Update For Critical Adobe Hole Coming Tuesday

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Adobe says that fixes for its latest batch of critical security flaws will be available on Tuesday. In the mean time, don’t let anyone in your Adobe hole until the patch arrives.

A Security Advisory has been posted in regards to the upcoming Adobe Reader and Acrobat updates scheduled for June 29, 2010. The updates will address critical security issues in the products, including CVE-2010-1297 referenced in Security Advisory APSA10-01. These security updates will be made available for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX.
That's it, I'm turning off my computer until Tuesday for the security update. :p
I've found that the best way to address security vulnerabilities in Adobe software is to utilize the Add or Remove Programs function in Windows. Simply select the offending Adobe application, click Change/Remove and proceed with the patching process (Windows curiously refers to this as "uninstallation"). Voilà!
Actually, you have a lot of control with noscript. Can just disable just Adobe too. And then click on the video area you want to actually play. Or just disallow cross site scripting, and only allow flash to come from the site you're on. You only go to reputable sites, right?
I've found that the best way to address security vulnerabilities in Adobe software is to utilize the Add or Remove Programs function in Windows. Simply select the offending Adobe application, click Change/Remove and proceed with the patching process (Windows curiously refers to this as "uninstallation"). Voilà!


Adobe always has major security holes. Constantly.
I hate to say it but ABP will be up and in full effect till Tuesday. Adobe really needs to sandbox that thing.
Depending on how you read that headline, you might think there's a critical hole coming Tuesday that Adobe has already released a patch for. Huzzah!