Valve Removes Active Shooter


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Valve has removed the Active Shooter game from its Steam Store which we talked about here last week. As is reported by Variety, Valve had many more reasons to pull the title rather than just the social outrage du jour. Thanks cageymaru.

“This developer and publisher is, in fact, a person calling himself Ata Berdiyev, who had previously been removed last fall when he was operating as ‘[bc]Interactive’ and ‘Elusive Team,'” Valve said. “Ata is a troll, with a history of customer abuse, publishing copyrighted material, and user review manipulation. His subsequent return under new business names was a fact that came to light as we investigated the controversy around his upcoming title. We are not going to do business with people who act like this towards our customers or Valve.”
They should have a better system of keeping developers banned. Changing a name isn't that hard for indies
If they actually curated content instead of just letting anyone who pays the fee get their game on Steam, then this wouldn't be an issue. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss Greenlight...
Thank God now get rid of anything with shovelware 8 bit knockoffs for .97 cents. If this game really made the headlines Steam could be in some serious legal trouble smart move. I don't want Steam to be shut down :woot::woot::woot:
Thank God now get rid of anything with shovelware 8 bit knockoffs for .97 cents. If this game really made the headlines Steam could be in some serious legal trouble smart move. I don't want Steam to be shut down :woot::woot::woot:
There are no legal issues here. They might get a civil suit to take it down. It falls under freedom of speech and the government can't do anything about it.
I'm ok with this removal, sure the dev might say its a freedom of expression issue, however its vales's market and the game is in poor taste.

Thanks valve
Valves house, Valves rules.
If you open your house to the public you can't just say Chinese are not allowed in. When you run a business you have an obligation to serve every client.

This is similar to the case where that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. Weren't they sued out of existence?
Only thing that surprises me is that they let in on their store at all. Kinda tone deaf to release an game about school shootings right now.
When you run a business you have an obligation to serve every client.

As written, that is absolutely incorrect. You always reserve the right to refuse service.If someone is rude to staff, management absolutely has the right to kick them out. If I decide I want to kick out every third person, or everyone in a red shirt, that's my prerogative. I may not be in business long, but I can absolutely do it.

What you have an obligation for is to not discriminate on protected classes (race, religion, gender, etc). A game is not a protected class.
If you open your house to the public you can't just say Chinese are not allowed in. When you run a business you have an obligation to serve every client. This is similar to the case where that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. Weren't they sued out of existence?
Not even in the same ball park. Valves house is not open to the public, they reserve the right to boot you or a developer if their rules are violated.
The developer has been booted before due to customer abuse, publishing copyrighted material, and user review manipulation and changed the name of his business to sneak back in.
As written, that is absolutely incorrect. You always reserve the right to refuse service.If someone is rude to staff, management absolutely has the right to kick them out. If I decide I want to kick out every third person, or everyone in a red shirt, that's my prerogative. I may not be in business long, but I can absolutely do it.

What you have an obligation for is to not discriminate on protected classes (race, religion, gender, etc). A game is not a protected class.

Right, the obligation is really to make profit and some products being sold can cause a larger impact to overall profits versus just removing it. So they have to weigh that out and make decisions. Reputation is important as well. And like every retailer, there are rules the companies providing products must follow or they get booted for someone else. Digital marketplaces function very much the same way.
It's a bit of a sticky wicket for Valve to put themselves in. If they put vomit like this on their service it will eventually get the attention of the do-gooders who hate video games, they have a tendency to be politicians. If they put this garbage up and then remove it they will draw the ire of people who think the only thing that should be censored is stuff they don't like in video games, things like women and brown people. By putting this trash up and then removing it, they're also acquiescing to the demands of the other side of the professionally outraged who demand sensitivity in all things.

By letting this piece of shit even show up on Steam it was Valve's own lazy bull shit "curating" of the Steam service fucked them.

Much like games on Steam that don't even have an executable file, that can't even run, this is more proof that Valve is just phenominally lazy and sloppy. It will catch up with them one day.
As written, that is absolutely incorrect. You always reserve the right to refuse service.If someone is rude to staff, management absolutely has the right to kick them out. If I decide I want to kick out every third person, or everyone in a red shirt, that's my prerogative. I may not be in business long, but I can absolutely do it.

What you have an obligation for is to not discriminate on protected classes (race, religion, gender, etc). A game is not a protected class.

It's a little stickier than that, right? Maybe every person wearing a red shirt is also a woman. Maybe 80% of women typically wear red shirts. Disparate impact type of thing.
As written, that is absolutely incorrect. You always reserve the right to refuse service.If someone is rude to staff, management absolutely has the right to kick them out. If I decide I want to kick out every third person, or everyone in a red shirt, that's my prerogative. I may not be in business long, but I can absolutely do it.

What you have an obligation for is to not discriminate on protected classes (race, religion, gender, etc). A game is not a protected class.
Of course you can refuse if they're abusive or rude. But refusing based on the content of the game is completely different. It's like a copy shop refusing to copy your documents because they don't agree with the content. It is absolutely not your prerogative to refuse to serve everyone in a red shirt. You're breaking the law if you do that. Well at least here in europe you would be. Maybe in the US it is legal to refuse to serve people for no good reason. But valve should conform to european law as they also do business here.
Of course you can refuse if they're abusive or rude. But refusing based on the content of the game is completely different. It's like a copy shop refusing to copy your documents because they don't agree with the content. It is absolutely not your prerogative to refuse to serve everyone in a red shirt. You're breaking the law if you do that. Well at least here in europe you would be. Maybe in the US it is legal to refuse to serve people for no good reason. But valve should conform to european law as they also do business here.

