Valve, you are pathetic

Am I the only person who things the problem is too obvious. Umm someone got a hold of your account info. Lets see .. login and password dont work ... and then you try the lost password and an email never arrives to your account ....

Put 2 and 2 together

I've suspected that myself, but it still reflects poorly on Valve.

Nobody that would be interested in Half-Life 2 has physical or digital access to my computer. There aren't many hackers who would bother working through two firewalls just to get a game that could easily be found on a torrent site. This means that Steam must be extremely accessible by anyone who would want to get into account info.
what a loser. Should get a perma-title like "valve's bitch" or something...wish they could put a virus in that warez file they leaked. I for one am happy to pay for a game the calibre of HL2, and despite so valid issues for others, I had absolutely none. And I hope the money made contributes to an even more kick ass HL3.

Please change thread title to Kronchev, you are pathetic...more apropos...should really know better being here this long...
WickedAngel said:
I've suspected that myself, but it still reflects poorly on Valve.

Nobody that would be interested in Half-Life 2 has physical or digital access to my computer. There aren't many hackers who would bother working through two firewalls just to get a game that could easily be found on a torrent site. This means that Steam must be extremely accessible by anyone who would want to get into account info.

..tho somebody could have gotten into Steam and grabbed a handful of accounts or something to that affect .. do you have any "Buddies" that may have frequented your computer ..I know you said nobody has access to your comp , but I have had friends who have let a friend on their comp and then some poopy hit some fans and I cleaned up the mess for them ..

..but if your statement of "nobody has access to my computer" means just what you said including "nobody has ever been allowed on my computer" ...then disregard this whole post :p

....just trying to explore possiblilties is all ..more then likely your account just got fubar'd on Steams servers

**oops , just re-read your post and the "Nobody that would be interested in Half-Life 2 has physical or digital access to my computer." part finally register'd ..duh :rolleyes:

disregard my post then ..I must learn to engage my brain fully before I open my mou...errr ..before I move my fingers :)
WickedAngel said:
I've suspected that myself, but it still reflects poorly on Valve.

Nobody that would be interested in Half-Life 2 has physical or digital access to my computer. There aren't many hackers who would bother working through two firewalls just to get a game that could easily be found on a torrent site. This means that Steam must be extremely accessible by anyone who would want to get into account info.

I dont know man ... I have heard there is an increase in the amount of granny hax0rs out there. You know its always the last person you suspect :)
doh-nut said:
as long as there is masturbation there will be flamers. masturbation leads to anger, anger leads to flames and biased attitude...which then leads to suffering...

Masturbation leads to anger? Since when?

I don't think I've ever experiance anger when involved in any sexual acts, beit masturbation, sex or so forth. Hell they make me a much nicer, calmer person. :)

I have a ATi-voucher and I have to disagree with you guys here--I consistently have botched game play myself. The AI would either just sit there and not move, or they'd tell me to follow them when I was right next to them or even ahead... I never did get the aux power error though.
j0k3r said:
I own a legal copy and my Aux power meter turns red when I run out of flashlight, sprint too long or run out of breath underwater. Does it turn red and stay red?

In the pirated version that Aux power bar is always present in the lower left, and it is always red. The AUX power bar in a legit copy turns red only when depleted and goes away when you stop using the flashlight, sprinting, or swimming.
Mr_Evil said:
In the pirated version that Aux power bar is always present in the lower left, and it is always red. The AUX power bar in a legit copy turns red only when depleted and goes away when you stop using the flashlight, sprinting, or swimming.
Only in the first warez release tho...there's bee another recent release that has everything all fixed without that damn Steam...F U STEAM!!!!! You are the reason that a lot of legit customers ended up resorting to warez...what a bunch of jackholes Valve least the ones involved with developing Steam are jackholes...:mad:
you know you'll live longer if you don't get stressed out and frown so much.
Metallica_Band said:
Only in the first warez release tho...there's bee another recent release that has everything all fixed without that damn Steam...F U STEAM!!!!! You are the reason that a lot of legit customers ended up resorting to warez...what a bunch of jackholes Valve least the ones involved with developing Steam are jackholes...:mad:

