Using Supercomputers To Hunt Child Pornographers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This is easily one of the best uses of a supercomputer ever. Perverts and pedophiles around the world beware, the Jaguar is hunting you.

The lead investigator on the project at Oak Ridge, Robert Patton, has developed algorithms that analyse traffic, looking at the search terms people are using on peer-to-peer, file-sharing networks. Search terms that indicate someone is looking for child porn are flagged, and the algorithm watches to see how different IP addresses respond to the queries. In this way, the system points law enforcement agencies toward the computers that are posting new material on file-sharing networks.
That computer should scan the hard drives of Comcast Exec's; Those guys are crazy.
Next thing he'll tweak it a bit to cash in for the RIAA and the MPAA and those file-sharers. Someone has to pay for those peta-flops.
I like the use, don't like the thought of expanding it to the **AAs. Or whomever pays the most to track whatever down.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Who care about things like privacy, civil rights, search warrants, and freedom?
Who care about things like privacy, civil rights, search warrants, and freedom?

I don't think it's a violation of privacy to scan searches on P2P networks. How can you expect privacy on a file-sharing network?
I just googled NAMBLA because I had no idea what it was... are they serious with that shit???
I like the use, don't like the thought of expanding it to the **AAs. Or whomever pays the most to track whatever down.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Like it or not, it'll happen sooner or later. I doubt there's anyway to avoid it... since downloading a song seems to be an equivalent to rape nowadays.

/exaggeration or is it? dun dun dun.
really? i got flagged for THAT? :confused:

He prolly got flagged for quoting your post that contained that word. :D

People really get up in arms over that sort of thing. Not that I disagree that they should, but I just wish they would define the crime a bit better. As it stands, a picture of a girl that appears 17, (she could be 25, but if you can't prove it you are screwed), in a swimsuit can be enough to get you in trouble.
After reading the article, it looks like they are trying more to find the people creating child pornography, although I'm not buying the "volume" thing.. I'm willing to bet if they were to find every file out there, weed out the copies, there'd be a lot more people watching than making it... Of course this could help a lot in finding the perpetrators than just nabbing people looking at it, which is a step in the right direction.
People really get up in arms over that sort of thing. Not that I disagree that they should, but I just wish they would define the crime a bit better. As it stands, a picture of a girl that appears 17, (she could be 25, but if you can't prove it you are screwed), in a swimsuit can be enough to get you in trouble.

Yeah, I don't know. When I think "child porn" I think "naked pre-pubescent kids engaged in pornographic activities" while, in court, it could have nothing to actually do with that... So it winds up with people getting "child porn" convictions and having their lives ruined for something that really amounts to nothing.
Thank god, maybe they can finally get this guy...


While we're on the topic of people the government needs to get, they should set this thing on Osama.
I just googled NAMBLA because I had no idea what it was... are they serious with that shit???

Yea :( there is a group for pretty much anything you can or can't imagine. I just hope jail finds the criminals before they do any lasting harm.
And we shall call it Childnet, and it will reach for the sky.

Seriously though, reducing the production of child porn, thats a great cause to take up.. But scanning search terms? I cant see how that could -possibly- go wrong. I agree with one of the other posters here, people do go pretty rabid over the child porn thing. I totally understand, everyone wants to save the children.. but some care needs to be taken not to ruin totally innocent peoples lives too.

Wasnt it just a few years back that some woman was letting her kids play in the yard naked and her neighbors accused her of some sort of child pornography thing and so the cops came and trashed the place looking for some child porn ring and found a picture of a naked baby on a computer? Then after sending the mother to jail, and a massive privacy/home invasion, and public ridicule and humiliation, it was determined that she had not really done any wrong and released her. That is after having traumatizing her kids and putting em in someone elses custody. Then to top it all off even after being cleared they had to move because the neighborhood they were in originally had turned hostile and actually became unsafe for her and her kids because of that? (If anyone has the link to that article feel free to post it, i cant seem to find the one i recall reading, maybe i got one of the details wrong?)

