Upgrade during the 3 month monitoring period?

Aug 25, 2006
I applied for that deal where you get Vista for free in exchange for installing software for 3 months. I am wanting to upgrade my pc, will I be able to do this or will I have to wait? I sent MS an email at the email address for support but it bounced back.
Here in America you can upgrade your computer whenever you want, you don't need Microsoft's blessing.

Seriously, rephrase your question. I can't make any sense of what you are asking.
MS had an offer a few weeks back where you sign up to let MS install monitoring software on your pc for 3 months and exchange you get Vista Ultimate for free. I am wanting to upgrade my mobo/cpu but am afraid it will mess up my chance at Vista Ultimate for free.
He is referring to the Microsoft Feedback Panel.

I am guessing you should probably leave your sytem to be for the three months you are part of the panel, but I am not sure.
Thanks for the clarification. You can upgrade your motherboard and processor without having to completely wipe your system using Sysprep. This would leave the WFP software intact. It's all about how Microsoft would handle the changes you made to your system. I'm sure they keep some kind of WFP profile for your machine. Since none of your files would be changing (other than certain drivers and software included with your upgrade) I don't think it would matter to them. I don't think hardware is a big concern to them with this program. I think the information they are really after is what programs you are using, browsing habits, and how you keep your files organized. Did you read through the terms?

Personally, I would wait until the program is over.
It's on your CD, and for instructions, follow the sticky.

As for the Feedback Panel, are you absolutely sure you are eligible? Quite a few people signed up, but won't be getting anything for free.
I am interested in my particular outcome in a similar situation. I had a Vista self destruct and had to put a fresh install in my system. I loaded the feedback program back onto the OS from the original offer, however the software choice had expired and registered with the same email addy. I guess I'll find out in a couple months if that does the trick. My laptop is in need of a fresh install as well, but I'm not messing with that one until I get my copies of ultimate.
Yeah, I'm going to start sending emails regularly until I get a solid response. I'll also try writing Microsoft. They can't ignore me forever...wait
Just reinstall it on your new PC, you log on via your email when you install it.
I am signed up as well. I am kinda wondering if I will get my free stuff or not. only because I have not heard anything from them sense signing up. I had the option of chooseing the software I wanted and had to enter my address for shipping. But just not hearing anything fro them sense is kinda worrisome. but i guess they did say you would be contacted only if there was problems.
MS is terrible with shipping, I ordered a 64bit Vista disk at the end of December, it shipped on December 27th and I finally got it on Jan 16th, thats more then 2 and a half weeks.

Now, some folks already got there disks from this offer only about a month after signing up, I did not. My guess even if your completed the 3 months it could still be a while before we see them.