Interesting. I assume you are not a proprietor whose establishment serves the public. Otherwise, you might be very keenly aware of who determines (and by what metric) what a "good reason" is.
Of course you can refuse if they're abusive or rude. But refusing based on the content of the game is completely different. It's like a copy shop refusing to copy your documents because they don't agree with the content. It is absolutely not your prerogative to refuse to serve everyone in a red shirt. You're breaking the law if you do that. Well at least here in europe you would be. Maybe in the US it is legal to refuse to serve people for no good reason. But valve should conform to european law as they also do business here.

Content is not a protective class. Being a troll developer is not a protective class.

Valve is in the clear here. They have a strict ToS and violated no discriminatory laws. I couldn't find any EU laws that said you had to serve everyone regardless of your ToS.
I'm shocked by the defense of this stupid game. Assuming y'all don't have children or maybe just can't make a rational thought why this is inherently evil and wrong. I get you have your msm scapegoat to hate for going against your point of view and apparently feel attacked by what you consider censorship, but really. (Not a question) A game to simulate a school shooting. Sick. And should be removed. Scary so many are blinded by ideology and don't get that.
were these same people bitching when the Postal games were around?

Did this game have a mode where you shoot children?
People really need to learn to RTFA. Valve did not remove the game because of its content. They removed it because of the developer. Valve has banned Berdyev multiple times for entirely valid reasons. Regardless of the content of his "games" he was removed from the Steam store ages ago and creates sock-puppet accounts and developers in order to keep putting his shit on the store. Every "game" Berdyev put up on the store under his new sock-puppet was pulled because it was done by him. End of story. No need for people to get their panties in a twist about "muh freedumbs of speech" here.
I feel like social media is destroying humanity. I see fights, disagreements, name calling, racism is new freedom of speech, people sitting behind keyboards who feel they are untouchable. Social media has become a weapon to brainwash and create chaos it seems.

Game is a game, I don't have an issue, I was raised in well enough matter to not take a game and go shoot up a school. But that is just me. Now when I consider the rate at which schools are being shot up a developer has to really think about that shit, its a dumb thing to do.

Sometimes I really wish Aliens attack earth to take us over and finally we get off our asses and unite and act as one world, not different colors, religions, countries. We sort of need an outside force to kick us in the nuts.
I'm shocked by the defense of this stupid game. Assuming y'all don't have children or maybe just can't make a rational thought why this is inherently evil and wrong. I get you have your msm scapegoat to hate for going against your point of view and apparently feel attacked by what you consider censorship, but really. (Not a question) A game to simulate a school shooting. Sick. And should be removed. Scary so many are blinded by ideology and don't get that.

People in this thread overwhelmingly support removing the content. The most in-depth secondary discussion was about the rights of a proprietor to do so.
People in this thread overwhelmingly support removing the content. The most in-depth secondary discussion was about the rights of a proprietor to do so.
This isn't the first thread regarding this game. If I weren't on my phone I would link the other conversations that were basically nauseating. Sorry edit: the previous conversation was not allowing this dev, who seems great, to express himself and the msm/liberals trying to suppress this acceptable game... that it's totally ok because, as one person commented, simulating killing children may stop a psycho from doing so, but censoring the game is going to encourage it. Again. Smh. This thread is much less horrific.
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This isn't the first thread regarding this game. If I weren't on my phone I would link the other conversations that were basically nauseating. Sorry edit: the previous conversation was not allowing this dev, who seems great, to express himself and the msm/liberals trying to suppress this acceptable game... that it's totally ok because, as one person commented, simulating killing children may stop a psycho from doing so, but censoring the game is going to encourage it. Again. Smh. This thread is much less horrific.
I wasn't aware.
If you open your house to the public you can't just say Chinese are not allowed in. When you run a business you have an obligation to serve every client.

This is similar to the case where that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. Weren't they sued out of existence?
Valve is a private company and being a troll is not a protected class.
I'm shocked by the defense of this stupid game. Assuming y'all don't have children or maybe just can't make a rational thought why this is inherently evil and wrong. I get you have your msm scapegoat to hate for going against your point of view and apparently feel attacked by what you consider censorship, but really. (Not a question) A game to simulate a school shooting. Sick. And should be removed. Scary so many are blinded by ideology and don't get that.

Triggered snowflake is triggered. Heres a safe space idea for you, don't like the game, don't buy or play it.
Indie games such as this one, are located through Steam pretty much exclusively. Very Few indie's like Gary's Mod had a following before going to Steam. So more or less, Steams name is on every indie game smack dab in the middle ( and is on every game they market as well )..

With the school shootings and political climates the way they are, it's damage control.. The backlash that Valve could get from parents of shooting students, and activists and everyone else that wants to blame guns and games for killings. Valve does not need to be anywhere that mess.
when the shoe fits.
I don't agree. It's okay to want some sort of rules. We're getting to the point where the far left want rules for everything (to the point where no one can live their lives reasonably without breaking the law) and the far right wants the wild wild west. It's okay to believe in a middle ground.