Anyway, yeah i cant imagine anything like that happening again with a super computer on the case, it has algorithms and stuff. I guess its better to try to do something than to do nothing. Still it feels like this is setting a bad precedent in the use of technology for some new, more common, acceptable form of wiretapping. Next thing you know the police start showing up Minority Report style.
hey, uh, you guys don't think they would change the search terms to find people that like beastiality do you? my uh, friend wants to know if he should be concerned....
hey, uh, you guys don't think they would change the search terms to find people that like beastiality do you? my uh, friend wants to know if he should be concerned....

Only privacy we have anymore is the thought in your head that you never told anyone.
I'm confused Pedoseal or Jaguar?

Rofl. I had meant to have Jaguar find Osama, but you make an interesting point.

Someone with some photoshop skills should make a pic of Pedoseal sneaking up on Osama bin Laden.
I wonder how long before it starts looking for querries about wiki leaks.

Scary thing is al those tools to hunt pedophiles can be super easily changed into 1984 scenario equipment.
1st saw that I thought it saw "Photographers". Good use for them!

Anyway want Bronchitis? Free
There are tons of ways to turn everyday equipment into weapons - too many to list here. The key is to make sure that the people who use them are the good guys.

How do we manage to keep this tool in the hands of the good guys? Who are these good guys? Are there really any good guys?

They are just using CP as an excuse. For the last 60 years the supposed good guys have have used every new tech that has come along to whittle what people consider privacy down to nothing. They will trot this out under the "pretense" of going after CP rings, because just about everybody can get behind that use quite easily. Then, there will be a few high profile CP busts, which is great, and we will praise them. Then they will quietly begin to use it for other purposes, that many, if not most, would not agree with, until it is no longer being used for what it was "supposedly" meant for in the first place.

I am not sure there even are any good guys. It seems that even if you give a choir boy a little taste of power, and he loses his damn mind on a power trip these days. At the top levels of our society, it seems that the only game they play is the: "who can abuse their power the most with out getting tossed out of office, fired or imprisoned", game.

I can get behind the cause. But even though it will prolly prove very effective at getting to the content creators, I can not get behind the method, or the tool. They WILL abuse this tool. The only question in my mind is how they will abuse it.
It's just another excuse to chip away at what little personal "privacy" that ordinary every day citizens have left, which is dwindling rapidly. This whole "we have to monitor to catch bad people" thing is so much contrived bullshit it's not even funny.

I'd love to bitch, whine, and moan about the government's abuse of power and excessive snooping but, considering they'll be monitoring this for keywords, well... I'm sure my file will just get another flag on it.
Like using a bazooka to kill a fly. It's sad that we even need to do this, but hey, hopefully it works.
yeah 4chan may just get taken down again with that. The amount of CP that gets posted on purpose to get the site FBI'd is amazing.
yeah 4chan may just get taken down again with that. The amount of CP that gets posted on purpose to get the site FBI'd is amazing.

and you know because you look at it... PERVERT

LYNCH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111

protip: i just got flagged for quoting you AND condoning violence.
Seriously though, reducing the production of child porn, thats a great cause to take up.. But scanning search terms? I cant see how that could -possibly- go wrong. I agree with one of the other posters here, people do go pretty rabid over the child porn thing. I totally understand, everyone wants to save the children.. but some care needs to be taken not to ruin totally innocent peoples lives too.

I completely agree. People are way too scared about child sex crimes these days.

In this particular instance, though, the police seem to be going after the producers of child pornography, which is respectable, IMO. So long as they don't raid someone's home over a non-pornographic picture on their hard drive that got there god-knows-how.

Supercomputers monitoring keywords are not really a violation of privacy, IMO, because there is privacy in numbers. Even if everyone in this thread was "flagged" as they say, we are only a few of thousands of hits, and no human will ever take the time to link those hits to our real-world identities.

All anyone will ever know is that "someone somewhere made a forum post about NAMBLA," for example, which isn't really a violation of privacy. I could have told you that without seeing the actual post.