Using unsecured Wi-Fi for long-term use?

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Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2006
I just moved into a new apartment and someone in the building has an unsecured connection which I’ve been using with no issues (except slower speed) since I moved in a couple days ago. I’m wondering what risks I would be taking if I was to use this connection instead of just setting up my own connection. The thought of saving $60+/mo is appealing but I’m concerned about security issues in regard to paying bills, bank transfers, stock trades, etc. I do have a secure connection elsewhere which I could use for that sort of thing if it would be a risk using it at home. Should I just bite the bullet and get my own service set up?
Get your own connection.

End of story.
^ Exactly...

Using that connection, do it with the expectation that EVERYTHING you do and see they have access to, completely insecure. The owner of the access point could be collecting all of the data that passes through it for all you know. If thats the case, may as well just leave a letter in their mailbox with all of your login information.

Also, while I am not as familiar with the rules here at [H] as I am at some other forums I used to moderate at, this type of discussion would be against the rules of other site, and the thread would be shut down.... Just saying...
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My buddy did this for a while.. that is until he accidently printed some documents on the autocreated "neighbors" printer in Windows with his personal info on it. :D
I would ask myself if I would enjoy someone else using my internet connection if the situation were reversed, and proceed from there.
I would ask myself if I would enjoy someone else using my internet connection if the situation were reversed, and proceed from there.


As far as security...that is why you encrypt the hell out of your VPN tunnel. Even if you are on your own connection.
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