD upgraded to the 300GB without too much trouble, too.
It was $1680. I did not get the mouse or keyboard. For the specs, high quality hardware and build plus upgradeability I feel it's a good deal. I'm buying the new Samsung 204B 20 inch monitor to go with it.
Roffle - Crossfire is still testing, and we are trying to find optimal performance vs overclocked Nvivia parts.

Tthiel - Thanks for the business and support. That's a nice looking system, and probably a pretty good value in OEM systems.
I did the math on buying the components myself and it's close enough that buying from VM and getting warranty and support is a no brainer. Like alot of people I've been looking at ABS, Monarch etc and VM seems to be the clear choice to me. A guy I work with just bought one too with the same config as mine btw.
I noticed that Best Buy is dropping the price on the T1200 model to $1399. That's a $250 discount off the price last week - very nice deal with the better LX case, too. Is it a temporary sale or a new lower price?

I can't imagine why anybody shopping there would buy from an OEM when they can get VM.
The Best Buy model T1200 price drop is permanent, and although it is showing it is out of stock, it's temporary with product in transit that should be arriving Friday.
That is SO much better than any of the HP/Compaq/Sony junk they sell. The questions is can Best Buy staff convince the average consumer of that and are they motivated to do so?
I used to work at BB years ago and there was a Lexmark rep that wasn't employed by BB but made "spiffs" whenever a Lexmark printer was sold - always struck me as a good idea.