Use whatever excuse you want to for illegally copying games, but that still doesn't make it right. If you don't like Steam so much don't get HL2 legally or illegally.
Steam is a stupid pos... but we all already know that.. props to the guys that made hl2 availible w/o steam.. at least this time pirates actually did something for the higher good of gamers... *goes into flame-proof box and shuts the lid*

PS: I have legit hl2 from a ati coupon.
Metallica_Band said:
Only in the first warez release tho...there's bee another recent release that has everything all fixed without that damn Steam...F U STEAM!!!!! You are the reason that a lot of legit customers ended up resorting to warez...what a bunch of jackholes Valve least the ones involved with developing Steam are jackholes...:mad:

I see you bitching about Steam and Valve being the worst things in the world, killing your father and raping your mother, etc...but you haven't really given any reasons as to why your distaste for Steam warrants so many more exclamation marks and stupidass "angry faces" ( :rolleyes: ) from you than from anybody else who dislikes it. So perhaps you'd care to clarify, intelligently (re: without the fucking exclamation marks or ellipses)?
Flame if you want but right after getting the super Grav gun gordont would not jump.
I had to risk reading spoilers in order to find out that I had to reload a new game from 'our benefactors' the he could jump but it took me like four hours to get the info.
see that lil rail?
he could not jump it.

Metallica_Band said:
Only in the first warez release tho...there's bee another recent release that has everything all fixed without that damn Steam...F U STEAM!!!!! You are the reason that a lot of legit customers ended up resorting to warez...what a bunch of jackholes Valve least the ones involved with developing Steam are jackholes...:mad:

I seriously doubt that anybody who purchased the game downloaded a warez copy just because they hate Steam that much. Hating steam is no justification for downloading HL2 off a torrent site. If you don't like Steam, don't buy HL2, Hell the news that HL2 requires steam activation (even boxed copies) was up here on the [H] what? 2 weeks before release?

If you don't like Steam, don't buy HL2, Hell the news that HL2 requires steam activation (even boxed copies) was up here on the [H] what? 2 weeks before release?

Unfortunately, nobody knew that they would frequently delete, if not outright lose, random accounts of legitamate consumers via Steam.
WickedAngel said:
Unfortunately, nobody knew that they would frequently delete, if not outright lose, random accounts of legitamate consumers via Steam.

That's because they haven't.
rdytorave said:
That's because they haven't.
Yup, the same idiots complaining are the same idiots that bought the game. Idiots - 0 | Valve - $$$$$$$$$$$$ for Gabe's Krispy Kreme Fetish
QHalo said:
Yup, the same idiots complaining are the same idiots that bought the game. Idiots - 0 | Valve - $$$$$$$$$$$$ for Gabe's Krispy Kreme Fetish

Ya.. seriously.. I mean... they never should have made the game that millions of people have enjoyed, because a few idiots (as you describe them) have problems with steam.. mmmm'k

Better to be an insanely rich fat man, then.. well, you.. I'd imagine he could afford lipo if he really gives a shit about it..
God it rules when a little bit of sarcasm goes over one's head. :p Entertaining moments indeed.
Well, about all this cracked copy stuff
See, i have this *friend* who happens to live in russia where pirates are everywhere...
so this *friend* has bought HL2, illigit. Thanks to the russian krackers, this friend is more than halfway through the game and has yet to spot a single problem or deactivation.

my *friend* justifies stealing the copy by the fact that IT TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT (partly due to pirates) and the fact that his HL2 vouchure that came with his 9800XT turned out to be worthless.

Good 'nuff for me!
ohhhhh... expect that post to get nuked, with a possible ban associated to it.. :eek:
krizzle said:
See, i have this *friend* who happens to live in russia where pirates are everywhere...
so this *friend* has bought HL2, illigit. Thanks to the russian krackers, this friend is more than halfway through the game

my *friend* justifies stealing the copy by the fact that IT TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT (partly due to pirates)

Are you retarded by birth or drug use, and if drug use where can I get some?? Do you not see the problem with what you just said. That's the most illogical justification I have heard for stealing to date.
Micas said:
ohhhhh... expect that post to get nuked, with a possible ban associated to it.. :eek:
Nuke away, my e-feelings are tough.


