Valve ‘Probably’ Done With Single-Player Games

While Valve has a strong presence in multiplayer arena, i need to have games that i can just play by myself.

And i hope Episode 3 won't be affected.
I pre-ordered portal 2 and was pretty pissed when valve stated that multi-player was 60% of the content.

I don't have a lot of gamer friends, and I have a wife and a kid. What gamer friends I do have were ruined by wow. Now they game on a schedule that I frankly can't even pretend to keep up with, and wouldn't enjoy even if I could.

But I still like my video games. I think co-op is awesome, but it's about a decade late for me to enjoy it with people I know. Somehow I don't think it will be enjoyable with some man-child screaming homophobic epitaphs in my ear or deciding it time for karaoke.
If there is no single player or solo play in the game, for me it is not worth buying at any price.

Heh, i'm the complete opposite. I only buy a game for the multiplayer. there is hardly any value in single player especially since it takes less than 10 hours to beat games these days.

10 hours is not worth $50. Now take a game like Bad Company 2. I have put over 500 hours into the multiplayer and it was $50. That to me is worth the price. I haven't even touched the single player and don't plan to.

Single player has always been too boring to me and too easy. I just don't get satisfaction besting AI players like I do other humans.

i dont believe it for a second. single player games are valves bread and butter

Well it certainly has been going this way in recent times.

TF2, L4D, L4D2 (all MP centric) next is DotA 2 (which will be MP only) All while delaying HL2 Ep 3 for what seems like forever.

For me this is a good move. Sure I liked HL2 because it was one of the few single players games that was actually good, but I only spent 12 or so hours playing it and then I was done. Give me more games like TF2 where I have spent over 1000 hours playing.

I would rather see Valve put priority on a game i'll have fun playing for hundreds of hours and not ones i'll be done with in less than 15. If they can somehow make solo play fun for over 100 hours then do that.
WTF??? It's the only reason I play their games -- their fantastic single-player compaigns. This has to be about forcing people to play online, to deal with piracy.
TF2, L4D, L4D2 (all MP centric) next is DotA 2 (which will be MP only) All while delaying HL2 Ep 3 for what seems like forever.

It's worth noting that L4D was developed by a separate subsidiary that they later purchased, and likely did not impact HL2 EP3.
WTF??? It's the only reason I play their games -- their fantastic single-player compaigns. This has to be about forcing people to play online, to deal with piracy.

Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I can't imagine how completely out of touch publishers must be to be constantly freaking out about piracy (and used game sales :rolleyes: ). At least on consoles, good single-player games still sell millions of copies all the time. That may not be the case for the PC, but the general consolization shift easily offers an alternative explanation to piracy.