upgrading to 4gigs

For gaming, no real difference IN games. But 4GB of RAM would allow you to run more apps in the background like AIM, Firefox, etc. Hell, I don't ever bother closing any app when gaming since I made the jump to 4GB of RAM

4GB of RAM will also help if you do heavy Photoshop and video editing.

You should be fine just buying that second set. However do note that for the same price as that OCZ set, you can get a 4GB set of RAM:
G.Skill F2-8000CL5D-4GBPQ 2 x 2GB DDR2 1000 RAM - $68

Get the G.Skill set and you have 6GB of RAM! But do note that you need to use a 64bit OS in order to use 4GB of RAM and more. Otherwise, you'll only be able to use about 3GB to 3.5GB of RAM even if you go with 6GB of RAM.
well the ones i got are OCZ yo
In general, you are better off mixing the EXACT memory that you currently have for best stability and compatibility. Mixing different brands/speeds/densities etc can cause problems in some cases.

And, 4GB vs 2GB can in fact improve game play. It's not going to do much at all for MAX frame rate but for maintaining minimum frame rate and playability it is great for some of the more demanding games.

AN804 is a good read as well as AN806.
I have that 2x2GB PC2-8000 G-Skill kit. You wouldn't be disappointed with that kit if you plan to run it at PC2-8000 speed (DDR2-1000) or below. Just beware that it will not overclock very well at all. G-Skill sell DDR2 RAM at every speed up to PC2-9600. When testing their sticks of RAM, if it performs well enough at a standard speed for 24/7 usage, they will bin it at that speed. For example, if they test a stick and it performs at DDR2-1100, they will either bin it 1066 or 1100 (probably depending on just how far it goes passed 1100). They will not bin it at DDR2-1000.

I was lucky enough to get my PC2-8000 kit all the way up to DDR2-1066. That is a rather high OC for G-Skill RAM.

However, you will get what you paid for and it will perform well.
Hmmm thanks. I guess ill just wait on another set, but thanks a lot guys. This Memory is awesome tho :) I just wanted to spend money :(