Ban? Please, many others have said worse. I sure hope you were referring to my post... :(
QHalo said:
Nuke away, my e-feelings are tough.


Ban? Please, many others have said worse. I sure hope you were referring to my post... :(

No.. referring to the idiot who has a Russian "friend" that pirated the game..
I would warn your friend not to be discussing the acquisition of pirated software on these boards, he could lose his account if you know what I mean, theoritically of course. Please be sure and tell him for safety's sake ;)

krizzle said:
Well, about all this cracked copy stuff
See, i have this *friend* who happens to live in russia where pirates are everywhere...
so this *friend* has bought HL2, illigit. Thanks to the russian krackers, this friend is more than halfway through the game and has yet to spot a single problem or deactivation.

my *friend* justifies stealing the copy by the fact that IT TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT (partly due to pirates) and the fact that his HL2 vouchure that came with his 9800XT turned out to be worthless.

Good 'nuff for me!
Wait, I thought a "pirated" copy of the game just meant it had more scurvy and sodomy?

Damnit, those punks down at Fast Eddy's Games are gonna pay for selling me this "World of Barecraft" CD...
Why is Valve too cheap to license PunkBuster for Half Life 2, when id Software wasn't too cheap to do so with Quake 3, a four year old game with 1.32?

The source code leak, the dialogue leak, Gabe's compromised forum account. Valve are like idiot savants, when it comes to single player FPS Shooters they are savants. When it comes to security and cheating they are idiots.
Riftgarde said:
Why is Valve too cheap to license PunkBuster for Half Life 2, when id Software wasn't too cheap to do so with Quake 3, a four year old game with 1.32?
Because PunkBuster sux too...not the software itself but its "security"...PB gets hacked everytime they come out with a new verson...piraters and cheaters are here to stay the words of you pro-Steam/Valve ppl: "If you don't like 'em, then play something else"...quit yer bitchin' (as you ppl so elegantly put it) ;)...
Okay, I take back what I said about the delay of release being part of the justification for pirating. Although it was also largely in part due to Vivendi and their issues.

But how about those HL2 coupons that came with the 9x00 XT cards from ATi? The rules said that all that was required was the coupon, alone. Now, if you try to validate it on Steam, it says you need the UPC from the box of the graphics card. THAT IS BULLSHIT. The coupon says NOWHERE that a UPC is required. Nowhere at all. Boxes are usually thrown away.

Does that give my friend enough reason to steal? In theory, he already paid... when he bought the card.
QHalo said:
Yup, the same idiots complaining are the same idiots that bought the game. Idiots - 0 | Valve - $$$$$$$$$$$$ for Gabe's Krispy Kreme Fetish

hahahahh awesome
Kronchev is an ass. Being a pirate is one dumb thing, but being a dumb pirate is another.

I bought HL2 via Steam on Day2, and I bought it purposely through Steam in [the possibly mistaken] belief that Valve would get more of my money, and Vivendi and related PR/packaging BS would get less of my money. I've gotten a disproportional amount of enjoyment from HL1 not only for the game, but all the mods too. Thousands of hours in reality. I wanted to give Valve props for thier past work, and not only what I expected HL2 to be when I bought it. And I played through HL2 and enjoyed every minute of it, money well spent.

Pirated software is a double edged sword Kronchev. Being an ass is a different issue, but maybe you'll come around on the piracy issue. I did.

edit: spelling
Krispy Kremes rock .... :)

a dozen of those ..12 pack of some RockStars ...a Richard Simmons work out video .. and I'm ready for any all night lan party :)

reading the valve "help" section tho ..basically says if stuff dont work .. to bad , so sad
ThreeDee said:
Krispy Kremes rock .... :)

a dozen of those ..12 pack of some RockStars ...a Richard Simmons work out video .. and I'm ready for any all night lan party :)

reading the valve "help" section tho ..basically says if stuff dont work .. to bad , so sad
They shutdown all the actual stores in Indiana for Krispy Kreme's and you could only get them at a gas station with one in it. They do however still have them here in Chitown.